Thursday, June 15, 2017

I Have To Run...

Prior to August 2016, I was able to run for miles and miles. 3 -4 days a week I would tun anywhere between 4 and 10 miles and I loved it. It broke my body down but 2 days later I would be better and stronger and able to run longer. It only took me about 4 months to develope that type of conditioning and I long for that again.

It has been hard to get back into running like that as there are significant body aches the body experiences and rest the body needs to recover that I don't want to give due to my weight lifting. I don't care what anyone says....cardio KILLS lifting strength. Anyone who knows me, knows I love lifting heavy.  However, I think I have found a decent and happy middle ground, by keeping the miles I run under 5.

Running short distances a couple few times a week is helping me to shred weight and feel better. For me Running is essential. I have always loved to and it has always provided me tough love (with benefits) in return. ❤️

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Getting My Groove Back

I haven't blogged in a while. Me and my son have been working out consistently and he has made some incredible gains. I am continuing have struggles with eating clean, although yesterday I committed to doing better in this area and so far so good!

I am also making gains in the gym as well. My bench is up, my lat pulls are up and my overall strength is up. I've been having issues with my squat due to my left knee nagging me but I'm still hanging in there. I'm totally focused on form and gradually building up to heavy weight (even though I still lift heavy for a female). :-)

I'm finding my flow again but I am still not back to where I was. I will get there though! I have no doubts about it!

For the months of June and July, I'm working on getting my cardio up and continuing to work out all the kinks. Slowly but surely the weight is coming off. With the newly implemented food plan, I should start seeing more impressive results.

I'll keep ya posted! Happy lifting!!!

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Missing In Action (MIA)

Yes, I know that I've been offline for quite some time due to my fitness struggles, after the loss of my mom. No matter how great some days are, I still struggle on the not so great days! I must say that I am closer to having the old fit mindset than I have in the past year, plus I have some new motivation; my son.

He's new to weightlifting but has been making some great gains and has kept me in the gym consistently over the last 8 weeks. I owe him for sparking that flame. Even though I still have some major things to tweek (diet), I'm well on my way. 

Eating clean is essential and I know this! And although I have corrected most of the  VERY BAD HABITS I picked up over the last 10 months, I still find myself reaching for the bad stuff. Now I'm not really a chip, burger, or food junkie, but when it comes to ice cream... I'm weak. I have slowly been replacing the ice cream with sugar free popcicles and frozen yogurt but since it's a healthier alternative I tend to over indulge. Yeah... I've got some work to do because it's stalling my gains/goals. 

Other than that, I'm back in the gym, I'm back jogging 4 days a week, I'm back to meal planning, and I'm back focusing on what changes I need to make to reach my goals while helping my son reach his. His transformation is short of amazing already and I can't wait to reveal his improvements. Until then, I'm gonna continue getting my mind where it needs to be to do what I need to do. 

I guess no matter what happens in life and no matter where you are, the only way to get to your desired destination is to keep chugging forward. 



Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Free Fallin'

Since my mom died, I've been really struggling with finding my way back into the fitness realm. My heart heart has desired it so, but my mind has held me hostage and prevented me from truly moving forward. Yeah, I lifted with D.F.C. a couple of times and really enjoyed it but lacked the drive to stay consistent. The drive, the weather, having to meet other obligations have been my excuses. Well, I'm done making those.
The truth is I have felt like I'm in a very bad dream and I can't wake up. I felt like I'm free falling with very little control and even less desire. Chistmas, was so very hard. First one without my mom and she LOVED Christmas! I don't  celebrate the Holiday but my family does and therefore I'm in the mix of the celebrations. I woke up already thinking that Monday (Dec.26) was going to be it. I was not going to allow myself to continue down the path of destruction that I was on. I was going to get back to the things that I
The day before my mom's funeral, daughter Brandi gave me a Pandora bracelet with two charms; a heart that says mom and an angel wing. On Christmas, she gave me another charm that immediately solidified my next steps and sent a surge of motivation through my soul. The message read, "Sometimes you've gotta fall before you fly." Yesterday, Monday morning, I jogged for the first time in months. Although it was hard, I felt good. I ate properly and drank more water than I have in a while.

Although I know I have a way to go before I'm back in my FitZone, I feel better today about my mindset and motivation. Fitness is a total mindgame. If your head is not in it, you don't do well. I'm reclaiming my FitMind, FitSpirit, FitBody, and my freaking inner beast!

Right now, I'm working on just being consistent and getting my cardio up. I'm aiming to be with D.F.C. 2-3 days weekly, but will commit to working out daily for the next 89 days. I have to recreate my foundation. I'm also handling some D.F.C. business that will take up some of my time but fitness is my primary drive.

I have about 50lbs to lose so I have to really stay to focused. I'll keep you posted.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The Good Ol' Days

I start this post around 5:30am as I soak in a tub full of hot water, Epsom salt, and a variety of essential oils to help facilitate my ability to walk today. It wouldn't be so bad if  leg day was not upon me again, but it is and I intend to participate fully.

This will be day 2 with D.F.C. and again, I'm excited. I think part of me is just happy to have broken the stagnant stage of doing nothing to doing something and the other part of me is excited because I love the people I train with. The internal push hasn't changed. When they see you struggling, they help you push through. For me, right about now that is key. There was a time not too long ago in which all I needed was my music banging in my headphones and a goal. It didn't really matter who though what, or who supported...I was my own motivation.  Not so much these days. My decreased abilities due to my long separation from any physical activity has me feeling like a true newbie. I hate that term.

How I long for the good ol' days (which was actually about 7 months ago-lol). But still, my drive was ridiculous, there was nothing that I could not or would not attempt, I had a ton of endurance, and I was strong as hell! I truly miss those times and I have a ton of WORK!!! to do to recapture them. 

As I see it, I have to re-establish a few things:
1. Balance- I noticed that my overall balance has taken a few steps backwards so, during my down time I will be working on balance and stability. 
2. Pace- To rush through a set is not allowing your targeted muscle groups the full benefit of the movement. I found myself trying to rush through the set versus taking additional time to really hit what I'm trying to hit. 
3. Focus- I have to find a way to focus on the task at hand. My mind tends to wander which negatively impacts my breathing and overall concentration on what I'm doing. This also has an impact on my pace.
4. Fun- Although I LOVE lifting and fitness, at this stage it is truly hard WORK!!! and therefore not as much fun as I know it can be. So, I have to chill on pressuring myself just have some fun with it. 

Overall, reclaiming what is mine is ultimately up to me. I will get there. I can see it, which makes it possible and I believe it and therefore it's done (R. Kelly is in there somewhere-lol)! So, I be patient with myself and fight to make my way back to this good ol' days... In fact, I intend to be better than I was then! Turn my old highs in fitness upside down and create a smarter, leaner, and stronger version of me (wink, wink)! It's never to late to re-invent yourself. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2016


A There is a lot to be said about grief. It has a way of breaking you down to levels you never knew existed. It will have you put all the things and people you love, far in the background. I LOVE FITNESS!!! I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT BEING FIT!!! I LOVE THE PEOPLE, THE PAIN, THE CHALLENGES, THE GAINS, AND THE GLORY!!! But grief has kept me away from all that for quite some time. As a result; I've gained 55lbs, have developed insomnia, and have used my asthma pump more in the ladt 2 months than I have since I was 17.

Once you have been out of the fitness loop and the habits of healthy eating and working out everyday are replaced with eating whatever and not leaving the house...there are consequences. Over the last 6 months, There was not a day that went by that I didn't think about being in the gym, but I had other priorities and responsibilities. Over the last 6 weeks, there was nothing stopping me from getting to the gym, except grief. 

Within the last month, I have been asked "when are you coming back?" I always knew I would return but I didn't want to return until I got my cardio up and shed a few pounds. I was now letting some keep me from the people and things that I love. Shame is something different than grief. Something that I have very little experience with because I try to do the right things all the time; no matter what. So on last Friday, I received a call from 3rèFit. He ended up sharing some things with me that had me  crying like a baby; although I know that was not his intention. By the end of that conversation I felt confident to return on Monday (yesterday). 

A workout that I would have killed in the past kicked every inch of my a$$! BUT I STILL LOVE IT! Being back in the gym felt GREAT! Being back with the CREW was AMAZING! Getting through that first workout was LIBERATING. 

Grief is something that one experiences when they lose someone or something that is important to them. After the loss, the love that you have for that person doesn't end, but the are no longer around for you to show them that love. The love has no immediate way to be channeled and grief sets in. For me, I had to make a decision to channel that grief/love in a way that would honor my mom and help me to get back to living life. I still cry, have some anger, and miss my mom in ways no one will ever understand. However, all that LOVE will be channeled in ways that will help me resume the awesome life and people that I have been blessed with. I'm almost positive my mom would approve.
So, I reignite my journey. Haha, JOURNEY REIGNITED. 

Wednesday, July 6, 2016


Over the last month I have been forced to be creative with my gym time, as it has been limited. I have still been following the D.F.C. training schedule and  have also added some other things. Today, I was taught how to play racquetball and I have to say it is challenging but that cardio is so valuable. My focus has really always been endurance and strength. I want to be able to lift (light or heavy, but I LOVE heavy) and also be able to engage in other sports and activities without getting winded (running, boxing, biking, stairs...). I know so many people that do so many different things and depending when they ask me if I want to go do this or that, I want to be able to say sure! I don't want to turn down opportunities to do something new because I feel I may get winded or slow someone else down. I want to be confident that I can keep up no matter what the activity is. WELL ROUNDED. I have always said that. I want to be a well rounded athlete.

Now, don't get me wrong. I do know that when you are in the process of training for something specific, that THING needs your undivided attention. For example, should I ever decide to do a deadlifting competition; deadlifting is what I will be focusing on 80% of the time. Since I am not in training for anything, then I'm going to be dabbling in a bit of everything. Anything except winter sports (when the season comes; I HATE the cold).

This upcoming week I will be heading to Palos Heights to climb stairs and run the trails. I have a few people that are planning on coming with me but when the time comes we will see who actually shows up. The stairs are steep and brutal but provide a ridiculous workout. People of all fitness levels tackle these things and everyone there truly understands the struggle (with the stairs that is). If you are ever in the Palos Heights, Illinois area; DON'T PASS UP THIS FITCHALLENGE!!! :-)

There is one last thing that I want to do before the weather turns bad and that's rock climb. I think I would like to start out with a gigantic rock climbing wall, then hit a very short mountain somewhere to climb. I mean a VERY SHORT one. I really like hiking as well but I hate the bugs, however I'm going to have to overlook that aspect of it and just get out there. I am learning to embrace the outdoors as it has a tendency to challenge the body a bit. Especially if what you are doing is new to you. That's when you start to see progress. That also happens in the gym as well that is why it is recommended that you change your workout program every 4-6 weeks. Once your body becomes efficient at doing something, if you don't change it up or increase the intensity progress slows and eventually stops. However, efficiency is a beautiful thing.

Between weight lifting and involving myself in other activities when possible, I feel that I will soon be back on the fat loss track. My diet is on point and I'm drinking a little over a gallon of water a day. I love being in the gym and will keep my current lifting schedule but will also be adding some things that my body is not used to. Hopefully I can avoid the dreaded plateaus and increase my overall endurance and health. Most importantly, I want to make sure that I'm having fun while I'm doing it! I'll keep you posted!