Sunday, April 9, 2017

Missing In Action (MIA)

Yes, I know that I've been offline for quite some time due to my fitness struggles, after the loss of my mom. No matter how great some days are, I still struggle on the not so great days! I must say that I am closer to having the old fit mindset than I have in the past year, plus I have some new motivation; my son.

He's new to weightlifting but has been making some great gains and has kept me in the gym consistently over the last 8 weeks. I owe him for sparking that flame. Even though I still have some major things to tweek (diet), I'm well on my way. 

Eating clean is essential and I know this! And although I have corrected most of the  VERY BAD HABITS I picked up over the last 10 months, I still find myself reaching for the bad stuff. Now I'm not really a chip, burger, or food junkie, but when it comes to ice cream... I'm weak. I have slowly been replacing the ice cream with sugar free popcicles and frozen yogurt but since it's a healthier alternative I tend to over indulge. Yeah... I've got some work to do because it's stalling my gains/goals. 

Other than that, I'm back in the gym, I'm back jogging 4 days a week, I'm back to meal planning, and I'm back focusing on what changes I need to make to reach my goals while helping my son reach his. His transformation is short of amazing already and I can't wait to reveal his improvements. Until then, I'm gonna continue getting my mind where it needs to be to do what I need to do. 

I guess no matter what happens in life and no matter where you are, the only way to get to your desired destination is to keep chugging forward. 
