Friday, February 28, 2014

Forget being skinny.....

Okay so most women who are trying to lose weight usually have this vision in their heads about how they will look at their goal weight. I know because I've done it. I used to invision being the same size I was in high school. Honestly, I don't know if I would even want to be that small again, it might look weird. Anyhoo, we need to focus more on being fit and getting strong instead of focusing on being skinny. Skinny is out, fit is in! We should be able to lift, run, squat, bend, push, and pull without being overly tired or weak. A "Fitness Badass" is what I'm aiming for. How about you?
Today's Challenge: Get out of your comfort zone! Change that workout up and push yourself! You have to keep your body guessing! Don't ever slow down or stop! 

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Good Things....

I was up until the wee hours of the morning at the ER with my son, so I missed my 5am gym time. I'm a bit thrown off and all sorts of excuses and reasons why I should stay in bed have crossed my mind. I had to look through my pics to find my motivation, which is the pic I posted. You have to work hard in order to reach your goals. Laying in bed is not going to get you there! Excuses are not going to get you there! So I'm about to get my behind up, dressed and to the gym! You should do the same!
Today's Challenge: Stay focused on your goals and don't deviate from your plan! Get to the gym!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Baby Steps....

There is this flaw we humans have when it comes to something we want. We want  things to happen overnight which is not realistic. For most of us, it took some time for us to gain weight or get out of shape and it will take some time (probably less time) for us to get our sexy back. The thing is, as long as you take proper daily strides towards your goal, you will get there and you will stay there. Don't rush the process. Doing so will discourage you in continuing. Instead, enjoy the journey and take pride in your accomplishments. Make a healthy change and perfect it until it's habitual. Hang on to the image of how you WILL look and feel when you do reach your goal. You CAN do it!!!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

A Cute Workout....

I am the lipstick lifter! I walk in the gym dressed to workout with hot pink lipstick blazing. By the time I'm done working out, my hair is messed up, my clothes are soaked, and my lipstick is non existent. I look a hot mess! However, I feel good and I know I've worked my butt off. If you do not finish up your workout looking like you've just been put through a wringer, you stay your butt in the gym until you do! Then you will know you've put your all into your workout. 
Today's Chalenge: Change up your workout every 1-2 weeks. This will make your body constantly adapt to changes which gets you past those icky plateaus. You've got this! 

Monday, February 24, 2014


I truly hate the fact that I am an individual that has to count calories. I hate the fact that calories even exist! Okay, I'm done. Seriously though, weight loss and fitness is truly a science. You have to count calories in and out and you have to know how to manipulate muscles in order to get stronger. There is a lot going on behind the scene of fitness. Diet IS the most difficult and most important component to get in order. Especially if you are a sweet addict like me. To lose and get fit, we have to say no to the junk, ear more veggies, drink more water, and count those calories. There is no way around it. 
Today's Challenge: Start counting your calories in and adjust your workout accordingly. You can do it!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

True Love!

I have not always been a huge fan of working out. It's sometimes hard to get motivated and even more difficult to stay motivated. I have always wanted to be one of those people that looked forward to getting up early and going for a run or hitting the gym. I tried being that person more times than I can count but I always gave up before reaching my goals. Not this time! I am in the mode/zone, and I am loving it! If I could be in the gym 10 hours a day I would be there. When you start to see results, the motivation increases and it's easier to stay engaged. After a while, it just becomes plain old habit; a lifestyle. It may take some time to get there, but you will get there! 
Today's Challenge: Be your own motivation! Make your body do what you want it to do. Make your body conform to  help you reach your goals. There's a catch to this though....Your mind must lead the way. Make it happen!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Hang In There!!!

So, I have recently started lifting heavy weights. I live for deadlifts and I'm working on improving my bench press. I started out dead lifting only the 45lb bar. At one point, that was difficult for me. I remember adding 20lbs to that bar and thought to myself, "this is too much!" That weight used to be my workout, but now it's too light to even be my warmup! My warm up weight is 155lbs 10x. My workout weight is currently 175-185lbs lifting 20-30x. And I increase the weight amout weekly. I never thought it would be possible but with time, patience, consistentcy, and persistence you will get there! Your body will do anything your mind tells it to do. You may have to condition the body first but you can do it! 
Today's Challenge: This is a simple one... Start believing in you and your abilities to accomplish your goals. Visualize the improved you several times a day and tell yourself you can do it. Positive mental attitude (PMA) makes anything attainable. Have faith in you, I do!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Getting It In Early...

I swear by working out in the morning before doing anything else. An early morning workout gets my day started out right and gives me so much energy. It is very hard for me to get in a good workout after 12pm. It may be all psychological but when I have done a bunch of running around, housework, or even studying; I'm drained. I would rather go into the gym on an empty stomach and allow my body to continue burning that stubborn stored fat. We always find time to eat bit not time to workout. If you are having difficulties getting your workout in, try hitting the gym at 5 or 6am. You will be energized all day and feel great! That is today's challenge. 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

True Love...

I used to be a cardio junkie. For real. I could do cardio all day long and still want more. Although I still love cardio because of all the weight loss benefits it offers, I am passionately in love with weight lifting.  When I was younger, my brother use to lift and I so wanted to lift like him. However, I was little and was into gymnastics and bowling. The benefits of lifting are endless. Every session makes you stronger and gets you closer to your fitness goals. I will say that it does take some gumption to get motivated to lift but once you start, no one will be able to stop you. It is truly addicting and almost euphoric which is why it's a keeper. 
Today's Challenge: This challenge is a personal one as I are so badly yesterday. So today, eat clean. That is all! 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Spin Classes Kick A--!

Okay....I can't express how much I have grown to lovey spin class. At first I hated it but commutes to doing it just to lose weight. I hated it because I knew I was out of shape, overweight, and not able to work at the capacity of others in the class. Well after the first 3 weeks of attending class 2x a week, I had greatly improved. There were days that I wanted to give up but didn't and now I could spin for hours. Spin helped to kick start my weight loss, made other workouts easier, and improved my abilities to run. I owe a lot to the spin bike, my spin cohort, and Dave, my spin instructor. Although you can find great people to support you in your journey, the hard work is all yours!
Today's Challenge: Plan to attend a spin class. Give it a chance and stick with it for one month. Even if you spin one time a week, you will soon notice improvements. Initially you may hate it but I promise you, it's one of the best cardio workouts and will bring you many results. 

Persistence & Consistence

Do good things come to those who wait? Wel.... Yes and no. In making this lifestyle change we want things to happen quickly. We have finally made the decision to get fit and we want results, now. However, that's just not how it works. We have to be patient and work through whatever mental challenges we encounter that makes us want to give up. Now, we can wait for results to show up without putting in some hardcore work. The good will never come if we are not taking the needed steps to make it happen. So, being persistent and consistent are the keys to seeing your body change. No matter what, stick with it and don't stop for any reason. You will get there!
Today's Challenge: Plan your workouts 1 week in advance and stick to it no matter what (unless injured). 

Monday, February 17, 2014

I Love Weight Training!

On your journey to living a better life and getting fit, you may try some new diets or exercises programs that may bring you quick results. Fad diets are probably not the best way to lose weight and how many times have you purchase exercise tapes and they just collect dust on your entertainment center? At least the exercise DVDs can give you a good workout if you use them. One thing that I have learned in my fitness quest is that you cannot truly be fit without weight training. Incorporating weight trainging into any diet and exercise routine can assist you in losing more fat faster while building muscle. There are a million articles, websites, and YouTube videos that will advise you in getting started. Make sure you start with light weights and gradually work up to heavier lifting. I try to add at least 10lbs to my current lifting weight each week. This shows you are making progress and getting stronger. At first it may be scary. Take your time and keep lifting weight safe. Get a lifting partner or personal trainer to support and spot you when needed. Go lighter when you're alone and never lift through pain. If you experience pain, stop. Of you experience injury, rest until your injury is COMPLETELY healed.
Today's Challenge: Research beginner weight lifting plans. Make a serious commitment to try it out for 1 week. You will be happy you did! 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Music, focused, fixed, GO!

I have always been in love with weight lifting. I neglected what was best for my body for so long and now weight lifting is back in my life. I'm sure I like it more than cardio, but I know that I have to use them together for maximum results. Deadlifts are my absolute favorite, then the bench press, followed by the leg press, and finally squats. I am starting to find my groove when lifting that pretty much resembles the pic posted today. I have to have the music blasted, my hands have to be on the bar, my eyes have zeroed in on a spot, my body is in the correct position, and I just wait for the word GO! It's amazing how we can psych ourselves  to not do something. Well, it's time to use those same mental abilities to get motivated and make lifestyle changes. Remember, people can only support your decision to change but they can't make your change happen. Get up, get out, and get fit! You've got this! 
Today's Challenge: If you haven't already, incorporate weight training into your routine. Start light and impliment menouvers you are comfortable with. Add weight in 5 or 10 pound increments and choose a number of reps to accomplish. For example, if you choose the number 30, do as many reps as you can before resting then repeat until your rep number is reached. If you can crank out one more, go for it!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Sleep & Weight Loss

I am one that has historically functioned on very little sleep. I get about 4 hours and then I'm back at it. Well I recently learned that if you are trying to lose weight, it is essential that you get proper rest and quality sleep. My doctor recently sent me for a sleep study and results showed that I have sleep apnea. I was told I need to wear a CPAP machine as I stop breathing 37.4 times an hour; mostly in REM sleep. Due to this, my weight loss goals may be stalled. I found this article that explains it all. Most of us have sleep apnea and don't know it. If you are hitting brick walls in your fitness quest, consider having a sleep test done. 
Today's challenge: Just read this article! 

Do the Right Thing!

We all struggle with weather we should get off out butts and hit the gym. Especially when we're sick, tired, or pressed for time; trust me I know. I struggled with this today, but I made it. I recalled the fitness goals I have set for myself and the timeframe I would like to accomplish them, and I found the motivation. On about 3 hours of sleep and difficulties getting out of bed, I made it. I got my cardio in and I'm happy with that. You're have to remember that with each workout you are getting stronger and moving closer to you fitness goals. Hang in there and get to the gym! :-)

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Happiness, Believe, Discipline, Attitude...

To reach your fitness goals, there are four key eliments that will need to show up in the process. 
1. You have to take care of yourself! This means implementing self care by engaging in activities that make you laugh and smile.
2. You have to believe that you are able to accomplish all the goals you have made for yourself.
3. You have to discipline yourself to do things that are directly aligned with meeting your goals.
4. You have to have a good attitude in this process. Keep your negative thoughts and actions in check and you will succeed!

With these things acting as your catalyst you can only succeed. Do not allow anyone to tell you otherwise!

Today's Challenge: evaluate the four eliments and come up with a plan to incorporate them into your life. Refer to them often to keep yourself on track.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone!

Today is the first day that I hit the gym in a heavy lifting day by myself. I previously avoided lifting heavy due to fear of dropping the weights or injuring myself. Well, my lifting coach will not be around today. I am on my own.  Still a bit nervous but will not allow fear to keep me from sticking to the plan. As I am typing this, I feel proud of myself and look forward to killin' this workout! 

Today's Challenge: Step outside your comfort zone and do not allow fear to stall your goals! You can do it!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A Better You...

Lately I have found inspiration in other people. I am beginning to appreciate the fact that I am not alone in my quest to live a healthier lifestyle. When you are in the gym everyday and changes are occurring people notice. They start to support you in your efforts and provide encouraging words to keep you motivated. I enjoy every moment I spend in the gym. I try to be mindful of how my body is responding to the workout. I try to pay attention to my heart rate and breathing. I try to enjoy the atmosphere and energy around me to fuel my is important that we live life to its fullest and that we so more of what makes is feel good as long as it is productive and works towards the overall good. We have to recognize that just a couple of words of encouragement to a stranger can improve that persons outlook on life. That's powerful. 

Today's Challenge: Do something to make you a better you and try and brighten another persons day. You never know what someone else is going through and you could make the difference. 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Worst Enemy

I have been my worst enemy when it comes to fitness. I realized this recently when another person had more faith in my abilities than I did. It really stopped and made me think how much I may be sabotaging my own fitness goals. I have come to the conclusion that I am capable of reaching my goals with or without the motivation and inspiration of others. My goals are my goals; no one else's. Although it is great to have positive people in your corner, you have to be prepared to stand alone. The fear I had with lifting heavy weights is now gone. I can do this and I will win. 
Today's Challenge: Identify ways in which you may be sabotaging your goals, then commit to overcoming those fears any way you can. It may not be easy but it's possible. Now do it!

Mind Over Matter

How we choose to view things in life is key to how we respond to those things. Our mental attitude is key to overcoming any obstacle we face. I am currently in the middle of some serious weight training. I am strong and can lift a good amount of weight with a trusted spotter but alone I terrified. Even when I have a spotter, he has to convene me I can go heavier. This week I will be alone in the gym with the weights, today we are going to work past this mental block I have and leave it behind. I have to be able to hit the weights hard alone. Today is that day. I'm ready!
Today's challenge: Get past those mental blocks that keep you from reaching your goals. It truly is Mind Over Matter! 

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Sweat, it does the body good.

I am one that sweats just thinking about a workout. After 50 minutes I. The treadmill it looks as though I just ran a marathon. Sweating is beneficial in so many ways. It help to remove toxins from our bodies and lets is know when are really working. The important thing about sweating is replacing the fluids lost. If you sweat a liter of water, then you have to replace that liter by drinking a liter of water. The more you drink, the more you will sweat. Don't allow yourself to get dehydrated. You should take a few gulps of water every 10-15 mins you are working out. Hydration helps to fuel your workout. 
Today's challenge: Work up that sweat and feel good about it, but do to forget to hydrate! 

Friday, February 7, 2014

Excuses, Excuses...

I am probably one that can come up with every excuse as to why I can't make it to the gym. Well, I used to be anyways. Well, those excuses still cross my mind at times but I have to quickly extinguish them. Today, I am sore from head to toe from the workout I did yesterday. I also didn't get to sleep until about 1:30am and had to get up at 4:15am but I can't let those things stop me! Whatever your excuses are, you have to find a goal that can bust every excuse you can come up with. You have to make up in your mind that nothing or no one is going to stop you from reaching your goals. No More Excuses!!!!
Today's challenge: Work past the excuses that stall your fitness goals. Get moving no mater what!!!!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Others as Motivation...

It is great when you can find an individual that can motivate you to do better. I have had a long time fear of heavy lifting an have avoided it. I have dreamt about entering weight lifting competitions but never did what it would take to have a chance of winning. Well that changed today. An old friend took the time to help me past this fear, which is more valuable than anyone will ever know. I now feel that I can do what I've desired for many years. It pays to have good people on your team. So, today's challenge is to begin surrounding yourself with people that have like goals and have your fitness interests at heart. It's okay to be motivated by others. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Workout Pain...

When you first start working out, change your routine, or add weight lifting to your plan, you will be sore! The muscles you have engaged are going to let you know they still exist and are happy to be alive. Many will stop working out or take a few days off to eliminate or avoid this pain and they shouldn't! If you are only experiencing soreness and not outright injury, continuing to workout or lift light will help eliminate this soreness and keep those muscles loose. Just think with any soreness you feel, strength is being developed. Keep moving and stay motivated!
Today's challenge: Change up your routine. Do something different! You will get there!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Don't Stop!

For those of us who work out early in the morning, it can be a struggle to motivate yourself to get out of bed. It's easier to stay in bed and get an hour of so of extra sleep, however that will not get us where we want to be. We have to stay focused on our goals and make them happen. When we get side tracked we have to refocus and get ourselves back on track. I have said it a million times, we have to be our own motivation and know we will get there if we push through all that has been holding is back. Don't quit and you will win!
Today's challenge: Take a stance of doing better for your body. Stay focused! You WILL get there! 

Monday, February 3, 2014


Okay, so today I cut 10 mins off my run time and still got my 5k done, but feel as though I mentally kept myself from going harder. Maybe I'm being hard on myself, but if I'm not who will be? My goal is to prepare for an 8k in March and I'm praying that I get there. I can't seem to effectively fuel my run. After two miles, I start to run out of gas. I suppose I will need to find something to eat that will help me beyond that second mile. I will not get discouraged, I will not stop, and I will get there! I will continue to be my own motivation.

Today's challenge: Set a new goal and make it happen. My goal is to run 4 miles in 50 mins. I will make that happen.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Easy Come, Easy Go...

As human beings that live in America, we love things to happen quickly. We have a difficult time working hard then waiting to see the results. We want instant gradification. Well, when it comes to working out and getting healthy that does not always happen. Although, from the first day you make changes your health improves. Most of us want to drop 20 lbs overnight. That is not going to happen nor is that realistic. We have to make up in our minds that long term results may take some time, but will be worth it. Quick fixes go as quickly as they came and can have negative health consequences. Stay dedicated and just know you WILL get there. 

Today's Challenge: Make a list of all the positive changes you have experienced since starting your journey. If you are just starting, make a list of positive changes you want to see happen. 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Be a Better You!

We spend our entire lives compairing ourselves to others to assess if we are where we need to be. Never really stopping to think that what works for others may not work for us. When it comes to health and fitness we make those same compairisons. We look at the fitness level of the next person to rate ourselves and that can be discouraging. We are not all built the same nor are we all at the same fitness level. We have to stop looking around us and focus on the person in the mirror. Success is not what you see in others but what you see in yourself. As long as you are a little bit better than you were the day before you are moving in the right direction. Keep going! Keep striving! Keep the faith! You CAN do this!