Sunday, September 7, 2014

Killed It Today!!!

I had an excellent workout this morning! It started with lats, then I squated and deadlifted with semi-heavy weight back to back. I stopped counting the reps after 50. I just kept doing sets of 5 back and forth for both. Then I got 3 miles in! I think I have a new focus in the gym. It's no longer trying to max out in weight, but to rep heavy weight. I think this change in focus will assist me in many ways. My hip flexors were sore from running but after squating below parralelle yesterday and today, my flexors are loose. I think I will repeat my workout tomorrow evening (but run 4 miles) and take Tuesday off. This weekend I am going to purchase some boxing wraps and start hitting the bag. I'm exciting!!! Stay tuned.

Monday, September 1, 2014

This Fitness Thing Is NOT Easy....,

Since I got my leg cast off nearly a month ago, I have been trying to get back in the swing of things. Some days I feel as though I am doing better than I was before the leg injury and then there are days like today. I have done a couple of 5k's in the last month and today I nearly died while running only 3 miles. What's up with that? I feel like I am never going to get past being able to run more than a 5k. I want to run a 10k and a half-marathon before April. I guess I need to start tracking all that I do to see if there are things that tend to hinder my progress. Then again, I think to myself, "it's only been a month." Well, either way it's deflating. I did make it through the 3 miles and felt much better after it was done. :-) I have not been recording anything in my Lifting Blog as I have not been able to get my old 1RM back. The first 3 times I lifted I got up to deadlifting 265lbs, but I have not been able to get past that. Shoot, yesterday I was not able to get past 245lbs. I think all the cardio is impacting my weight training, but I will just have to keep plugging away until it improves. Gees, I was hoping things would have gotten easier. Hahahahahahahaha!!!!