Sunday, January 31, 2016

A Change Gonna Come...

So Friday I went to the doctor and they didn't give me news I wanted to hear. However, I had no choice but to listen. I lost only 1/2 of fat mass and also lost a few ounces of muscle mass. They attribute this to my not eating enough calories each day. I work out hard around 6 days of the week and I can admit that my appetite is not huge and once I drink my protein or eat a meal, it goes a long way for me. On Friday, this news along with some other disappointing occurrences put me in a real funk. However, I have since snapped out of it and I'm ready for February to be a complete success.

I will find out next week if there are any foods that I am allergic to that may be causing my water retention. I am also getting my Testosterone and Estrogen levels check this week and seeing a doctor who works with athletes that will analyze my test results and help me to create a plan that will assist me in reaching my goals. I am ready to take my fitness to the next level. Meaning, I am ready to shred this fat, gain more lean muscle, and I willing do the work to make it happen. I mean, I do the work in the gym already but I obviously need to make some changes outside the gym; mainly with my eating or lack of eating. CHANGE is my word for the month of FEBRUARY!


There are a couple of other things that I know that are probably contributing to my stale state; stress and stress. LOL! School is so very stressful and stress hormones are deadly to weight-loss. Trying to manage life can also be stressful. Normally, I live relatively stress free but over the month of January I have just been struggling. So, for February I'm going to make it a point to regain control of my PEACE. What that will look like I'm not sure. I know that I will increase my meditation time and pay closer attention to things that create stress for me. I know school and work are my top two but neither of them can be eliminated from my existence at this point. HAHA!!! Wouldn't that be lovely?  I will just flow with the waves of energies that present themselves. Negative energies will quickly be dismissed and positive ones will be embraced.

There is more exciting news that I can't yet share with anyone, as it is not a done deal. Hopefully, by the end of February I will be in the position to let you in on what's happening. Just know that when I do something I try to do it to the best of my ability and if I can't, I won't do it.

Friday night I attended a boxing match and many people asked if I was fighting on May 6th and I'm still undecided. So, when I decide; everyone will know.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Thanks But No Thanks!!!

I've been a tad bit off kilter the last couple of days and for a variety of reasons that I won't share in detail, but here are some things I do know. I'm back to my happy, positive, and inspirational self!!!  

To harm anyone will never be and has never been my intention. I treat EVERYONE with respect and will help anyone I have the power to help. However, lately a few have been mistreating yo' girl! Some more hurtful than others but hurtful nonetheless. 

But, I will NEVER respond to negativity with more negativity. THAT makes for misery. I will only pull the positives of the interaction and respond. Not REACT, but respond. This has taken me a lifetime to get in the groove of but it keeps my heart and mind at peace. It's called emotional maturity or emotional intelligence. Most people lack this, but it's something I pride myself on. 

I have been tested time and time again as of late and I feel that in the eyes of GOD I've passed. Because he keeps on blessing me with greater options and opportunities. But when I reflect on why ANYONE would want to treat me badly, I remembered that... Hurt People, Hurt People. That's the bottom line. 

So now, I can proceed as I have and will continue to... As a friend, a supporter, and lover of all things that God has created. 

I can now get back on track with my fitness because I did not workout yesterday as planned and I may not go today! Lol! I probably will but I haven't decided! Just going with the flow of energy! 

My only request is that YOU ALL attempt to treat people with some care. You never know what someone is experiencing. And if you are one that believes in God, ask yourself if this is how He would handle this or how He would have me say this before proceeding. 

Please and thank you! 

And to the MANY people that attempted to Rock my week with negativity... Thank you, but no thank you. However, I love you and will continue to do so with no hesitation. That is just how it is. 

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Back Day Blasted!!!

There are two training days that I absolutely LOVE!!! Back and Leg Days. These days are so challenging and I think that's why I love them so. Hmmm.... Nevermind. LOL! Anyhoo...

Today was back day and for once I had my daughter and her boyfriend there to capture some video. I never really get that opportunity as I work out alone A LOT. I still worked out alone today but they were at the gym and videoed when I remembered to call them over. If I can figure out how to post the footage I will.

Tomorrow is MY MOST FAVORITE DAY...LEG DAY!!! I think this is because I want really lean and defined legs. I'm well on my way. I take pics of my entire body every 2 weeks and I must say that my legs are coming along. I still have a ways to go but I'm confident that I will get there.

On a side note. I've been getting tons of e-mails, texts, and social media messages from so many people that it's almost overwhelming. I have had tons of independent sports/fitness companies offer to send me clothing gear if I would wear it, take pics, video and post. I have done this for people I know but it's weird getting these offers and requests from people you don't know. It's kind of scary as you never know what their intentions are and I just don't click with everyone (ha ha, I rarely click with anyone). There are a couple that I am considering. One is a boxing apparel company that is contracted with the WBC, LBF, and other creditable entities. The other is a fitness clothing company based out of Florida. Lord knows I need more fitness clothing. Lol!

I've so been thinking of a fitness business venture. However, I'm not sure that it's something I want to explore alone. It's always good to have a partner or someone to bounce things off of. I also don't want to continue just thinking of things I want to do in the fit game... I actually want to do them!!! A really good friend of mine put more ideas in my head today. And she knows what limited space is there already from all my other fitness related ideas. I'm thinking before the end of summer I'm going to make a business move. I'll start small, and go from there. I plan on taking the Summer semester off from school and 1-2 months off from work. That will give me plenty of time. Until then, I will continue pulling things together and possibly land a dedicated partner or two.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Life Is Good!!!

I know I haven't posted in over a week but I've still been on my gym grind and I'm steady making progress. I can say that this first 30 days is closely coming to an end quick and I will be changing up my program a bit to avoid plataue. 

My schedule is riddled with things related to school, kids, work, the gym, friends, family, and just life. So, I will attempt to blog at least 2x weekly. This blog helps to  hold me accountable and I do need to be held accountable. I have come WAY too far to veer off in any other direction. 

And even though each day that I wake up presents a barrage of challenges, physically, mentally, and emotionally; I make a conscious choice to reject all negative things. Accepting in my life only positive things and people that are conducive to my inner peace. 

Sometimes it takes some situations to repeat themselves (sometimes over and over and over again) before you are able to get a real understanding of what's happening and why you must make a change before it negatively impacts you or your spirit. Life can be just like the fit struggle; it's not easy but you know you have to make some changes in order to see positive results. 

I'm continuing to transform in more areas in my life, in addition to fitness. We never stop learning, growing, or evolving into better states of being. My goal is to get better in every way I can. Physically, mentally, emotionally, and most importantly, spiritually. I can't risk allowing allowing anyone to interrupt that process and most times that means forging forward alone. I only have one life and when that life will be over, I don't know. But when I do go, I will go the best me possible. All that being said; Life Is Good!

It's my rest day!!! Going shopping, getting some homework done, and placing myself around some people who remind me what life is all about. Remember NEVER settle. 

Friday, January 15, 2016

Gains & Losses....

So, today I went to the doctor and was told that I gained 1.8 pounds of muscle, lost 1.5 inches in my waist, lost 4.something pounds in fat mass, but was retaining 2 pounds in water weight. I'll take it!!! This is in a 2.5 - 3 week period of time. I very pleased with the near 2 pound gain in muscle because I have been working hard at gaining muscle. So, I will continue doing what I've been doing. Taking the advice of those who have my best interest at heart. And pushing my body to every limit. 

Today I engaged in some kick ass cardio and ab work with a childhood friend of mine (Sylvia Flores). It was hard, but it felt so great to get through it! I'm truly addicted. I hate that it took me so long to arrive but now that I'm here I'm beyond excited! Now, I'm trying to get as many people as possible hooked on this drug called fitness as it is some good ishT. 
I know I've been behind in blogging but I'm back in school, working full-time, and managing life. I will continue to blog every chance I get! Promise!  😘

Thursday, January 14, 2016


So, today was leg day and this week I lighted the load a lot and for a couple of reasons:
1). I am still trying to cut fat, while building muscle and increase my endurance. So, it was suggested that I lighten my WORK loads and increase my reps, so I did. I can say that it is not easier. I really think its harder! In fact, I know it's harder!!! I really would like to go back to heavy weight but I feel I would be cheating myself and my progress. Therefore, I will likely just add a few pounds and keep performing 4 sets of 20 reps.
2). I tweeked my knee running up my apartment stairs earlier this week so the lighter loads were helpful. I really do not want to put myself out of the gym by doing anything reckless.

So...It has been a successful week. This will be my 12th day straight training. Granted on Friday and Saturdays I have been doing mostly cardio and ab work. This weekend I plan on pushing myself to do some plyometics, HIIT, and a few push pull sets with the prowler.

I must say that I feel as though my body is starting to respond to the weight training. I was beginning to get worried that I was doing something wrong because I have the best fitness aI understand that I just need to give this time. I have a lot of work to do this first quarter of the year. I am 14 days in and by day 30 I plan on seeing some more great changes. Of course, I'll keep you posted!!!

Monday, January 11, 2016


  1. the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way.
    "escape can be a strong motivation for travel"
    synonyms:motive, motivating force, incentivestimulus, stimulation, inspiration,inducementincitement,
    "his motivation was financial"
    • the general desire or willingness of someone to do something.
      "keep staff up to date and maintain interest and motivation"
      "keep up the staff's motivation"

    • Every thought, action, or lack of action has a motivation behind it. The reasons we behave in a certain way may be as the result of large number of things (culture, upbringing, living environment, etc.). To us, our behavior is just want it is or it's "normal." Whatever normal is to you. However, when you become aware that a behavior you have engaged in FOREVER is harmful to your well-being or the well-being of others, there may be a call for change. WHOA!!! That's hard! Or is it? Of course it is silly!!! 

    • Things that appear too physically difficult many people avoid (helping people move, running upstairs to get something). We will choose the less physically taxing options (drive-thru windows, having someone else grab it for you, or making a kid do it) to avoid having to get off out asses. Trust me, I know. For me, after I had kids I would try and find any amount of time to rest or just sit and be still because I was taking care of kids all day and night. I have 6 kids so seeking that rest or still time became a habit that I had a difficult time breaking. Even after my kids were older, I had developed that sedentary lifestyle and it was hella difficult to break. Let me share with you what my motivation was...

  I have always kept up with getting annual physicals. Although the doctors may have changed over the years, I make sure to get my pap spear, health physical (including blood work), and mammogram yearly. Well last year, my doctor wanted to go over my blood results with me. He informed me that all my numbers came back great but I weighed Two-Hundred and ninety something pounds (as if I didn't know!). He then looked at me square in the eye and said "your numbers are good now, but they won't stay that way. And I'm terribly afraid that you are going to end up having a stroke."  I instantly became motivated! Motivated to avoid the agony, pain, and debilitating possibilities of a stroke. That's what we do as humans; avoid pain and seek pleasure. 
The point of this post is to get you to thinking about what would motivate you to either get started of keep you going in the right direction. Today, I have to say that my motivation is to unleash my inner WonderWoman! I'm talking about a totally fit, cut, sexiER me. I no longer worry about having a stroke or heart attack as I have cut those odds tremendously (and worrying about it does nothing anyways). But, my motivation is KEPT by being more fit tomorrow than am today. I'm always in total competition with myself. I AM MY OWN MOTIVATION! Now are there others that contribute to this, absolutely! But ultimately, I have to do the WORK!!! 

So, now it's your turn. If you have started and stopped in the past, let it go! Find whatever it is that will get you started and then find whatever it is that will keep you started. There is something!!  You may have to dig, but there is something! You are worth it and deserve to live a long and good life free of physical limitations or restrictions. And as long as you have air in your lungs, it's not too late. 


Sunday, January 10, 2016

Refocused, plan, set, GO!

Well, it's been a full 7 days of training for me so last night I had a couple slices of pizza and a couple glasses of red wine. It's not often that I endulge so, why not!?!?
Leg day has rolled around again and as usual, I'm excited!!! I've been blogging my journey for some time now but since my focus has changed slightly I feel really excited and pumped for the things to come for me fitness wise.

Today, i just want to enjoy my training session. I may just live at the gym today. I plan on adding front squats to my leg day training as they are useful with keeping proper form in other exercises plus they are less taxing on the knees. I want to add some other stuff too like the overhead squat. I feel like my body is quickly adjusting to the movements I'm currently doing so I'm going to add some stuff and change up the order. 
I'm gonna revamp my upper body workouts as well. I'm in love with the cleans and the jerks (which suck when it comes to men), so I want to become fluent in them. They will also help me shred as they can be performed with cardio in mind. 

Abdominal work has been a thorn in my side (haha)! I never liked ab work but I must make it my friend. In boxing training, being hit lightly in the stomach with the medicine ball or while sparring is an effective way to wake up and work the abs. I'm going to get an effective ab routine together and encorporate it 3x a week beginning this week. 

Yesterday, I ran outside in the cold and all the sidewalks are covered in snow and ice so I ran against traffic in the street.  I'm sure that pissed some drivers off. Oh well. Anyhoo, i ran nearly 5 miles in 1hr4 mins which I'll take as it was my first day running in a while.

I love running! It's so freeing and once you are done you feel like there's nothing you can't do. I plan on running a ton over the spring and summer. I'll enter a few charity races and collect some bling! :-) I truly want to run a 1/2 marathon my next birthday which is in July. That's what I'm shooting for. By the time I'm 50, I want to run a full marathon! We shall see. 

WHAT I WANT out of all these fitness goals is to be fully functionally physically.  I don't want to have a bunch of muscle but can't run a mile. I don't want to be able to run 10 miles but can't open a jar of pickles! I want to be able to meet any physical challenge placed before me, whether in the gym or in day to day functions, with the physical ability to KILL IT!!! That's it that's all! The more physically fit and versitile I am, the better off I will and the better off the people I train will be. Whatever it is you decide to do, do it to meet your own personal goals and needs and not because you read some where or was told that's how it should be done!!! DO YOU!!!

Saturday, January 9, 2016


Last night I hit the mitts for the first time in a VERY long time. I have to tell you that I was so disappointed in myself and my declining wind. My hands may have gotten faster, I may be more fluid with changing from conventional to south paw, but my conditioning has truly suffered. It's probably from my focus on lifting more than engaging in cardio. What am I saying probably...that's exactly what it is! Can't even entertain lying to myself for feelings sake. I was running a lot of miles in decent time and I just stopped to weight train!!! The pads opened my eyes!

When I got home last night, I could barely sleep. Here I have accepted a fight for May, then I give up all the cardio gains I worked so hard for?!?!? What was I thinking!?!?!? Phucking idiot!!! I mean I should have kept both and built up both; strength and wind! I've done it before and I'm about to do it again!!! I just lost focus. I lost focus worrying about all the wrong things. My fault none the less. No one or thing or things should have that type of power or ability to pull me that far left. Well, as of 12am this morning, when I walked out of the gym, I have recliamed my power and will continue my lifting splits, running, and boxing my heart out!!! I may not be able to lift 405lbs but it's okay for now! 

I have to shred fat with cardio and weight training. I have to increase my wind capacity with hard cardio. Boxing and running will be that hard cardio! I have to gain strength and build muscle with weight training which I'm currently doing so I'm halfway there! Welcome back cardio!

This process is about to be off the chain!!! Will it be easy? Hell no! I've been here before with this the same trainer and at times I hated his guts! He put me through hell in training, but I also did the same for him (I guess payback is a Biiiach)!!!! It's actually a beautiful thing! When you are pushed and give all that you have within you while training, what you have to do in the ring becomes more clear and more easily attainable.  

I'm really very excited about my plan and I will emerge victorious!!! I can literally visualize my results. We all know I'm trying to unleash my inner super hero WonderWoman, and that is exactly what is about to happen!!! There are many that doubt my abilities and that makes this journey even better! The doubters merely sit on the sidelines talking ishT, fat as hell, winded and wounded, while I continuously show and prove. Now,  WATCH MY WORK!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Back 2 The Basics... Getting Started

I can't even begin to tell you how many times I have to "go back to the fitness basics!" Getting fit and staying fit is not an easy task and requires a lot from the individual making the change. However, whatever your reasons are for making the decision to change your life; it's worth it. So, lets establish what the basics are. Well, my back to basics anyways. :-)

1. What are your goals or what are you trying to achieve?

This is sometime very hard to flesh out as most times we have many goals. Like I want to be able to run a gazillion miles but I also want a muscular body and be able to lift a ton of weight! Well... those two things may not go hand in hand at the same time so you have to pick one. Most people want to lose fat or get to a healthy weight. That can be done by running and can be assisted by lifting heavy weights. I told you this crap wasn't all easy, so you really have to figure out what your short and long time goals are.

2. What am I physically able to do?

So this one will help you with establishing your goal(s). I live on the 3rd floor of my apartment building and I would be so winded going up and down the stairs. So building my wind capacity was my first goal and I chose to do that by implementing as much cardio as I could. I started with walking, doing Zumba, using the step-mill, and then I started running. My first goal was to be able to run 1/4 of a mile without walking. Once I hit that goal I increased it to 1/2 mile, then 3/4 mile, then 1 mile, and so on. In less than a 5 months, I was running up to 10 miles without stopping!!! If I can do it, you totally can!!!

3. What bad habits can I ditch immediately?

Food is a double edged sword. You have to eat to be healthy and live, but if you struggle with weight, more times than not you probably have developed some not so helpful eating habits. What you put in you mouth can make or break your plans to truly get fit, therefore you have to  make some decisions. For example, the very first thing I did was commit to STAYING THE HELL AWAY FROM FAST FOOD! I would not purchase anything from fast food places, including water. Seems extreme but sometimes you have to be to succeed. For those who have an affinity for fast food but want to get fit; you will have to stop the fast food. Sorry, I'm not sorry! Give up what is keeping you from reaching your goals!!! THERE IS NO WAY AROUND THIS! PERIOD.

4. Increase your water intake.

Most of us do not drink enough water each day and in order for your body and organs to function at an optimum level, you have to be well hydrated. For those of you just getting started, if you drink 1/2 of your body weight of water in ounces (weight 200lbs/drink 100oz) each day, you will be fine. Those who work out hard, you need to drink more! There are so many cool apps out there to help keep up with drinking the amount of water you need each day so there is no excuse. Oh, a helpful tip... Drink from a straw, it makes it go down easier (it may be a mental trick but it worked for me).

5. Make a pact with yourself or a friend who also needs to change their lifestyle.

There are reasons that most people want to get healthy. Either the doctor has warned them of their failing health or they want to be around to see their grand-kids grow up, or they just want to look good for the summer. Whatever your reason is, make sure that it's deep enough to keep yourself in check when you are tempted to deviate from your plan. I have a ton of reasons for getting and staying fit and I think of them often because, like I said; THIS ISHT IS NOT EASY! I know that in order for me to unleash my inner Wonder Woman, I have to continue shredding fat and building muscle. A doughnut is not going to help me achieve that and I will not go into Summer 2016 without a tank top and shorts on! BAMM!!! I have now redirected by thoughts and well on my way to reaching my goals. Hold yourself accountable. Or if you have a fit partner, hold each other accountable.


You have to establish your new lifestyle and many who start making excuses as to  why they can't workout or go to the gym will fall right back into those familiar bad ass habits (eating junk, laying around, doing nothing)! For at least the first 3 months, make getting up and getting to the gym or working out part of your daily rituals. Just like getting up and showering or brushing your teeth. In fact it's just as important! After the first month or two it will start to get easier and by your 90th day, it will be a breeze. If for some reason it's not, then commit for an additional 30 days or until it is.

Well, there you have it!!! My my 6 back to basic self -help tools. Again this stuff is not easy and you may have to revisit them often, I know I do. Especially after a cheat weekend or at a time in which you fall off the fit wagon. Isht happens!!! LoL!

Here are some helpful links to get you started and to help keep you motivated:

10 step guide to getting Fit:

Beginners Health and Fitness Guide

Fitness 101: The Absolute Beginners Guide To Exercise


Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Make Way For the Chi-Town Brawler!!!!

I have to start today off by saying, Happy Birthday to the most amazing man on earth; my dad (Samuel D. Ragin)!!!! Love you daddy!!!😘❤️😘❤️😘

Also, THANK YOU! I can't even begin to tell you about the overwhelming amount of  responses I received yesterday via text, FB messaging, phone calls, and email regarding yesterday's blog post. I thank everyone who reached out to me, shared the post, and took time to read the blog. You are all amazing and I am truly BLESSED!

BOXING. Just typing the word makes me feel some type of way. I have so many great people around me that love the sport just as much as I do. Some may love it even more (maybe but I doubt it). 

Here's a memory for you. I remember this as if it were yesterday....Back in January 2001, me and a girlfriend (Kelly Dorsey) drove from Chicago to New York to see a friend of mine named Michael Bennett make his pro boxing debut on HBO, at Madison Square Gardens. Mike ended up getting a first round knock out!!! You have no idea how excited I was. Not only did Mike get that W, his entry song, Chi-town Brawler, was written and created by another phenomenal and life long friend of mine C.O. Tha Bad Black. I was C.O.'s manager at the time (but that's a long story and another post). So, for Mike to get the win and the song to be played on HBO was a huge deal. I'm sure I cried buckets! Mike had several first round knock outs following his debut performance. He was in such great shape with the work ethic of a machine. Mike was trained by the GREAT George Hernandez of the golden dome in Garfield Park (AKA, The Broke Team).  In all actuality, this is where my affinity for boxing was solidified; at Garfield Park interacting with George Hernandez. 

You guys have no idea about Michael Bennett!!! Michael Bennett had all the cards stacked against him. You see, Michael Bennett picked up boxing while serving a 26 year prison sentence that was later reduced to 15 years. He got an education, perfected his craft, and was released after 7 years; and continued boxing. This MAN was the Amateur World Champion in 1999 and was National Champion, Golden Gloves Champion, and then went on to represent the US in the Sydney Olympics all in the year 2000! I get choked up just thinking about all that he has accomplished and how ridiculously successful his amateur career was.   
Mike had a great but short professional boxing career. He had a total of 14 fights in which he faced defeat 4 times. I haven't talked to Mike in quite some time so he has no idea of the positive impact he had on me then, nor the admiration I continue to have for him. What I do know is... after Mike's last fight in May of 2003; a loss,  he decided to discontinue his career. I was crushed, because I had faith that Mike had what it took to redeem himself and get back on top. However, I quickly came to understand that one's health and well-being is way more important than Kim's aspirations or affinity for boxing. I have nothing but respect for this sport. I have nothing but respect for all boxers who get in the ring. I have nothing but respect for boxers that know when it's time to call it quits, as it is hard to stop doing what you know, love, and in some cases what has saved your life. But most of all,  I have nothing but the utmost respect and love for my friend Michael "The Chi-town Brawler" Bennett. 

think it's time for me to reach out to Mike. I'll keep you posted. 

Monday, January 4, 2016

2 Box or Not 2 Box.... That Is The Question???

As many of you know, I LOVE BOXING!!!! Love is actually an understatement. Boxing is really the only sport that I'm into and for many reasons (too many to outline in the post). I know a ton of really great boxers, coaches, and trainers; amateur and professional. I have trained with some great talent and I have trained some great talent. I know A LOT about the sport and I love the conditioning, drive and focus that a boxer must have to do well in the sport. Boxing is actually what sparked and hammered away most of the 130+ pounds that I've lost.

It started out with a great amateur boxer by the name of Jerome Brantley training with me daily. With a little more work, I have no doubt that Jerome would do well as a pro. Jerome and I hit the pads, sparred (and yes he would get me good), ran, jumped rope, did plyometrics and a bunch of other craziness!  When I started working out with the boxers, the weight began to fall off. He encouraged me daily and I made ridiculous progress in a VERY short period of time. 

 I have worked with other boxers as well. Joe Brantley, Jerome's brother is a beast out of Detroit. The talent and fearless mentality of this kid floors me, plus he's an all around great guy. My hope is that one day he will end up moving to Chicago, as he is also pro material. I would love to be part of his story. 

There are 2 phenomenal female boxers Meagan Maupin and Chayanne Carroll. Both have hearts of warriors, great hands, and just really good people. Chayanne is headed for nationals and I have no doubt she will be racking up those W's. Both live so far away from me now though. Chayanne is now in Florida and Meagan live 4-5 hours North of me but does come and stay the weekend with me when possible. I really love these two bad asses!!!

Then there's Dustin "The Destroyer" Pearson; another great guy. Historically a body builder, and I mean he's BIG!  He killed his opponent in the ring this past summer and I openly take a little (a lot) of credit for that. Hahahaha!!! Dustin wants to start training for more bouts in 2016 and I'll be right there to help him.

Okay so, here's the thing.... I am supposed to get in the ring this upcoming May. I really would like to do it and I never stop training so physically I CAN do it. However, when it comes to boxing it takes a team. My team, the individuals mentioned above, have busy lives or live a gazillion miles away, so I understand that they cannot dedicate the time needed to help me prepare. There are so many people that want to see me fight and I really want to, but I also know what it takes to be prepared.

Now, I could get some training from Justin and Kevon of DBB Boxing, but our schedules just don't jive. I can fly to Vegas and train with Train2Perfection's Brother Fareed and at Mayweather's but not for 6-8 weeks, which is the time one should take to prepare. Brother Fareed Samad who himself is a champion and the trainer of world champions has been supportive of me since day one. I know that all I have to do is show up in Vegas and he's got me. 

However, what I don't think yal know is that....  I seriously have some mad boxing skills yal!!! I'm confident that I would knock somebody THE HELL OUT in the first round, because I don't have time to be playing with nobody in the ring!!! OKAY, yal can STOP laughing now!!!  Maybe I'm being a little cocky? I really don't think so.  That's another one of my problems, I don't even have anyone to critique me currently. Yeah, I'm kind of disappointed but I still have some time to get a team together. February 15th is my drop dead date. If I don't have a team by then, I will not fight and will continue on my current path of transforming into the darker, sexier version of WonderWoman, which is not a bad thing because I'm totally into it. 3reFit is currently responsible for re-awaking the weight training/fitness beast within me, which has been asleep for way too long. Again, another phenomenal individual within my personal fit circle who plays a role in my journey. He's also a freaking MANIAC on the training side! I'm truly blessed. :-) 

So, the  WonderWoman transformation will be the crux of what my blog will be about this year so try and keep up. Boxing training wouldn't necessarily slow down this process but it may complicate things.  Anyhoo.... Please understand that I do not want ANY of the GREAT PEOPLE mentioned in this post to feel obligated to make anything happen for me on the boxing tip, no matter how badly you want to. This process has to fall in place naturally or it may start out great and end up not so great. I really just wanted to clear my mind and heart of this, but your thoughts are welcomed.
I love all you guys, for real! You all have touched my life in many different ways but you all mean a lot to me on so many levels.

Blog readers, fitness freaks, and boxing fanatics!!! Check out the Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages of the great things individuals mentioned within this post. They are all really great contacts to have and people to know. NETWORK!!!!  FOLLOW THEM!!!

Jerome Brantley
IG: bambambrantley
FB: Jerome "Bam Bam" Brantley

Joe Brantley
IG: j_brant313

Meagan Maupin
IG: Meagan_maupin
FB: Meagan Maupin

Chayanne Carroll
Twitter: @carrollchayanne
FB: Chayanne Carroll
FB Athlete Pg: Chayanne Carroll. Athlete
IG: chayannerose06

DBB Boxing
FB: Dream, Believe & Become Boxing Gym

Train2Perfection (Bro. Fareed)
FB: Fareed Rafeeq Samad
IG: brother_fareed
Twitter: @t2p_boxing

IG: 3reFitLife

My Twitter is @kimWWragin (Follow Me!!!)

Training Thoughts.... Plus, Leg Day Is Dead. I Killed it!

Day 4 into the new year and I'm really pleased with how things are going training wise. I have decided to break my training focus down into quarters, but I still have not fully planned it all out. However, I know for this first quarter I will be focusing on shredding fat, therefore I have already lightened my weight load and increased my reps. Some may be under the impression that lifting lighter load for more reps is easy, but they are wrong. I'd rather be lifting heavy. Anyhoo... I'm also incorporating some light cardio between reps. Either jogging in place, jumping jacks, or pretend jump rope. I also do 20 mins of cardio before lifting and 10-15 mins of cardio after my session is done. I've been following a split schedule that 3reFit created and we discussed that since my goals have changed a bit, then that split schedule may change a bit. In my brain I will be doing legs every 4 days and back every 4 days and other body part which are to be determined as I go along on other days along with a lot of cardio. So, today was leg day and in the middle of my lunge work, this really buff dude came up to me and asked if he could work in his sets, so I said yes. For those of you who are not familiar with someone "working in" it means that after you get done doing a set, they get their set in and so on. The only thing that I don't like about it is, it makes me feel rushed, and I despise feeling rushed. Anyways, it worked out okay, I guess. I just don't like the distraction or having to wait for others while they finish because when I'm ready to go, I'm ready to go. Good thing is, he didn't change the weight I had on the bar which made that go a lot smoother. Maybe it's just me, but it's kind of creepy working out with people you don't know. I mean he just sat there watching me do my lunges,  I walked the gym while he was doing his squats. LOL! It was just weird. Anyways, if you have any suggestions for me regarding my goals of shredding fat, building muscle, and keeping my running up let me know. The two seem to counter each other but I love both lifting and running. I will continue to do both as I am trying to build both simultaneously. I think I can with phenomenal results. We will see!

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Starting The Year and Week Off Blessed!

Decided to blog in between sets of seated upright rows. It's not easy but I'm trying! Lol! Okay so most of you may not know that I grew up in the baptist church but converted to Islam about 15+ years ago. Well yesterday, my heart told me to call my daughter and see what time her church started but she didn't answer so I stopped by my parents house and made the decision to attend their early church service with them. I also invited my friend Jenise. Bare with me, this post is related to fitness! 
So the message in this morning's church service was "out with the old and in with the new." It hit me in a special way. You see, I have been in the habit of putting the needs of others before my own. I can't remember the last time I told someone no when I should have. Well, the message that I received today was powerful and I plan to apply it to how I have historically lived my life; for others. That's dead. I'm not saying that I will become totally selfish. That's just not me but I will make sure that I am taken care of before I take anyone else into consideration. There are exception to this but that's another post. When it comes to fitness, I have tried to drag friends and family members to the gym with me. Not because I need company, but because they need to take better care of their health. I have missed out on the gym trying to get others to come or waiting for them to show up. My point here is, do not miss out on what you are trying to do for you while trying to do for others. Your fitness (and life) comes first. Period. All others have to jump on board and keep up or get left the hell behind. Those who want your help will make sure they ask and follow through. If not, keep it moving and don't look back. Okay, my workout is being interrupted by blogging so I've gotta go! WonderWomanStatus!

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Rest Day!!! On Second Thought....

I woke up this morning and declared today my rest day. Rest days are hard for me even though I know how important rest is. I think it's because less than a year ago I was so very desperate to lose weight that I took desperate measures to do so. I started starving myself and would be in the gym 7 days a week. And when I would eat, I would eat junk or bad combos of food which was counterproductive to all the gym time I was putting in. Now remind you, I knew better! In my time I've done so much and attained some great knowledge but didn't once apply it to myself. At an earlier age I was a nursing student, then a personal trainer, and I have a BA, MA,  and soon to be doctorate in clinical psychology. All of these great resources gave me access to information about health, nutrition, the psychology of behavior and I never applied any of it to myself and I knew better! So when people say "it's hard", I totally get it! 

Bare with me, I'm gonna circle back to rest day and eating and all that ishT! 

To get fit you have to change the way you utilize your resources. Food is a resource. A source of energy for your body to function and a source to fuel a workout. Currently, I am getting into the practice of eating to fuel the work I'm gonna do in the gym. If I'm going to spend 2-3 hours lifting heavy weight, then my body needs a big meal a couple hours before I do that. If I'm gonna have a light day in the gym, then my meals are going to coincide with that and I'm gonna eat just enough to fuel that type of workout! 
So....... after eating a big freaking meal this afternoon, it was decided that it would be a shame to let such a great workout meal go to waste when it can be utilized to fuel a great late afternoon BEAST session. Lol! Therefore, RIP rest day. 
By no means do I want to down play how important rest is. Your body has to have down time to repair all the damage done during workouts. So, get 1-3 rest days in a week and make sure that you are getting plenty of rest at night to aid in that same reapir. Your fitness progress is truly contingent upon it! If it were easy everyone would be doing it, and the world would be full of bad asses, but it's not! Haha! It must suck to be average! 

BTW, here's that meal I just let work for me in the gym! 
Now I'm killing a Chocolate Peanutbutter protein shake!!!

Friday, January 1, 2016

Day 1, 2016 ARM DAY!!!

Happy New Year!!! 2016 will prove to be one of the best years of my existence. I am focusing on improving my overall health, fitness, and well-being by 1000%. The first quarter of the year I will work on shredding more fat and doing some serious toning. I have so many problem areas that need work and I'm going to start focusing on those. I will likely go back to doing more cardio to assist in the process but I'll never stop lifting. The second quarter of the year my focus may change just a bit as I have accepted a boxing match in May. This is going to require training to begin in the middle or the end of the first quarter. There are many people that do not want me to take any fights at this time as it distracts from my other fitness goals but it's really something I want to do. I'll let you know if I decide to go through it or not. The third quarter I am going to evaluate where I am in transforming my body and then work to blast my goal out of the water. The last quarter will be fixing anything that I don't like. By this day in 2017 I will be were I want to be, PERIOD. I still have not come up with a visual of what I want my body to look like. I'm gonna have to piece together pics of body parts to come up with what I'm shooting for. It's really very hard for me to visualize me looking any different than I am and that may be part of my problem. I have to be able to see me the way I want me in order for me to get there. So, I think I will start with that. If I can't visualize what I want, I will never get there. Visualization is whole 'nother post that I will save for a later date. LOL! But there you have it. Arm Day today! First arm day with the legendary 3reFit so pray for me as I probably won't be able to move my arms afterwards. I do know that my arms are at the top of my list for transformation. I hate wearing tank tops because I see my arms as super flabby so I really want to transform those before the snow melts. This day starts that process. Whatever you goals are make 2016 your year to make them happen. Don't wait as it is already a slow process, don't make it longer! GO GET WHAT YOU WANT!!!