Friday, May 30, 2014

Rest and Cheat Day!

Today is a special day. I am taking a rest day and will also eat whatever I want to eat. I won't go overboard but I think I will have some cheese and some chips! It was a great workout month for me and Sunday starts a new month which means a new challenge. I'm excited that so many people are joining in on my 3500 push up challenge. June is going to be the bomb! 

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Challenges = Change

Who would have ever thought I would be able to run 50 miles in 27 days? I never thought it would be possible, but when you challenge your thinking and your body you are sure to succeed. It is important for everyone to remember that your mind will fail before your body does and you CAN achieve ANYTHING you you get your mind to believe. Now, on to the next challenge. I won't stop running but my focus will change slightly. 3500 push-ups in June. Right now, my mind is wondering how I'm gonna get it done , but come Sunday my body WILL make it happen. That is all. 

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

A Better Me!

Okay so I never thought I could accomplish some of the things that I have accomplished; fitness wise. Tomorrow I will have completed running 50 miles for the month of May! I can deadlift 285lbs! I can squat 225 lbs! I can run for 1 hour straight! Every goal I have set this far I have attained it and I'm so happy about it. I am going to continue on this same path competing against myself until I have reached my fitness goals. After I get there I will use everything I have learned and worked through to maintain. I'm just feeling really good about how much I have improved in less than 6 months.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

I ❤️!!!

I can't really say I love running. I mean I like running but I'm not in love with it. I do feel much better about it once I've accomplished the run and today was one of those times. I ran 5 miles for the first time in my life and it took 60 mins. I feel really good about that. I will try and knock out another 3 or 4 tonight to get my May 50 done. I have some great plans for fitness goals in June that will be real challenges for me. I can't wait!
Ttyl, I'm on my way to school in the city. 

Monday, May 26, 2014

Journey Continues, but More Intense

I had a great workout. The gym was empty at 5am this morning, but I was there. May have to run again before I go to work to try and get these 50 miles done. I'm still trying to figure out what exactly my challenge for June is going to be. I will continue running a few time a week but I need to go back to spin class as well. I'm thinking about starting the Stong Lifts 5x5 program to increase my overall strength. My goal is to shed 15-20 lbs in June. I know I have to focus on eating cleaner in order to do so. A lot to consider. One thing I know is I won't stop or make excuses as to why I can't get it done. I will get fit, I will not stop, and I will reach my goals. 

Sunday, May 25, 2014

2 Days of Rest

I was so busy this weekend I forgot to post yesterday and decided to take 2 days off from working out. Tomorrow I will  make sure I have a challenging workout, plus I am going to attempt running for 1hour or better. I'm trying to complete these 50 miles for May which means I will be running daily through May 31st. Pray for me. Lol! 

Friday, May 23, 2014

Lose the Fear!!!

I worked out with a couple of VERY BIG guys this morning. I am working on improving my bench press so Taurus, and yes he's strong like a bull, invites me to lift with them today. I did okay..... :-) I have a ways to go before I'm benching 250lbs. All I did was lift this morning and completed a 2.5 hour session which included squats (140lbs), deadlifts (270lbs), overhead press (95lbs),  bench press (125lbs), leg press (315lbs), and a ton of back and shoulder sets. I have a new mentality and motto as of today....NEVER FEAR THE WEIGHT! The things that go on in my mind when weight is being added to the bar is crazy. I am my own worse enemy and I hinder my abilities to lift more. Kristin told me today, you tell yourself you can't i. Your head, but it also comes out of your mouth; stop it!!!! As of now I will. I will never fear the weight again. 
Friday's Fitness Challenge: Go Heavy or Go Home!!!! That is all. 

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Active Rest Day....4mi Interval Run

I know I have not posted in two days but I have had some really good days in the gym. Today was actually my rest day, but I have to complete those 50 miles for May if it kills me so I have to run everyday for the rest of the month. Today I did not lift any weights and it really does make a difference when it comes to my running. Today I was able to run faster and longer. I think for June my challenge will be to increase my speed and try to run go 1 hour. I'm not worried about miles, just speed and length of time. I am also going to change up my weight lifting plan. I have not committed to anything yet but it will have to be intense to get me to the next level. 

Monday, May 19, 2014

Another Rest Day? Yep!

I am beginning to understand why rest is really important. It may have taken me forever to get it, but I've got it now. Your body get broken down during exercise and lifting and needs time off to repair itself. It's not like that is a hard concept to understand, but when you are truly addicted to the gym, you start to think that you are the exception to the rule. I have been to the doctor 3 times in the last 3 weeks (since I started implementing rest days) and have lost 4-6 pounds each week. I'm floored. I do feel better and I will be beating my body up again tomorrow and knocking out the remainder of these 50 miles for May, but know I will get my rest in there! Make sure you do too! 

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Sore & Tired but Truly Inspired!!

Ran a charity race this morning and it was very touching. We were raising money for thetrikeproject, which help to provide specially made trikes for children with disabilities. Mobility=Freedom! It is a great charity as the trikes cost between $1300 and $3000. This charity helps to provide trikes for those children whose family cannot afford them. Their website is Please donate if you can. 
I have to tell you, there were people out running today that were so inspiring; some with physical limitations. They gave it all the had and kept me going the whole way. I'm so happy I was able to share this day with such a great group for such a great charity (Running for Scott). 
Other than that, just a bit sore from lifting yesterday and running today but I'm blessed to be able to. 

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Strong/Fit is the new skinny!

Most women have dieted to be thin/skinny; I know I have. I'm no longer interested on being skinny. I am interested in being fit and powerlifting strong. Am I losing weight? Yes! I have lost about 60lbs since February. I have more to lose but I'm focused on running and lifting. Weight lost is just what happens when you push your body to it's limits. That is what I am doing. I am taking my body on this journey in which fitness, strength, and overall badassness is the destination! Results have me pumped! 
Today's Challenge: Work towards being fit and improving your strength! Skinny is no longer in. 

Friday, May 16, 2014

Day 2 of Rest

Tomorrow I will be back in the gym!!!! It is so hard for me not to get up at 4:15am and get ready for the gym. Today I vowed to sleep in and just lay in bed until 10am. I'm trying and have almost made it, I've got 25 mins left! Lol! Today, I will go get a foam roller and roll my body out. I want all muscles to be stretched and ready for what they will endure tomorrow. Mentally, I am ready to ATTACK the weights tomorrow!!!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Taking 2 Days Off...I Think

I have been talked into taking a couple days in a row off to recover from whatever it is that has me losing gains in the gym. Overtrained? Maybe. I will see how the rest helps or hurts. I have to say that I do feel a little better after being able to sleep in until 6:30. Lol! 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Keep Going!!!!

Since I have been running 2-3 miles a day, my weight lifting is suffering. I was only able to pull 225lbs. Although I'm disappointed, I committed to running 50 miles in May, so I'm gonna suck it up. Also, I want to be one of those people that can lift heavy and do cardio and see gains in both. So I will just keep going. I will continue to lift what I can and keep running daily. 
Today's Challenge: Challenge your body! Take it to the edge and stay there unt you see improvements. It will happen!

Monday, May 12, 2014

A Bad Day in the Gym....

Well today didn't work out te way I planned it. Dead lifting is my thing. Today I was not able to deadlift a thing! I got up to 225lbs and that was it! I did bench, pull downs, and ran a little over two miles but I was not satisfied with my workout at all. I then called Gary who told me not to let that get me down and there are times this will happen. I them went online to find some motivation and I found the posted pic. I am going to focus in all the gains I've achieved this year. I've gone from dead lifting nothing to dead lifting 275lbs, squatting nothing to squatting 225lbs, benching nothing to benching 115lbs, never walking to running 2-3 miles and completing my first official 5k, and being sedentary to hitting the gym daily. I think today can be overlooked. I will continue to give this my all. 
Today's Challenge: Give yourself a break if things don't go the way you planned on your fitness journey. Just keep going!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Hardest Run Ever!

Today I wanted to get 4 miles in but had to mix running and walking due to my left knee and my right hip flexor hurting. So. I terminated my journey before hitting my goal. I was beyond disappointed but I guess that is how it will be sometimes. I won't always hit my mark but I will be right back out there tomorrow. If you want to know what happened with my knee and hip, you have to read my Lifting blog!!!
Today's Challenge: If at first you do t succeed, try try again! You will be stronger because of it! 

Friday, May 9, 2014

Another Fear Gone!

I have always been leery about the overhead press. Well today, I did a gazillion of them! I used only the 45lb bar, but as many if you know it will be a matter of days before there's some weight added to that bar. I think my new goal is to be proficient in almost every weight lifting move known to man. I am so working on improving my bench press, squat, deadlift, and now overhead press; I think I'm well on my way. I go a little over two miles in this morning before killing my arms, shoulders, and lats. So, I'm feeling pretty good! 
Today's Challenge: NEVER allow fear to stop you! Do something new in the gym this weekend. 

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Cardio Day....hooray!

I really do like cardio. I dread it before I get started but as I get into it I start liking it, and by the time I'm done; I LOVE IT! Cardio is essential for a healthy heart and if you need to shred fat, like me. I notice that when I run daily, the fat begins to melt quickly. That is one if the reasons why I'm so drawn to running. Spin class has also helped me with having more energy and endurance. It has even helped me in my weight lifting as cycling is really good for building leg muscles. Regardless of what your fitness goals are you have to get some cardio in there. It's great to lose pounds and lift heavy weights but if your heart muscle is weak, then what's the point? You're triceps and quads can't keep you alive; your heat does. 
Today's Challenge: Get some cardio in your life! Doesn't matter what you do as long as you get your heart rate up and keep it up for 20 mins. You can do it!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

I'm a Runner...that means I need to run!

Tomorrow I will be trying to get 2-3 miles in. I have got to get through this 50 miles in May challenge. I am not going to whine or cry about it because it will help me in so many ways and plus it was my idea! Lol! I just hate when I plan to get some jogging in and it doesn't happen. I will be focusing on getting 2-3 miles in daily from this point forward. That will help me complete the challenge and shed some fat. I will do this and I will do it well! 
Today's Challenge: Stay focused on your goals. If you get sidetracked, remember your life depends on your health and others depend on it (your health) as well. Get it done!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Weight Lifting & Cardio

I have always focused on either lifting weights or doing cardio. I have never been able to do both within the same workout due to being just too tired. Well since I made the 50 miles in May commitment, I have been lifting weights first, then jogging; either outside or on the treadmill. I figure I should shred some pounds by incorporating both this month. I was reading that if you do both, weight lifting should be done first as cardio will negatively impact your weight lifting but weightlifting will not negatively impact your cardio. For me that's true but I know people that run several miles and them lift a rediculous amout of weight. So I guess it depends on the person. Either way, get it in!
Today's Challenge: Get both cardio and weight training in your life. You need both to truly move towards being physically fit. You've got this!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Back Squat....

My goal is one day to be dubbed the "squat queen." Lol! I am getting better! My form is good however I have only been able to squat 110lbs. Now, I can do a gazillion sets with that weight, so I can probably move up in weight. Tuesday night I will go back to Monster Garage Gym and work on adding more weight to the bar while keeping proper form. I'm really starting to really like the back squats and I'm sure it's helping my deadlift. It feels good when you see improvement in yourself and it feels even better when others see improvement in you as well. You just have to keep going! 
Today's Challenge: Work to significantly improve something you've been challenged by in the past. Mine was the weighted back squat, so that is what my focus will be until I am squatting a reputable amout of weight. Hang in there!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Active Rest, Running/Jogging, THE STRUGGLE...

Today is supposed to be my active rest day. I really worked out hard this week lifting and I have also added this run 50 miles in May to my plan. This morning, I should have gotten my butt out of bed at 5:45am and got my 3 mile run in, but I didn't. I work until 4pm today and I hate working out late. I am a morning workout chick. So, now when I leave work I have to get that run in, go home clean up, and get ready for the PPV Boxing match tonight!!! My picks are Love, Broner, Khan, and, of course, Money Mayweather. This is one of the best cards in a long time. Broner and Khan better get in there and take care of business! :-)
Back to this run.... I will probably go at a very slow and comfortable pace (that's what I say now), and take about 50-60 mins to get it done. My goal is not to stop jogging at all. I need to focus on running for a longer period vs. running for distance; the speed will come in due time. When it comes to running, it is really difficult to get yourself motivated enough to start, especially if you just started. I have started and stopped a few times and getting started again is hard. No matter what, I will get out there and get it done.
Today's Challenge: No matter how hard something may seem to be in your head, accept the challenge and get it done. Do not limit your progress by allowing your thinking to get in the way. Just get out there and do it!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Building The Back

Every muscle you see in the posted pic hurts me right now! I worked every muscle in my back yesterday, especially my lattisimus dorsi (lats). The soreness I feel today is amazing! Tomorrow I will take a break from weights and allow these muscles to rest. A strong back is the key to most of our daily movements and a must for power lifting. It is important that proper form and technique are used to prevent injury or you won't be lifting anything. That is probably every lifters biggest fear. I know it's mine. 
Today's Challenge: Incorporate exercises or lifts that target muscles located on the backside of your body, between your neck and butt. Be careful and if lifting weights, only lift what you know you can safely lift to prevent hurting yourself. 

Thursday, May 1, 2014

May Madness....50Miles

Today I started running again. I have not ran in a very long time and I jogged 40 mins straight. My goal is to increase the amount of time I can run without stoping. The speed will come as I go along. I think Shaakira Ford tod me that months ago but I didn't listen! Live and learn. So, I decided that I would run 50 miles for the month of May. I will try to run daily except on Wednesdays and Fridays (my spin days). I really need to shred this stubborn fat that has just made itself at home. Lol! It's time for it to hit the road. So together, my weight lifting and running will help me in a variety of ways. 
Today's Challenge: Walk long distaces, jog, or run every chance you get. There will come a day when you wish you could. Just do it!