Thursday, July 31, 2014


I was supposed to take a rest day today but just couldn't. I love working out and I love the gym. I have been limited in movement and now that I'm getting the movement back I will have to keep up the momentum.
Today was my first day on the treadmill and I have to say that I missed it. I do like jogging outside and will continue doing so when possible but I will probably utilize the treadmill most. Before my snapped calf, I was up to running 5 miles, but now I can't even run 1 straight. I'm not worried, in time I will get back to that. Running is truly addicting. People either hate it, or love it. I love it.  And not everyone can do it. So those who do are SPECIAL. LOL! The same goes for the gym. People either love going or they don't. People ask me questions all the time about why I go, why I lift, and why I lift HEAVY?'s because I want to be fit, lifting builds muscle, and Real Women Lift Heavy! Weight lifting is also addicting by the way. I think when you have goals and you know there are things that you have to do to achieve them, then you either do it or you don't. I choose to make it happen and I WILL NOT STOP!!!
Anyone that is looking to get healthy, fit, skinny, strong, or whatever......Dig deep and find the passion to love what you have to do to get there. It won't happen overnight, but it will happen.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

I'm Back!!!!

Okay people, I have been in such a slump due to my leg. However, yesterday my ortho doctor gave me the best gift ever!!!!! He cleared me to walk/jog and bike! He told me my physical therapist was crazy and not to listen to him about Achilles or nerve damage. I felt so great I walked/jogged to the gym this morning and plan on going for an evening walk. I'm too excited! 

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Gotta Keep Going!

I have been in a really stinky place this week, after being told that I may have Achilles or nerve damage in the leg I hurt 9 weeks ago. All week I have eaten poorly, but have continued my same workout. Tomorrow (my birthday), I see the orthopedic surgeon and will hopefully find out how my leg will be treated going forward. Today, I'm going to focus on the August challenge and staying positive. That is all.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Forever booted.....

Well, I started physical therapy today and overall it sucked! Lol! The therapist told me he needs to contact my doctor because he thinks I may have Achilles issues or nerve damage. So, we shall see where this goes. I'm going to continue to workout and complete the strengthening exercises I was provided. Looks like I have a couple of race bibs to give away, but I plan on getting this leg better and run a race before the end of the year. 

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Can You Say 145lbs Bench x2????

Best workout ever! I have a new max! Okay so, I have been wanting to bench 135lbs for the longest and now I've passed that up! You guys really don't know how stoked I am about this! Okay, I'm gonna calm down. I am here to tell you that there is NOTHING out of your reach. I never thought I would get to this point because my push and upper body is so weak. Well it's getting stronger every week. Great day, great workout! 

Monday, July 14, 2014

Loving My New Focus!!!

So, today I went to the gym vowing to myself not to bench press and I didn't. I really had to give my left shoulder a break. It was hard because I am so eager to get my bench numbers up that I want to do it daily, but that wouldn't be smart. So today I did a gazillion reps of the overhead press, tricep pull-downs, and bicep curls... AND WITH HEAVY WEIGHT!!!! I don't believe in lifting light weight guys, it's pointless if you are trying to gain strength. I did go to LA Fitness at 5:30am (yes I was late), then I traveled to Monster Garage Gym  at 9am and did some lat work. I also watched Kristen bench a trillion pounds as well. It was a good day but not much to report. Tomorrow is my "rest day" but who knows. We shall see how it goes.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Better Bench Press

Today was a really good day in the gym. I benched 135lbs a number of times and 140lbs 1x. I have found a way to stretch my left shoulder out between sets and my bench is improving. I did both flat and incline and both feel really different with different stick points. I figure that I will work on both stick points over the next week and continue with the 135lbs until I can do reps. I'm just happy my bench is getting better! I also moved up in weight on the tricep pull down, doing 120lbs x 90 then 130x 10. 100 total. My workout partner Gary and I increase each week and my triceps are still humming! I'm trying to rid myself of these flabby arms. I will continue to worm in it.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Gym Buddies... Motivation or Set up?

So as most of you know, I work out more days of the week than not. I mean, I work out 5-6 days weekly, so I am your average gym rat. I have met some really great people in the gym and have become accustomed to seeing their faces on a daily basis. We know each other's first names and some of us have even exchanged phone numbers. Now, these people are both men and women. Even though I am pretty much the only women in the gym at 5am everyday. Anyhoo..... A couple of weeks ago, I was in the gym every morning and a couple of the guys that I see everyday were not. One of the guys (Taurus), who is truly built like a bull was helping improve my bench press. So, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday we would bench press together. The other dude, Adam, is a really nice guy that just knows what to say to keep you motivated. Well, when I didn't see them for that entire week, I became really upset and it impacted my workout. Now don't get me wrong, I still got it in, but it was hard. Well, Adam did show back up last week and told me that he fell off and thought about me daily. He knew he was going to get chewed out when he returned. Taurus moved to Arizona and didn't even say good-bye.  :-(  He's a really great guy and I wish him nothing but the best and I pray our paths cross again because he really did inspire me. There are other guys in the gym too that make my day. Poncho and Armando!!!  Now, I think these guys come EVERYDAY because if I take a rest day, they are all down my throat about why I wasn't in the gym! They will tell me I'm taking to long to start my next set of reps and will also spot me at the drop of a dime. So, even though I love the gym relationships I have been so blessed to have at LA Fitness, I hate that when one of those guys are not there as it impacts my workout. I will be the first to say, "BE YOUR OWN MOTIVATION!!!" But I can't go heavy if they don't show up!  LOL! Can you say selfish?

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

My Bench Press is Improving!!!

Im really happy about my workout this morning! I have been working in my stick point since last weekend and decided to try 135 lbs again and got it!!!! It is getting easier, so I'm going back to working on my stick point again. I will do 135lbs again on Saturday. My goal is 225lbs. I know this will take some time but I can do it. Most women don't bench press heavy. Shoot most don't bench press at all so when it comes to competitions if you're a woman and can bench a lot of weight, you have a chance of taking home a prize. That's my goal! 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Rest & Recovery

No lifting today. My upper body has been under attack for a few weeks now and it needs a break. The bench press is so important yet can be so brutal on you. Since I started benching, I've had shoulder, wrist, and back aches that I only experience with benching. The back aches are from the arch in the back one is to have when pressing the weight. My arch is getting better and the aches are lessening, but this road to getting for is brutal, yet I'm having difficulties staying home from the gym. Haha!!! I truly love working out and all the pains that come with it! 

Monday, July 7, 2014

Benefits of Working Out Early

I have never been able to work out late in the day. There was a point in my life when I would willingly get up early to workout and then force myself to go back later in the day. I found out that doing so may hurt more than help so I when back to working out in the mornings. I'm at the gym at 5am on the dot. If I get there any later, I mentally crash. Plus, the guys in the gym will razz the heck out of me. Lol! In my mind working out in the evening would have more benefits as you would be burning off those cals that you've taken in all day. However, your motivation would have to be pretty high to really get it in after working a job all day long. So, what are the benifits of working out early? 
Research suggests that morning exercise improves sleep, a benefit that could also promote weight loss. One study of overweight women between the ages of 50 to 75 showed that those who engaged in consistent morning exercise (about four hours a week) slept better than those who exercised less. The evening exercisers had more trouble falling asleep - even if they fit in the four hours a week. It is possible that by exercising in the morning -- instead of evening - the exercise affects the body's circadian rhythm (your internal body clock) so you get better-quality sleep. Good sleep helps control the hormonal balance that helps control appetite (WebMD). 
Another benefit is that if you get up and get it in, other things that are bound to happen in your day won't interfere with you getting to the gym. Working out in the morning also sets the tone for your day. Of you workout in the mornings, you are more likely to eat clean and plus, it decreases your appetite. There are probably other physiological reasons working out in the morning are beneficial, but as long as you are getting it in, time of day doesn't matter. :-) 

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Focusing On Upper Body

So, I got a real stern lecture today while at Monster about trying to rush my training that engages my injured leg. So, I'm back to focusing on my upper body, and will stay there until I'm cleared to do the other stuff. It truly is good advice because I don't want to be out longer than planned due to further injury. So, I will give my leg more time and continue bettering my bench. Ugh!!!

Friday, July 4, 2014

Me, Gary, Gym and DEADLIFTS!

Got up and hit the gym early this morning with my main Lifting Dude, Gary. Got in some deadlifts, bench press, lat work, and we killed our triceps. I love when the guys in the gym comment on how strong I am! I took my boot off today, wrapped my calf tight with Ace, and pulled 265lbs. I'm almost back to my pre-injury pull which makes me happy. I also benched 135 again today. Gonna deload this week and work on stuck points. Finally dragging Gary to Monster Garage Gym tomorrow! So I'm excited! I wanna try and walk and run soon.... But I'll hold off until next week. 

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Deadlift Struggles.....ugh!!!

Everyone knows how much I LOVE to deatlift....The other day on my first day back deadlifting, I pulled 240lbs. Not bad for being off a month. Today, I stopped at 185lbs because of this stupid boot!!!! I wanted so bad to max out but that didn't happen. To try and level myself, I stand with my left foot on a 45lbs plate. Since the boot is so big and awkward, I have to  deadlift summo style which is harder. So, I guess I will just lift light until the boot has been laid to rest. I did bench press 135lbs 2x!!!! So I'm happy!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

July Fitness Challenge is ON!!!

Today begins the squat, push-up and plank challenge for July. Words cannot even begin to express how excited I am about this as there are so many people joining me. I thank them! Okay, so this month is the month in which I plan to drop a considerable amount of weight. Nothing too drastic but at least 12-15 lbs. This months progressive challenge will help. My leg is healing well and I anticipate being able to jog lightly in a couple of weeks. Wish me luck! If you have joined the challenge, pat yourself on the back and give it all you've got! If you haven't joined the challenge....if nothing changes, then nothing changes!