Wednesday, July 6, 2016


Over the last month I have been forced to be creative with my gym time, as it has been limited. I have still been following the D.F.C. training schedule and  have also added some other things. Today, I was taught how to play racquetball and I have to say it is challenging but that cardio is so valuable. My focus has really always been endurance and strength. I want to be able to lift (light or heavy, but I LOVE heavy) and also be able to engage in other sports and activities without getting winded (running, boxing, biking, stairs...). I know so many people that do so many different things and depending when they ask me if I want to go do this or that, I want to be able to say sure! I don't want to turn down opportunities to do something new because I feel I may get winded or slow someone else down. I want to be confident that I can keep up no matter what the activity is. WELL ROUNDED. I have always said that. I want to be a well rounded athlete.

Now, don't get me wrong. I do know that when you are in the process of training for something specific, that THING needs your undivided attention. For example, should I ever decide to do a deadlifting competition; deadlifting is what I will be focusing on 80% of the time. Since I am not in training for anything, then I'm going to be dabbling in a bit of everything. Anything except winter sports (when the season comes; I HATE the cold).

This upcoming week I will be heading to Palos Heights to climb stairs and run the trails. I have a few people that are planning on coming with me but when the time comes we will see who actually shows up. The stairs are steep and brutal but provide a ridiculous workout. People of all fitness levels tackle these things and everyone there truly understands the struggle (with the stairs that is). If you are ever in the Palos Heights, Illinois area; DON'T PASS UP THIS FITCHALLENGE!!! :-)

There is one last thing that I want to do before the weather turns bad and that's rock climb. I think I would like to start out with a gigantic rock climbing wall, then hit a very short mountain somewhere to climb. I mean a VERY SHORT one. I really like hiking as well but I hate the bugs, however I'm going to have to overlook that aspect of it and just get out there. I am learning to embrace the outdoors as it has a tendency to challenge the body a bit. Especially if what you are doing is new to you. That's when you start to see progress. That also happens in the gym as well that is why it is recommended that you change your workout program every 4-6 weeks. Once your body becomes efficient at doing something, if you don't change it up or increase the intensity progress slows and eventually stops. However, efficiency is a beautiful thing.

Between weight lifting and involving myself in other activities when possible, I feel that I will soon be back on the fat loss track. My diet is on point and I'm drinking a little over a gallon of water a day. I love being in the gym and will keep my current lifting schedule but will also be adding some things that my body is not used to. Hopefully I can avoid the dreaded plateaus and increase my overall endurance and health. Most importantly, I want to make sure that I'm having fun while I'm doing it! I'll keep you posted!

Friday, July 1, 2016


When I first started this blog, it was simply for me to put my fitness journey out there in cyperworld as a way to hold myself accountable in following through with my fitness goals. There was also a secondary drive; to MOTIVATE. Yes, myself as well as others. I know from years of yo-yo'ing up and down in weight that it's really hard to stay motivated enough to reach your goals. Some times, even when you are reaching your goals, the time it has taken to reach that milestone seems never ending. I am so impatient and we all want to see result sooner than later but sometimes; it takes time. Time is what you have to allow yourself for MOTIVATION to remain intact. I'm hoping that this blog reaches those who really need the motivation and encouragement to continue their fitness fight. I remember when I was the only one reading my blog, and now I get hundreds of views a day from individuals all over the world; this is my motivation. So I beg of you, no matter how far your goal seems each day you get closer to reaching it; don't stop! 

There are endless reasons as to why I yo-yo'd in weight for so many years. We all have our triggers and those triggers can keep you trapped in a vicious cycle. Food has never been my problem, but sweets on the other hand... lol! And when you first start your journey, you will likely have days in which you just have to have that burger or that candy bar and that's okay. However... after you indulge, you have to get right back on track and keep moving forward. You can't quit! Being in the gym is something I have always loved, so one I got a handle on my diet I saw changes. Even when I slipped, if I got right back on track with the diet I saw results. Never let that guilt keep you in the "what's the point" cycle. Get back on track and keep trying!

 If you workout more than you don't workout and you eat healthy more than you eat unhealthy; you will see results. However, once your body adjusts, then so should your habits. Consistency is key. If you are consistently eating clean (with a cheat day here and there) and you are consistent with doing hard WORK!!! in the gym, then you will see results. When you are consistent in the things you do in life, you will end up being successful at doing THAT thing (be it good or bad). In the case of us trying to get fit and stay fit, consistency is not an option. It's required. Stay on corse 90%of the time and you will win!

After you have achieved some really amazing goals, you start to get confident. Not only in yourself but in your abilities to set new, more ambitious goals; and that's great! As long as you are moving onward and upward you are likely to stay engaged and motivated. However, when you start getting comfortable with your accomplishments, you leave room for complacency to creep in, which will defeat you EVERY TIME! Never get too comfortable with your results because it took you hard WORK!!! to get there but believe me, it takes a fraction of the time to move in the opposite direction. Remember, keep striving to be better. Do not allow yourself to get comfortable, EVER!

In this fitness pursuit, you have to be head strong. This is your journey and no one can do the WORK!!! for you. No one can make the choices for you. No one can experience the ups and downs for you. No one can do this but you. Therefore, let NO ONE influence your drive and your desire. No matter what, keep going and stay consistent. Life happens and at times there is nothing that we can do about it. We just have to deal with it the best way we can without jeopardizing our journey. Actually, during stressful times, working out can be the best way to cope. But PLEASE, NEVER let ANYTHING or ANYONE get in the way of your success. NEVER! 

Even when you have done all this work, there is still a ton of work to be done. You have to continue attacking your journey in the manner that helped you get to where you are. You have to pump yourself up and know that you can continue improving. Walk into the gym as if you own it. You have to approach your workout as if it is an actual entity testing your abilities. Kill it! Some may call you arrogant but as long as you know the place and time; so be it. It's okay to rule the WORK!!! Fear CANNOT exist. Fear is your enemy. Conquer it and you will come out on top!

However, after you slay the workout... go back to being you. Be kind, Be helpful, DO NO HARM, and attempt to make someone else's day better.  Be SELFLESS. There's a little hippie in us all. Well, at least there should be. :-)