Thursday, June 15, 2017

I Have To Run...

Prior to August 2016, I was able to run for miles and miles. 3 -4 days a week I would tun anywhere between 4 and 10 miles and I loved it. It broke my body down but 2 days later I would be better and stronger and able to run longer. It only took me about 4 months to develope that type of conditioning and I long for that again.

It has been hard to get back into running like that as there are significant body aches the body experiences and rest the body needs to recover that I don't want to give due to my weight lifting. I don't care what anyone says....cardio KILLS lifting strength. Anyone who knows me, knows I love lifting heavy.  However, I think I have found a decent and happy middle ground, by keeping the miles I run under 5.

Running short distances a couple few times a week is helping me to shred weight and feel better. For me Running is essential. I have always loved to and it has always provided me tough love (with benefits) in return. ❤️

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Getting My Groove Back

I haven't blogged in a while. Me and my son have been working out consistently and he has made some incredible gains. I am continuing have struggles with eating clean, although yesterday I committed to doing better in this area and so far so good!

I am also making gains in the gym as well. My bench is up, my lat pulls are up and my overall strength is up. I've been having issues with my squat due to my left knee nagging me but I'm still hanging in there. I'm totally focused on form and gradually building up to heavy weight (even though I still lift heavy for a female). :-)

I'm finding my flow again but I am still not back to where I was. I will get there though! I have no doubts about it!

For the months of June and July, I'm working on getting my cardio up and continuing to work out all the kinks. Slowly but surely the weight is coming off. With the newly implemented food plan, I should start seeing more impressive results.

I'll keep ya posted! Happy lifting!!!

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Missing In Action (MIA)

Yes, I know that I've been offline for quite some time due to my fitness struggles, after the loss of my mom. No matter how great some days are, I still struggle on the not so great days! I must say that I am closer to having the old fit mindset than I have in the past year, plus I have some new motivation; my son.

He's new to weightlifting but has been making some great gains and has kept me in the gym consistently over the last 8 weeks. I owe him for sparking that flame. Even though I still have some major things to tweek (diet), I'm well on my way. 

Eating clean is essential and I know this! And although I have corrected most of the  VERY BAD HABITS I picked up over the last 10 months, I still find myself reaching for the bad stuff. Now I'm not really a chip, burger, or food junkie, but when it comes to ice cream... I'm weak. I have slowly been replacing the ice cream with sugar free popcicles and frozen yogurt but since it's a healthier alternative I tend to over indulge. Yeah... I've got some work to do because it's stalling my gains/goals. 

Other than that, I'm back in the gym, I'm back jogging 4 days a week, I'm back to meal planning, and I'm back focusing on what changes I need to make to reach my goals while helping my son reach his. His transformation is short of amazing already and I can't wait to reveal his improvements. Until then, I'm gonna continue getting my mind where it needs to be to do what I need to do. 

I guess no matter what happens in life and no matter where you are, the only way to get to your desired destination is to keep chugging forward. 
