Tuesday, May 31, 2016


I can't even begin to express how truly amazed I am by the encounters I have with complete strangers. Over the last few days my head has been in a different  place due to a family emergency. It hasn't been focused on anything but that, so fitness, the gym, and other things have taken the backseat (until my team posts some gym related vids...).  :-) Well, this morning I was in WallyWorld and had crossed paths with a woman a few times before she actually stopped me.

I rarely go out by myself. Most times I have someone with me just because. I have no problem with being in a gym setting alone but for the most part, when you see me you will see with someone (NessNess). Anyhoo.... So back to the lady that stopped me. By the way her name is Dee. She stopped me and said, "Do you box?" I responded, "Well... I train boxers and I know how to box. Why do you ask?" She informed me that she saw a video of a boxing match in which I was working the corner. I asked if the boxer was male or female and she said male, So.... It was either a Jerome "Bam Bam" Brantley or Dustin "The Destroyer" Pearson's fight (Both great boxers in my opinion)!

Anyhoo... She began to tell me her story which wasn't a pretty one. I won't go into details but she has a deep story; one that really moved me. She ended up in tears and I ended up giving her a hug. Yes, i the middle of Walmart. Then she said, "Can you please teach me how to box?" Immediately, I responded "OF COURSE!!!" I know, I know... When am I going to have the time to teach her to box? I will find the time. If you know anything about martial arts (or any task that challenges you physically and mentally), then you know the empowering effects it has on those who partake. If I have the resources, I have to give them away. 

EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR VERY SPECIFIC REASONS. THE PEOPLE WE ENCOUNTER ARE NOT PLACED ON OUR PATHS BY MISTAKE. In these encounters we have to do what our gut informs us to be the RIGHT thing and trust that it's just that; the right thing.

Yes, I  know this post isn't really related directly to fitness, well kinda... Anyways, it is directly connected to the things I am passionate about; doing the right things, fitness, and giving my gifts away. 

Friday, May 27, 2016

Lunch On Us...Helping's The Real WORK!!!

My posts are normally related to physical fitness, and this post may come full circle back to that (or maybe not), but this post is really going to be focused on giving back.

I have done a lot of things in my lifetime but my children are BY FAR my greatest creations. EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM are just genuinely good people, who care about others, and will go out of their way to help another, and it makes me so very proud. For example, my daughter Brandi has been packing 100 lunches, 100 waters, and other items, packing her car up with a stroller, wagon, and kids, driving downtown Chicago, 1 day every summer, for the last 3 years, to hand out lunch and water to individuals who just so happen to find themselves living on the streets of downtown Chicago.

Many people see these individuals every day and walk right pass avoiding a conversation or even making eye contact. Rarely, do you see anyone say good morning, ask them their name, how they are doing, or take a few minutes to hold a simple conversation. Well, I'm proud to say that me, my kids, and my grand kids do just that. We stop, we chat, we feed, we shake hands, we get names, we give hugs and yes sometimes we give money. It's the least we can do. To make those who are so very overlooked and looked down upon know there are people who still care.

On June 18th, 2016 a bunch of caring individuals  (Brandi, kids, grand kids, myself and  the rest of D.F.C.) will continue the annual Lunch On Us Day. We will be provide bagged lunches, snacks, water, and other personal items to displaced individuals all around downtown Chicago. We will meet at The Bean at 12pm, then head out to serve lunch, hold some convos, and focus on making some people smile and reminding them they DO matter! 

If you are interested in joining us, you can find us on Face Book at the link below:

We are continuing to collect donations to make this day a success. We are still in need of cases of water and toiletries (trial size items such as toothpaste, deodorant, hand sanitizer, etc..,).  We are good on toothbrushes!!! No matter what, on June 18th we will give what we have and give it freely!!!

Saturday, May 21, 2016


In an attempt to re-introduce more cardio into my life (as I have been focused on lifting heavy) I am trying to incorporate just moving more. For the last few days I have been doing 45mins on the stair master followed by 15 mins on the treadmill. Today, I decided to ditch sleeping in got out of bed at 4:30 to leave the house by 5:15 to head to Swallow Cliff to climb some stairs and jog on some trails. Swallow Cliff is located in Palos Park which is nearly 1.5  hours from where I live, but I have been wanting to make this trip for quite some time and decided today would be the day. I solicited my daughter Brittany, and two of my classmates/colleges Ona and Michelle to go with me. Michelle and Oana had already done 1 round on the stairs before me and Brittany got there. They appeared to be excited for more!

Okay, so I purchased a new camera that has amazing quality and came with all sorts of mounts for me to film this adventure. I had the camera strapped to my hat and thought I knew what buttons to push to get it to record but obviously I didn't! I didn't get any of the Swallow Cliff footage that I had hoped for, so I will have to go back soon and do it correctly. Figures. We do have a couple of pics and Brittany did sneak a video...

The stairs at Swallow Cliff are NO JOKE!!! My legs are strong so that was not the problem. But halfway up each round, it felt like my lungs were going to hop out of my mouth. My cardio is not what it used to be. Even those who are in good shape cardio wise would have a time with these stairs. If you ever have the opportunity to get to Palos Park you HAVE TO hit the stairs at Swallow Cliff. I would like to get D.F.C. out there! I had on one of my D.F.C. hoodies and while I was on the trail people were running behind or passing me up yelling WORK!!! One guy was like "You betta WORK!!!" I did get video of someone yelling WORK!!! at me as we were heading back to the car. It's was pretty amazing!

So we ended up doing the stairs 5 times (up and down) and then we did 5 miles on the trail. The picture does not display just how evil these stairs are. Dem stairs are da debble Bobby Boushe!! Honestly, I like them, but I really love the trails. I jogged some and I walked some. However, when I decided to start jogging, I turned around and  Michelle and Oana were gone!!! They text me saying they wanted to say goodbye but I was not in sight. I think they waited for me to get out of sight before they took off. Lol!

Brittany walked her 5 miles which is great especially on those trails. There are a lot of hills, a lot of dips, and a lot of horse ishT!!! The entire yellow trail is 8.1 miles, so the next time I go I will have to do the entire yellow trail. Here was Brittany's perspective of me for a lot of the time on the trails.

 Speaking of horses, I may elect to go ride horses next Saturday. I know Brittany would love that! We used to have horses when we lived in Arizona. Well, I had a horse and Brittany (who was young) had a horse/donkey mix that hated everyone but her. LOL! Anyhoo... Every Saturday I aim to do something a bit off the cuff, adventurous, and keeps fitness in mind. Now that I know how to work this camera (after the fact), I will be filming these excursions and you will see them soon on a project D.F.C. is working on (shhhh... I'm not supposed to be talking about it).

Before I go, yesterday I got the best 90 min massage. I will be going back for another one on Wednesday and every week after that. For me there is no other option. For whatever reason, my IT bands, Sartorius, and periformis just don't respond to my SMR but totally respond to the massage therapist. If you have never had a quality massage, YOU MUST TREAT YOURSELF!!! You will feel better in every way and it is truly good not only for the body but for the mind and spirit as well. Do your research, then make an appointment! :-)

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


As I stop and think back to the day (well not the exact day, I have a horrible memory for dates) I made the decision to change the way I treated my body, I still feel that same determination today. For me, I get so caught up in the "process" that I forget to reflect and recall why I started this fitness thing in the first place. 

Weight wasn't a problem for me until 1993, up until that time I was always between a size 7 and 9 and a weight between 125 and 135lbs. After 93, I don't know what happened. I was a stay at home mom not doing too much on the activity side which was a huge shock to my body. Growing up I was into EVERYTHING! Gymnastics, track, cheerleading, bowling, tennis, and hiking.   But after 93, all that ended and the weight just consumed me. Now, every now and again I would find it in me to drop some weight but the motivation never lasted and I would gain what I had lost and 10lbs more. Try doing that over a couple of decades and you've got all sorts of ridiculous weight to carry around. To go from 125 to 300+ lbs... I'm shaking my head as I type this. People always ask why I say 300+ pounds and not give an exact number? Well, it's because at one point my doctor told me I was 297lbs and at that point I refused to step on a scale again, but I'm 1000% positive I gained an additional 15-25lbs after that weigh in; if not more. I didn't want to know. I didn't EVER want to hear 3hundred and.....anything! Ignorance was certainly bliss on one hand and slowly killing me on the other. 

It was just 2 years ago that I really was able to get a handle on this weight thing. It started with a spiritual change which lead to a change in my perception of myself, others, and life in general. That was the point in which I was determined to rid myself of that old Kim and create a new Kim. That was my focus and what drove me then. Now, my determination and focus comes from really loving life, fitness, and desire to see just what the future Kim has in store. :-) 

I'm still dealing with weight loss pitfalls and struggles. It's not like just because you lose a significant amount of weight that you are done working. That NEVER stops! I'm constantly setting goals and working to accomplish them. This is a lifelong change that will require your attention until you decide you no longer care and you stop or you die. I only have control over one of those options and quitting is not a trait embedded in my DNA. 

Though it is not easy, you have to keep going! Find whatever it is within you that got you started and will keep you going! Don't let your life be cluttered with things or people that stall your goals and keep you from being a better and healthier you! And when you need that motivation or extra push, CREATE IT FOR YOURSELF!!! All extra pushes from outside sources is gravy....You've got this! 

Sunday, May 15, 2016


D.F.C. had an amazing dose of WORK!!! this morning! I'm so proud of the guys as their gains both in strength and esthetically just continue to present themselves every session I train with them. I'm sure I'm making gains as well and although I write my numbers down I rarely compare them. So, what I will lift is determined by the coach (3reFit). Today was chest day and the movements he had us doing REALLY put it on us. You may think what I am about to say is a joke but it truly is not; TYPING THIS ENTRY HAS PROVEN TO BE DIFFICULT AS I KEEP CATCHING A MINOR CRAMP IN MY RIGHT TRICEP. NO JOKE!!! Although today was chest day, more than just the chest muscles are engaged or assist in the movement. Well this tricep is letting me know she showed up and put in some WORK!!! LOL! I've said it once and I'll say it again... I LOVE MY TEAMATES!!! We slayed that ishT today!!!
  Anyone who knows me, knows that I can be super impulsive, I love and will accept any challenge, and I tend to have the desire to do EVERYTHING that comes to mind. Sometimes it works out for me and sometimes I have to be reminded to JUST CHILL! That's a good thing. Not only does it take some pressure off but it helps me to reflect and put things into perspective. Well actually, my teammates break it down for me and then I take the hour long ride home in silence thinking about what they have said and it does me good. I think I've said it in previous posts that sometimes we have to get out of our own way. Well, I obviously still leaning how to do that. It's all good though as I NEVER claimed to be perfect, so I may have to be reminded again at some point which really frustrates some. But as long as they don't ever completely give up  on me I'm good! I'll say it again!!! I LOVE MY TEAMMATES!!!
 Okay, let us talk about this word KETOSIS. Lord, KETOSIS is a double edge sword. I think I was in ketosis nearly 1 month and the first two weeks were hell. The 3rd week was great and this week I had more carbs than I had been eating and I feel sick as hell!!! Like nauseous sick. So, today I am no longer in KETOSIS (well that's what my pee says. Ketone levels are measured via urine. I know TMI, but  it's part of this fitness thing)! That being said, Tomorrow I will again restrict carbs to 20 per day with the exception of hard training days (Legs, Back, Chest) and increase my fat intake. I'm done consuming food for the day today. I am focusing on rehydrating and I had the BEST protein shake with added glutamine, creatine, and L-Carnitine. I had to pop a potassium pill for this irritating tricep spasm! LOL! I LOVE THIS ishT!!! It's crazy how something that you avoided for decades becomes something that you can't get enough of. I spent so much time making excuses and avoided working out for DECADES and now I can't imagine my life without it and all that comes with it; the GOOD and what appears to be NOT SO GOOD. And the best thing about it, I DON'T HAVE TO GO THROUGH THIS ALONE!!! There are so many amazing individuals out there trying to do right by there bodies and I have so much respect and hope for them. Some are experiencing what I have experienced in the past, some are going through exactly what I am going through, and some are where I am likely headed but have never been. It is truly NOT an EASY process. Anyone putting in that EFFORT deserves and should COMMAND RESPECT REGARDLESS OF WHERE THEY ARE IN THE PROCESS! And what a PROCESS it is! I am learning to TRUST IT! Honestly, I feel that today is my turning point from learning to TRUST IT to TRUSTING IT. Seriously. Today's team chat really did me GREAT!!! Boy I tell ya, GOD truly is IN CHARGE and KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT HE IS DOING! He puts people in our lives for very specific reasons and not only for the fitness thing but for the LIFE thing as well. The things that I learn and am beginning to understand can and are applied to other areas of my life and it's a beautiful thing. We are all beautiful WORKS IN PROGRESS and FOREVER EVOLVING TO BETTER STATES OF BEING. That's why this and the people traveling through this with me means so very much. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world and I will say this one mo'gin (interpretation-one more time!) I LOVE MY TEAMMATES!!!


Friday, May 13, 2016


I would have to say that today was a good day in the gym. Was it my best day? No, but it wasn't the worst either. It was leg day and after I warmed up on the treadmill I decided to loosen up my hami's and hips to squat. I took my time and felt good but when I went to warm up with my normal 135lbs, I felt stiff or cold. That 135 felt like 285!  I figured I needed to get a second warm up set in to loosen up more before moving up in weight so that's what I did, but I didn't feel any better. I decided to move up to 185lbs and it seemed so freaking heavy and then I got upset with myself. So, I did two more sets of 185lbs and the squats appeared to be getting just a little better. I then put in a distress text to my teammate 3reFit. I told him what was going on and he told me where I was going wrong in my thinking and to chill. What I was thinking is "I'm going to increase gradually up to 315 because I don't want to lose any of my strength!" Well, I moved up to 225lbs. I had one of the guys that works in the gym spot me and it's like the weight just got easier and I had absolutely no problem squatting it. So, it WAS my thinking that was messing me up with the initial squats. I'm just gonna get it out, I HATE NOT LIFTING WITH D.F.C.!!!! I PHUCKING HATE IT!!! Okay, I feel a tad bit better now. :-)

Most would say that regardless, I should be able to lift with or without them and that is true and I can. However, when it comes to lifting HEAVY weight, it's a task and for several reasons. I am really considering starting my own private practice (therapy) along with training people on the side so that I can make my own schedule and NEVER miss a D.F.C. training day again!!! Now, those who know me, know that when I say something, I typically make it happen. That's my M.O.   If I could live in the gym I would. If I could open my own gym I would (and I may; God willing). Yep, that's right... I'm a doer!

Back to my day in the gym...
I like it when I get a chance to talk to other gym junkies. Today, I was engaged in a conversation with a guy who told me that he has seen me lifting in the gym and asked me if I had a coach. I told him I did (3reFit) and he said "well he's doing a good job" (he's aiight)! LOL!!!
This guy, Mike, is an Olympic Weightlifting coach and was working with one of his guys who has a competition coming up in August. This kid is 22 years old and moves ridiculous amounts of weight, but is the nicest guy ever. To see him, you wouldn't think he would have that type of strength, but he does. They both congratulated me on my 315lbs (squat and deadlift because you know I had to tell them) and said anytime my back day lands on their deadlifting day (because they only do the 3 major lifts) that I was free to join them. They also gave me the information to where this kid Nate, will be competing next. I told him that me and my team might be able to come check him out. I really love Power Lifting.

One thing that I have to say about my leg day today... I realized just how massive my hamstring strength is and has improved. My quad strength is also on the rise. I have mastered the one leg step up and balance, my leg extensions and hami curls have increased in weight and on my way in the locker room, one of the lady's I see in the gym all the time said "girl, your legs look strong as hell!" And you know what? THEY ARE!!! It means a lot to me to have the body I do. No it is not perfect and yes I was want to shred fat and get cut but I a blessed to be able to do the things that I do and get so much joy from it. And this imperfect body and what it is able to do gets others excited for me which is amazing. There is nothing I would change at this point. I am learning to be patient and trust the process. Yes at times I get frustrated because the process does not appear to be working in my favor but it is. Even if it is in very small ways or in very small spurts; it's working! Every day that I step in the gym, I have improved in something or in some way and I'm okay with that.

Today I am thankful. Period. The people that are consistently in  my life I am thankful for. Those who help me and that I am able to provide help to, I am thankful for. Even those who are not on my team and may collude against me, I am thankful for. The people we encounter on our journey are perfectly positioned on our paths for a reason. When you are doing the right things, the right people end up traveling with you.

Keep them close.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016


Today, I am just writing from the heart. I'm not sure who this post is meant to reach (besides myself) but I'm sure there are those who can find some meaning within the words.

I encounter individuals from many different walks of life on a daily basis. I have heard a great number of stories regarding the struggles that people have faced in their lives. The subject of health and fitness is what I've been hearing about the most lately. As many of you know, this has also been a struggle or me. Less now than in the past but a struggle nonetheless; that's really how this blog began. Me documenting the highs and the lows of my fitness journey. Something like a diary shared to let others know YOU are NOT alone. This blog also helps me to process my experiences as well.

When I am not afforded the privilege to train with D.F.C. my motivation sometimes tanks. That happened today but then I begin to channel the guy's spirits to give me the boost I need to get through it. I think about all the smack they talk and energy that surrounds us when we train together and I get through it! However, I recall a time when I was completely alone in this. And that's usually where people start. Trying to figure out what to do and how to do it. I was so ashamed of my weight at one point that it kept me from even going to the gym. I was trying to lose weight before even thinking about a gym membership. I wouldn't allow pictures of me to be taken and I cut myself off from the outside world. It was truly a lonely and low existence. Now, those who knew me probably had no idea of the inner turmoil I was experiencing and it's hard to break those negative patterns of thinking and behaving. Eventually I did 
with TON of talks with God and making gradual weekly changes. However, I think about all the things, people, and opportunities I missed out on in the interim.

For those who are struggling with how to get started or what to do to get motivated, my first suggestion is to utilize whatever spiritual or religious beliefs you have to extinguish the negative self talk. No matter what your current weight or health status is, you are here. YOU CAN start at this very moment no matter what your last moments were like. Please don't trick yourself into thinking that you need to do this or that before making any changes. That just puts you further and further behind. Please don't trick yourself into thinking that you can't do it because you are too far gone, that is a lie. I don't care if you are 1000 lbs, in two weeks you could be 5-10 pounds lighter and that much more close to your health and fitness goals. Please do not trick yourself into thinking that you can incorporate walking and working out but not change your diet. You can't. But guess what? You don't have to totally deprive yourself of EVERYTHING! You just have to limit the amount of times you treat yourself.  Please do not trick yourself in to thinking that tomorrow is a better time to start or that you are going to start on Monday. Monday may never come and there is no time like the present. Get started and stay started!!!

Once you get started, you will feel so much better about yourself. The first week or 2 is the hardest and then your mind and body begin to adjust to the change. Your biggest challenge will be to stay the course for at least 14 days. There are so many resources out there to help your remain motivated, USE THEM!!!  Every moment of the day, tell yourself that YOU CAN and YOU WILL! What you tell yourself is so very important. You have spent so long believing that you can't but now it's time to start telling yourself and believing that YOU CAN! YOU CAN DO THIS!!! Don't worry about weighing yourself right away, just focus on eating better and moving. Don't worry about what others may think because others can't do this for you. Don't worry about how long your journey may or may not take, just know that if you don't make a change your journey will never happen. The only thing that is beneficial for you to focus on is the FACT that YOU CAN DO THIS and THAT EVERY SMALL STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION WILL ULTIMATELY GET YOU TO YOUR DESTINATION. YOU'VE GOT THIS!!!

Saturday, May 7, 2016


This week has been crazy amazing!!! The middle of the week was difficult but this post is not about difficulties, it's about success and kicking difficulties in the nuts!!!

I think I forgot to mention that last week I ran the Blacklight Run at Six Flag's Great America with my daughter Brandi. We got it done in a little under 36 minutes which I'm happy with. There were TENS of THOUSANDS of people there and I managed to do the smart thing and head to the start line while everyone was dancing and all that. Even though we got to the start line early, we still ended up being in the second wave. To give you an idea of just how crowded it was... When Brandi and I were leaving the park, the line to start the run was out into the parking lot. There were many of my social media friend and people I've known for years there but I didn't run into any of them. I did run into a couple people that recognized me from Facebook which was cool. It was a good time.

I had many successes in the gym this week, as did many others. I managed to move weight numbers that I never really planned on moving and the feeling is almost numbing. Amazingly numbing but numbing nonetheless. I'm beyond happy and excited that I was able to accomplish these things, but its just so very unbelievable to me that I actually did it, that my brain could not immediately classify it. As I am typing this I'm feeling a bit emotional because a couple of years ago, I had absolutely no idea how far I would come. And this may not seem like a huge deal to most but I'm not a young chick. I spent the majority of my life being MORBIDLY OBESE and that became my way of existing for so long until one day I decided to kick those difficulties in the nuts! But that only happened after years of failing at it. Even then, you never really know where you will end up. You are just trying so hard not to fail again and go backwards, never really knowing where all those small successes will land you. It's just fascinating.

There are also NO WORDS that can express the gratitude I have for those who have supported me thus far. My dad being #1. No matter what diet I was telling him about trying and no matter what exercise plan I was going to engage in, he never said one negative thing. He would actually encourage me in doing WHATEVER I thought would work. Most would offer words of why what I was doing would not work, which most times didn't but not for the reasons they suggested. Those failures were from all the negative SELF talk going on within.

Because I had lost a bit here and there and gained that bit back along with more bits, many people just became used to seeing me yo-yo. That inconsistency makes people not take you seriously even when you totally are but just can't get out of your own way. THIS IS THE MOST DIFFICULT THING ABOUT CHANGING YOUR PHYSICAL HEALTH!!! Giving yourself a chance. Even though I have had much weight loss success and I'm way healthier now than I've ever been, I still have to work harder on just giving myself a chance. When I want something (strength, toned body part) I want it now! It just doesn't work that way. I still have to be reminded of that at times.

Back to those who have supported me...Along the way, I think there have been some who have supported me out of genuine love of lifting, but there are also those who had ulterior motives and of course they were quickly dismissed. Having the support of others on your journey SHOULD NOT MAKE OUR BREAK YOU, but it is such a great feeling to know that others truly care about where you are and where you want to go. The feeling is unimaginable when those same people rally for your cause and you are able to do the same for them and it ALL means something. Everybody's goal matter. Everyone wants everyone to succeed. That is what I have with D.F.C. (3reFit, Eric, Big Boo, and sometimes Nate). LOL! Nate is like the letter Y in the list of vowels (A,E, I, O, U and sometimes Y). But these guys not only inspire me but create such a safe and supportive space for me to challenge myself, move ridiculous amounts of weight, and unapologeticly so! YOU HAVE TO SURROUND YOURSELF WITH PEOPLE THAT HAVE LIKE GOALS AND WANT TO SEE YOU SUCCEED!!!

MY Journey vs. YOUR Journey- My journey continues and it hasn't been easy and I continue to learn, struggle, fail, overcome, and succeed. Your journey is likely to have some of those same characteristics but if you just stay the course, you will change. Not only your body, but your way of living, your way of thinking, your way of existing, your way of dealing with others, and your outlook on life in general WILL CHANGE. Just know you are not alone in the struggle. There are millions of us that knows the struggle and knows it's real. Just get yourself started and stay started!

Oh and as for the great number moved this week... my 135lbs lunge game is improving for sure! But the highlight of the week was my 315lb squatS! Yes with an S!!! Man, I have to say it again... I LOVE MY SQUAAAD!!! There was 315lb on the rack and I told the guys, "I just want to feel it." So with 3reFit coaching me, I began by just lifting it and re-racking it a few times. Then I lifted it, backed up with it, then re-racked it a couple times. Then I lifted it, backed up with it, squatted it 2x, then re-racked it! HOWEVER, no one recorded it. So 3reFit asked if I had it in me to do it again (which was a silly question) and I said YES! So after a great amount of time to recover, I did it again but this time I squatted it 3x's AND it was caught on camera! Truth be told, I LOVE the reaction I get from the guys when I lift something most females (and some dudes) won't lift. BEST FEELING IN THE WORLD! Here's the link to D.F.C.'s FB page so that you can witness this week's WORK!!! https://www.facebook.com/dfctfl/?fref=ts

Until next time, set yourself a short term and a long term goal and do that you have to do to get there! You only have one life and don't allow it to pass you by. You've got this!

Monday, May 2, 2016


Happy Monday to you ALL!!! Some of you may know that I have been utilizing a ketogenic eating plan to throw my body into ketosis and keep it there. If you are not familiar with what ketosis is do your research, but it is essentially a way to program your body to utilize fat as the primary fuel source versus utilizing carbohydrates. There are some ups and downs in the initial stages and I've experienced a couple negatives but I'm starting to experience some positives as well! For one, NO SUGAR CRAVINGS!!! Sweets are my vice and those are gone, thank goodness! SUGAR IS THE DEVIL!!!  I'm down from about 100 pieces of sugarless gum a day to about 2, which I only chew while I'm in the gym. As I begin to experience more of the changes I will post about them.

Yesterday leg day was BRUTAL!!! I love it!!! My energy was a bit low due to the transition into ketosis but I got through it. I can't dwell on it as it will pass and I will soon have unlimited energy (well that's what I heard). LOL! Some may say I don't need any more energy but what do they know? Back to leg day... Lunges just about killed me!!! I was sweating buckets of greatness. I don't think I have ever sweated that much EVER!!! This is a great sign. My legs feel good today though for the most part. My squats were cool. I  ended up at 245lbs on those and 135lbs on the lunges. The ONLY reason I went there with the lunges is because I didn't want the guys to have to change the weight and I knew I could at least get a couple out (and it was the last set). I ended up cranking out 6 on each leg. The normal flow is 4 sets of 10.  I completed my first 3 sets with 95lbs, which is too shabby if I might say so myself. Overall Leg Day was fantastic!!! You can actually check it out on the D.F.C. FB page (look for Sports Team). There is also some great footage of 3reFit Squatting 495lbd, and my other teammates gettin' in that WORK!!!

So, D.F.C. got some new team hoodies (we all usually wear hoodies in the gym to sweat and to prevent cooling off from the air conditioning)!!! Whenever the hoodies for the team are worn, we get a lot of compliments and questions about our crew. It's really cool. What's even cooler is just being part of the team. Everyone is supportive and provides the push needed to get through those difficult times on the floor. There's also a lot of laughter and hand slappin', which just makes it all even greater! The smack the guys talk on the floor is priceless and I really wish everyone could share in this experience. It's just crazy. Anyhoo! Just know, it's a time that I wouldn't trade for many things in the world. :-)

Well today is CHEST DAY!!! I really like it as I am working on improving my bench press and transforming my upper body (as well as my lower body). Lol. It's hard, but I will be fine. I  have made great gains over the last few weeks and I'm only gonna get better. I'm not benching 3 and 4 plates like others in the crew but I'm not sure if that will ever be a goal of mine. I do want my numbers to increase but not that high. I will be sure to let you know how it goes..

I know I have been slacking with the posting lately and I apologize. Just know that I am busy working on some exciting things (plus working and training) that I will inform you of soon. I will attempt to post again in the next few days. Until then, Love YOURSELF. I mean do some things for you that makes YOU happy or brings you some PEACE. I started my weekly massages again, I'm lovely. No ONE can LOVE YOU, like YOU LOVE YOU, so practice showing YOURSELF some LOVE!