I will find out next week if there are any foods that I am allergic to that may be causing my water retention. I am also getting my Testosterone and Estrogen levels check this week and seeing a doctor who works with athletes that will analyze my test results and help me to create a plan that will assist me in reaching my goals. I am ready to take my fitness to the next level. Meaning, I am ready to shred this fat, gain more lean muscle, and I willing do the work to make it happen. I mean, I do the work in the gym already but I obviously need to make some changes outside the gym; mainly with my eating or lack of eating. CHANGE is my word for the month of FEBRUARY!

There are a couple of other things that I know that are probably contributing to my stale state; stress and stress. LOL! School is so very stressful and stress hormones are deadly to weight-loss. Trying to manage life can also be stressful. Normally, I live relatively stress free but over the month of January I have just been struggling. So, for February I'm going to make it a point to regain control of my PEACE. What that will look like I'm not sure. I know that I will increase my meditation time and pay closer attention to things that create stress for me. I know school and work are my top two but neither of them can be eliminated from my existence at this point. HAHA!!! Wouldn't that be lovely? I will just flow with the waves of energies that present themselves. Negative energies will quickly be dismissed and positive ones will be embraced.
There is more exciting news that I can't yet share with anyone, as it is not a done deal. Hopefully, by the end of February I will be in the position to let you in on what's happening. Just know that when I do something I try to do it to the best of my ability and if I can't, I won't do it.
Friday night I attended a boxing match and many people asked if I was fighting on May 6th and I'm still undecided. So, when I decide; everyone will know.
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