This week has been crazy amazing!!! The middle of the week was difficult but this post is not about difficulties, it's about success and kicking difficulties in the nuts!!!
I think I forgot to mention that last week I ran the Blacklight Run at Six Flag's Great America with my daughter Brandi. We got it done in a little under 36 minutes which I'm happy with. There were TENS of THOUSANDS of people there and I managed to do the smart thing and head to the start line while everyone was dancing and all that. Even though we got to the start line early, we still ended up being in the second wave. To give you an idea of just how crowded it was... When Brandi and I were leaving the park, the line to start the run was out into the parking lot. There were many of my social media friend and people I've known for years there but I didn't run into any of them. I did run into a couple people that recognized me from Facebook which was cool. It was a good time.

I had many successes in the gym this week, as did many others. I managed to move weight numbers that I never really planned on moving and the feeling is almost numbing. Amazingly numbing but numbing nonetheless. I'm beyond happy and excited that I was able to accomplish these things, but its just so very unbelievable to me that I actually did it, that my brain could not immediately classify it. As I am typing this I'm feeling a bit emotional because a couple of years ago, I had absolutely no idea how far I would come. And this may not seem like a huge deal to most but I'm not a young chick. I spent the majority of my life being MORBIDLY OBESE and that became my way of existing for so long until one day I decided to kick those difficulties in the nuts! But that only happened after years of failing at it. Even then, you never really know where you will end up. You are just trying so hard not to fail again and go backwards, never really knowing where all those small successes will land you. It's just fascinating.

There are also NO WORDS that can express the gratitude I have for those who have supported me thus far. My dad being #1. No matter what diet I was telling him about trying and no matter what exercise plan I was going to engage in, he never said one negative thing. He would actually encourage me in doing WHATEVER I thought would work. Most would offer words of why what I was doing would not work, which most times didn't but not for the reasons they suggested. Those failures were from all the negative SELF talk going on within.

Because I had lost a bit here and there and gained that bit back along with more bits, many people just became used to seeing me yo-yo. That inconsistency makes people not take you seriously even when you totally are but just can't get out of your own way. THIS IS THE MOST DIFFICULT THING ABOUT CHANGING YOUR PHYSICAL HEALTH!!! Giving yourself a chance. Even though I have had much weight loss success and I'm way healthier now than I've ever been, I still have to work harder on just giving myself a chance. When I want something (strength, toned body part) I want it now! It just doesn't work that way. I still have to be reminded of that at times.

Back to those who have supported me...Along the way, I think there have been some who have supported me out of genuine love of lifting, but there are also those who had ulterior motives and of course they were quickly dismissed. Having the support of others on your journey SHOULD NOT MAKE OUR BREAK YOU, but it is such a great feeling to know that others truly care about where you are and where you want to go. The feeling is unimaginable when those same people rally for your cause and you are able to do the same for them and it ALL means something. Everybody's goal matter. Everyone wants everyone to succeed. That is what I have with D.F.C. (3reFit, Eric, Big Boo, and sometimes Nate). LOL! Nate is like the letter Y in the list of vowels (A,E, I, O, U and sometimes Y). But these guys not only inspire me but create such a safe and supportive space for me to challenge myself, move ridiculous amounts of weight, and unapologeticly so! YOU HAVE TO SURROUND YOURSELF WITH PEOPLE THAT HAVE LIKE GOALS AND WANT TO SEE YOU SUCCEED!!!

MY Journey vs. YOUR Journey- My journey continues and it hasn't been easy and I continue to learn, struggle, fail, overcome, and succeed. Your journey is likely to have some of those same characteristics but if you just stay the course, you will change. Not only your body, but your way of living, your way of thinking, your way of existing, your way of dealing with others, and your outlook on life in general WILL CHANGE. Just know you are not alone in the struggle. There are millions of us that knows the struggle and knows it's real. Just get yourself started and stay started!

Oh and as for the great number moved this week... my 135lbs lunge game is improving for sure! But the highlight of the week was my 315lb squatS! Yes with an S!!! Man, I have to say it again... I LOVE MY SQUAAAD!!! There was 315lb on the rack and I told the guys, "I just want to feel it." So with 3reFit coaching me, I began by just lifting it and re-racking it a few times. Then I lifted it, backed up with it, then re-racked it a couple times. Then I lifted it, backed up with it, squatted it 2x, then re-racked it! HOWEVER, no one recorded it. So 3reFit asked if I had it in me to do it again (which was a silly question) and I said YES! So after a great amount of time to recover, I did it again but this time I squatted it 3x's AND it was caught on camera! Truth be told, I LOVE the reaction I get from the guys when I lift something most females (and some dudes) won't lift. BEST FEELING IN THE WORLD! Here's the link to D.F.C.'s FB page so that you can witness this week's WORK!!!
Until next time, set yourself a short term and a long term goal and do that you have to do to get there! You only have one life and don't allow it to pass you by. You've got this!