Friday, August 22, 2014

I'm A Runner!!!!

I know I have not posted in a few days, but I have been getting my run on!  I am so happy to be able to run and I am trying to do it every chance I get. I really want to be able to run a half-marathon in April and since I'm starting now, there is a great chance that I will be able to make that happen. I have also been lifting in the gym (I'll update my progress in my other blog!). Back to running. Since being told I could run outside or on a treadmill, I've been doing both. The treadmill is much easier for me and I can keep a steady pace. It is much more difficult to run outside. I have a hard time keeping my pace the same and there are hills, rocks in the way, and weirdoes on the road. However, the races that I want to participate in are road races, and therefore I have to suck it up and get better at it. I think I'm going to start researching apps or gadgets that help you to keep pace. Something like a metronome. I am currently running and walking 3+ miles most days of the week. I want to get to the point to where I can run a 5k without having to walk at all. I want to achieve this goal by the end of the year. Anyhoo....I just wanted to update everyone on my running progress. Smooches!

Monday, August 18, 2014

I'm Lifting Again!!!!

Today I decided that it was time to test out my deadlift. Initially, I promised myself that I would not lift over 135lbs. My pre-injury max was 290lbs and I got up to 245lbs this morning. Not bad for my first day after 10 weeks. I think with proper training I will exceed my old max in no time. Tomorrow I will just walk on the treadmill with an incline and maybe swim a bit. Wednesday, I will lift again and do spin class. I'm slowly but surely getting my workout groove back. Thank you God!!!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Getting My Running Game Back!

For the last 2 weeks I have been focusing on getting my leg used to jogging again and getting my endurance up from being out for 9 weeks. It's coming along but it is very hard to get back on track. I think I'm going to complete the Couch to 5k, then the 10k, then the Half-Marathon. I want to be able to do a half early next year so I better get to training now. I also think I am going to do most of my running outside and start getting my winter gear in order. Me and my daughter did complete the Blacklight run last night. It was fun! My time was okay, but I hated that most of the race was on gravel. It was hard and pained my leg a bit, but I finished. I will keep doing 5k's until I can run them straight through. Officially or in my training. 

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Pity Pot.....It stinks!

I'm really struggling with motivation right now. I am continuing to get my workouts done, however for the last couple of workouts I have not had that huge "feel good" rush I normally get. My guess is that it's because I started running again since my leg was hurt on May 31st and I've lost so much as far as endurance is concerned. Pre-injury I was up to running 5 miles in a about an hour, now I'm lucky to hit a 5k in less than 45 mins. I suppose I shouldn't be so bummed about it. It has only been 1 week and 1 day since my boot cast came off. I guess I should actually be grateful that I can do what I am doing. I have a 5k coming up next Friday and I am probably going to walk most of it, but I will finish. I will have to get off my pity pot and continue on with the current plan to get this leg stronger so that I can return to powerlifting (my love). So, now that I'm over it.... Motivation. Motivation is something that we have to search within ourselves and find. We can be motivated by others but that will only keep us going for so long. We ourselves have to find the desire to push through hard times to reach our goals as no one can reach those goals for us. I guess when motivation tends to run low, thinking about all the things you have accomplished thus far can help. Also, just thinking of all the things in life that you are grateful for can also pull you out of the pits. Realizing that you have it better than most and that your current state could alway be worse can really snap you into reality. There are always others doing worse and would give anything to trade places with you. So we all need to do a little reality check when we start to feel as though we are not progressing. Acknowledging all the good things we have in life even if it is only having the ability to run a 5k in 45mins, as there are individuals out there that wish they had legs to walk. They are my motivation. I'm grateful.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Amazing Day at Competitions!!!

Even though I was not competing, I went out to Richton Park, Illinois yesterday to support the women who were competing out of Monster Gym. I have to say they are truly amazing. In fact, everyone who competed did a fantastic job and it doesn't mean they walked away with a trophy. There were people of all ages, ethnic backgrounds, sizes, and abilities. It was inspiring. All 3 women that represented Monster Garage Gym broke records. I won't be able to join them until next year because of my leg, but I'm excited. I will be training from this point forward to allow my leg to heal and to get strong for competitions in 2015. I'm not sure if I will ever come close to Crystal's nearly 470lb dead lift.
If you are interested in powerlifting and want to see a group of some of the most amazing people, supporting each other, even thought they are competing, in the same room; find a competition to observe. It will be a phenomenal experience.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Best Workout Day EVER!!!

Okay, so this morning I get to the gym late (around 9:30am or so). I get my bench pressing, bicep curls, and lat workout on and then I do 4.48miles on the treadmill in 1 hour and 2 mins. I left the gym  around noon and made plans to meet my friend Faya at the Forest Preserve to get in a 5k walk. This is huge for me because I HATE being outside, in the heat, with bugs, and the sun beaming down burning my eyes out and making me hot and sweaty.  Anyhoo... We get there and Faya suggests that we do a bike ride. While she is filling out the form for bikes, I'm complaining like a 12 year old about how I don't want to ride out here in the sun, with these bugs, and all this stupid grass...... UGH!!! Well, I got my butt on the bike and started down the trail and LOVED IT!!!!! We ended up riding 6.81 miles before returning the bikes. Now I have to do that more often. I was not expecting to like biking outside, but I do! 
Now that I'm really thinking about it, when it come to fitness, it is best to be a well rounded athlete. I should be able to lift weights, jog, run, bike, hike, swim, and all that. The more activities one introduces into their fitness repertoire the better off they will be. That leaves little room for boredom or plateaus. I have to remind myself to stay the heck out of my comfort zone.....there's nothing exciting there. :-)

Friday, August 1, 2014

My Fitness Gadgets.....

If you know anything about fitness, then you know that monitoring your heart rate, calories in and out, and a ton of other things are super important to meeting your goals. Well, I've always had a Polar heart rate monitor. I recently purchased the bluetooth one that allows a direct sync to my cell. I also have the watch, which I like better. For anyone serious about improving their fitness, investing in a heart rate monitor is a must. Now, there are tons out there so make sure you do your research. What I love about my Polar is that it keeps track of my heart rate, calories, tells me if I'm in my fitness heart rate range or not, logs all my workouts, and is completely user friendly. I literally have a panic attack if I misplace my chest strap or device.
My newest purchase is the FitBit Flex. Let me say I LOVE IT!!! First off, they come in some really cool colors and you can purchase extra bands in any color you like on Amazon for a very low price. The FitBit syncs to many other apps which makes tracking things like calories in/out easy. For example, when track my food in My Fitness Pal it automatically adds that info to my FitBit.  The FitBit mobile and desktop apps are great as well and really seems to motivate me to push to reach my goals. The wristband itself can go about 4 days without having to be charged and the charge takes 5-10 mins. This device monitors your sleep pattern and informs you how many times you tossed and turned or how many times you actually woke up. The unit comes with a small USB chip that stays in your computer and syncs anytime you come within range with the wrist unit. Although I have the wrist unit, FitBit has several devices that track fitness and clip to your shirt, shoe, or hangs around your neck.
The only NEGATIVE things I have to say about the FitBit Flex is that it does not track heart rate, nor does it have a traditional display. It does have a digital display that when tapped twice will show the user LCD lights that indicate how you are progressing in meeting your goals for the day.
I did a lot of research on fitness trackers and for the money, $97 on Amazon it's worth it. In a couple of months I am planing on trying out the Polar Loop Activity band. I think it's a little more expensive than the FitBit Flex, but I love gadgets!