Sunday, February 7, 2016

No Limits! Period.

I'm very pleased to say that today's gym session was awesome!!! Besides the fact of it being leg day, I got to workout with my old original lifting partner and squat coach Gary G. 

So as you know, I've so craved working on my A2G squats, well today I not only worked on them, I killed them beeches! Lol! I started out light and worked up to 135lbs. I can't honestly tell you how many squats I did today but I don't know if I will be able to walk in two days. We shall see! 

So, initially Gary and I argued about my hip flexibility. I haven't lifted with him in a long time so... He was telling me that I was not flexible enough in the hips to do A2G squats and I argued that I was! 

No one can tell me about me and what I am capable of. I make it a point to have great hip and ankle flexibility specifically for squatting. Granted, I usually perform a power lifting squat but I still work on hip and ankle flexibility as both are important for other movements. Long story short is that doing A2G with weight takes some work when you are used to doing something else. Therefore my confidence with doing them with weight was low, as I never want to have to drop the weights. 

So after performing A2G's and going past parrallel with light weight we started adding weight. The more I squated the more confident I was and ultimately was able to squat, pause and stand the heck up!!! So, going forward I am only squatting A2G and including the pause at the bottom. When I can do a set of 15 with the pause without a problem, I will add weight and start again. 

I was able to complete my entire leg routine, minus lunges, and was in the gym a little over 3 hours. Most of that time was spent  squating. 

I honestly feel that nothing is impossible and Gary was truly my motivation today! When someone tells me that I can't do something, I make it my business to show them differently. I HAVE NO LIMITATIONS and if I ever decide to have any, I will be the one to create them!!!

That is all. 

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