Thursday, April 28, 2016


Today has proved to be an eventful day. I got my workout in early, received texts from people I haven't spoken to in a great while, and as always received an incredible and unexpected blessing from The Most High. So overall today has went very well. 

So, when I walked in to FitNation this morning, one of the guys that lifts there on a regular basis said "man, it looks like you gained a ton of muscle!" I haven't been going to FitNation over the last few weeks so many thought I had just stopped training (they don't know me at all). But, it's hard for me to tell what is noticeable from one point to another. I do know that I have gained a ton of strength, so I guess with that comes muscle. The thing is though, I don't want to be a complete muscle bound chick. I want to slim down more but still have a ton of muscle. That is currently in progress and I know that it's not something that happens overnight. <<<< I typed that line only to remind myself of this fact. :-)

I kinda think I killed leg day this morning!  I didn't get started as early as I wanted to but I got there. Flying solo wasn't so bad. I mean that's what I was doing before D.F.C. but I truly miss training with them on the regular (hope they are fairing well without me-LOL). I was able to get through the entire leg routine but had a slight scare when I got to the lunges. I did 6 sets of squats (2 warm ups) and it went well. Since I didn't have a spot I kept the weight at 200#. Now, the lunges... I felt that sciatic thing every time I lunged with my left leg. So, after the first set I contemplated if I should continue. I am no where near a punk, but I am not for being injured either. However, I know what this pain is and I made the decision to lunge right through it. You know what? By the third set, the pain was gone. I'm really happy about this because I have a 5k to run tomorrow. Calf WORK!!!, Leg press, extensions, and hami curls went great. I considered doing a bonus set of deadlifts but decided I will wait on that as planned. I have to say that the lunges were by far the most taxing movement for me. They got my heart rate up and I was sweating buckets! It makes me want to do them more often just for the hell of it (habitual deviator). I won't though. I'm going to stick to the plan. 

Speaking of plans, I have been working on a couple of projects that I will hopefully be able to share with you soon. In exploring, researching, and planning these things, I have learned that there are endless opportunities out there. You just have to do the leg work to seize those opportunities. I am one that hates to talk about what they are going to do. I usually JUST DO IT! The more you sit around and talk about it, the longer it takes to get it done, and you increase the risk of letting an opportunity pass you by. So, you will soon hear about a project that D.F.C. has in the works, along with other really cool things I'm involved in. So, keep your eyes focused. I truly believe in everything I involve myself in so I have no doubt that each project will be SUPER DOPE! 

Well that's all I have for today. My intention is to post again on Saturday, however...I am trying to have a LIFE (wink, wink). Until next time, go find your PEACE!!! Find what gives you COMPLETE and UTTER JOY and drown yourself in it. Life is WAY too short to be miserable or unhappy, but all that is up to you and no one else. You deserve it. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

What A Week...

The last week has been filled with a TON of highs and lows. I don't even know where to start. So, I'm going to start with apologizing for not keeping up with the blog over the last few days. I have been bombarded with things I had to do for school and work. I have also had to get my training in which at times can be challenging as well. So, I will attempt to keep up from this point forward.

Major struggles for the week....SCIATICA. Actually, my periformis was likely inflamed and was phucking with my sciatic nerve. That ishT is no joke! Anyhoo... I got a killer massage and have been stretching it out so I'm all good!!!  I also had some tough but beneficial struggles in the gym. Returning to the old split program has been a struggle but I think those struggles will be short lived. D.F.C. took a break from our normal splits for 7 weeks to complete another training program and now that we have returned to them, some challenges have presented themselves. However, THERE ARE NO PUNKS IN MY CREW!!! We cut through challenges like butta. Period.

Yesterday's Arm Day was great! My pre-workout and performance aminos were on point! I was probably the guys' source of entertainment last night, but I didn't mind. This morning I had a great Back Day! I did the entire routine with the exception of my favorite...deadlifts. That's only because of this periformis thing. Although, I don't have any pain, I felt "that feeling" when I was performing bent over rows. So, I figure I  will allow it to rest until the next back day. I can't risk being injured.

I started running as planned and I think every day that I run, the run gets better and easier. I walked yesterday (periformis again) but I'm going to get a couple of miles in tomorrow (light jog) just to test the ol' leg out. LOL! Only 2 miles though no matter what, then I'm off to the gym to get my Chest Day WORK!!! done. Chest is starting to climb on my list of favorites. I am really trying to improve my up body strength and Chest Day is definitely helping me out with that.

I know I started this post saying that there were a lot of HIGHS and lows for this week and here are the lows:
     1. My frequent (3-4 days a week) training with D.F.C. is changing. I will likely get 1 or maybe 2 days with them at this point. I'm very happy that I will be getting that but feel really bad simply because...The guys NEED me! No, seriously, I don't know what they are going to do without me! I mean, they depend on my so much for so many things and the change in the amount of time I spend with them may be just too much for them to bear. I really can't tell you who will miss me the most. I would have to say they will all be devastated. Well, I will definitely have to check in on them to make sure they are okay.

     2. The death of PRINCE. :-(

On that note... Take time to tell the people you love that you love them. I know this is sometimes hard for many people to do (and for many reasons) but I would hate for myself or for you to experience losing someone that you love without ever telling them so. I will also take this challenge and tell the people I love in person. Life it a short but beautiful thing. Love hard.

Luv you!

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The Journey Continues

I am super excited about where my fitness journey is about to take me! I think I am more focused now than I have ever been. I mean, I am beyond determined to reach the goals I have set for myself and it feels good!!! 

One thing that has added some life to my  FitDays is running. Well, I jog/shuffle and on occasion sprint but anyways... I love running! I'm not sure if it's the challenge or what but it is pretty addictive. Over the last 4 days, I've ran 3 of those days. I decided to take today off and it's hard not to get up and get out there. No one in my immediate FitCircle runs which sucks! So, in an effort to increase others' interest in running I started a "walk, jog, run" club. We will meet 3 days a week for 1 hour and rack up those miles at out own pace! So far, 10 out of 110 have joined! Lol! That's about right!!! 

My gym time is about to rev up again due to change in D.F.C.'s lifting program. Yesterday was the reintroduction of the 5 day split routines. I'm going to miss the 3 days of power lifts but I'm sure it will be back at some point. Right now I will implement working out 2x daily. Running in the earlly part of the day and then lifting later in the day. Continuing to focus on my arms, legs, and abs but secondary to shredding fat. So, to help with my plan food wise, I'm going the ketogenic route.

There are mixed opinions out there regarding low carb diets while weight training and body building, but I'm going to make it happen. Carbs ARE NOT my friend. Now don't get me wrong, healthy carbs are great! However, I have a love hate relationship with the evil kind of carbs! So... low carb (like seriously low; like no more than 25g a day low), moderate protein, and high healthy fats is what my diet will consist of. This kicks your body into ketosis which allows for the unlimited amount of fat storage we have to be the primary energy source. It takes about 3 days of macros being on point to trigger ketosis and continued close macro monitoring to stay in ketosis. I'll keep you posted on how it goes, but as usual, I will make it work for me. I think I'm going to create a post explaining macros. Diet is key in fitness!!! I am one that has to stay on top of every aspect of my diet or disaster occurs. 

Well, I have a long day ahead of me and will have to end here. Try something different today! I don't care what it is, just do something that you have never done before! You get bonus points if it uplifts a moment in another's existence. You've got this!!!

Sunday, April 17, 2016


I had a VERY long weekend which impeded on me posting yesterday, however it was worth it. My girl Meagan Maupin had her forth bout yesterday at the Wisconsin State Golden Gloves and won!! I'm so very proud of her!!! We worked hard to get her to 152.0 from 154.6 and after a night of WORK!!! followed by a morning of WORK!!! she come in at 151.0. Nice job Megan!

Again... Last night I was asked to fight in a boxing match May 6th. And no matter how badly I want to, it wouldn't be smart.  I have been stricktly lifting heavy weights to gain strength and power, but totally neglected my cardio training so my overall endurance has suffered. Don't get me wrong, I'm estatic about what I have gained from lifting super heavy,  however now it's time to add that ridiculous amount of cardio back in there; which I started on Friday. Running outdoors has always come in at a close second to deadlifting. Everyone knows how I feel about deadlifting! Well my love for running outdoors is next. It REALLY  helps me to shred fat, which is my #1 goal right now along with maintaining/increasing muscle. I have invited some friends to join me in running outdoors 3x weekly so we shall see what the turn out is like. Out of 109 people, maybe 5-10 will show up. Maybe I'm wrong but I'll be there regardless! 

D.F.C. will commence normal split routines beginning tomorrow evening. This is going to workout perfect for what I am trying to do. To retain my recent gains, I will have to continue lifting moderately heavy weight. To increase my cardiovascular endurance I choose fasted cardio/HIIT and steady state long distance running. On most days of the week, I will train 2x. Once in the morning and once in the evening (cardio/strength). This along with proper meal prep and strict macro monitoring should have me right in no time. 

Before I impliment any new program I start with a day or so of fasting. I pray several times a day so that's already in place. The fasting, prayer, and meditation helps me to get centered and tap in to my inner strength. I reevaluate why I am doing what I am doing and solidify my goals. It really puts me in a better space and allows for me to remain focused throughout the duration of the plan. Many thoughts out there about training more than 1x a day,  but those thoughts have nothing to do with me!!! Intense focus is what brings about ridiculous results! If that's crazy, I'll be that! 

So, no matter what your fitness or weight loss goals are, you have to get started to reach them! Any change towards that goal is better than no change at all! Let go of the fear and get started! There are a ton of us out here that want to help and will support you fully! Don't let ANYTHING or ANYONE STOP YOU!!! You CAN DO IT!!! 

Thursday, April 14, 2016


Last night's training session marked the end of a GREAT run. 7 weeks of hardcore, hectic, heavy a$$ weight training, with weight increases 3x weekly, bench, squats, and deadlifts each session, breaking the body DOWN and only allowing it to recover enough to kill the next session.....MAN!!! It was the hardest I've EVER trained and I broke more PR's than I ever have! So, I'm personally kind of sad it's over. Kinda. 

Part of my sadness is because D.F.C. now goes back to training 5 days a week and there is no way I'm gonna be able to swing that. So, I will definently miss training with my team regularly. I will have to dig deep to preserve my motivation when training alone. However, I've done it before and I'll do it again. Plus, I really have to focus on shredding fat. The guys really have little fat to shred so my focus over the next few weeks is slightly different than theirs. I will still be on the same training plan as they are but with some added hard hitting cardio. The weight will remain heavy but target areas are varied (splits). I'm pretty excited about the plan and my focus.

As I mentioned earlier, my gains over the last 7 weeks have been many! When we stared this program, I craved improving my bench press and I definently did that. I went from not being able to get 1 rep of 135lbs to getting 5 reps with a 1RM of 155! This may not seem like much to most but it's everything to me. Consistency with my form is improving but still needs adjustments. 
Now, the deadlift has always been my weightlifting love. I went from deadlifting some decent numbers for a chick (285x1, 255x1, 205x2, 185x3, 135x10) to killing some numbers that command respect! I can pretty much get 5-20 reps out of any numbers up to 300lbs (135x20, 285x5). I can pull 300, 3x's and my 1RM is 315lbs. Crazy thing is, I told 3rèFit going in that I wanted to get that 315 and guess what?!? I got it! I did make some form changes in this process as well. My stance used to be the sumo (wide legs) but I changed it to the conventional stance which completely changed my pull game (thanks 3rè). Because the deadlift is my fav, I have read and tried EVERYTHING related to proper form. My form is on point and I take so much pride in that. 
My squat game is on fiya!!! I have no idea what my squat numbers are. By the time we would get to the squats, I would space writing my numbers down. Plus half the time I had no idea what I was squatting. That was usually decided on the spot and I didn't really want to know, I just got in there and squatted it. I do know that going in I wanted to be able to squat 225x1 and I completely blew past that in no time. I think I was squatting 225lbs 5x's. What I really don't know is my true 1RM on the squat. I may test that the next leg day with D.F.C. 

There is truly still a ton of work to be done on my end. My goal now is to shred fat while maintaining my muscle and strength gains. is a tricky task but I'm on it. And although last night's session marked the end of this pattern of training, it also marks the beginning of another! Transforming from something great to something greater is my desire and my focus. Watch my WORK!!!

I will likey blog only 3 days a week (Saturday, Tuesday, and Thursday) or when something phenomenal happens within the gym or with D.F.C. 

Until next time, be good to yourselves and to others! And demand that others be good to you! 

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


I am currently experiencing a ton of things that I have encountered before and I totally embrace these occurrences.  Change is a beautiful thing, and I invite more as it is the ONLY way we grow, progress; evolve. This past week has envolved some eye opening experiences. I have experienced myself and others in ways that were surprising, yet enlightening. All I can say is that I'm blessed. 

Monday's training session was a milestone for me. I hit two PR's in the deadlift. I intended to pull 300lbs 1x, but ended up pulling it 3x. So in my head, if I can pull 300, 3x's I can pull 315lbs at least 1x; and I did. That has been my goal for quite some time. The feeling is numbing. Now, the 315lb pull needs to be smoothed out a bit. That is goal #1. So, I am going to continue lifting heavy while shredding this fat. I start back with intense cardio this Friday to help jumpstart this process. This may mean some loss in strength which terrifies me. However, I do know that any losses can quickly be regained with a lil bit of WORK!!!

So over the next 12 weeks, my focus is shredding weight while continuing to lift heavy to try and preserve as much strength and power as possible. This is going to force me to change some things and pay close attention to other things I have overlooked or dismissed in the past. This ishT is not easy but I'm ready!!!

One change that I am looking forward to is running outside!!! I will have to incorporate this in my plan at least 2x weekly but for short distances (3-4 miles). I have missed running so much but had to put it on the back burner for the sake of other gains. Since those gains have been met, I'm back to the 'ol drawing board.

I'm really excited about some behind the scene things occurring with D.F.C. It's not often that you find yourself among individuals that share your vision and desire for something. It's not often that you can be around others regularly and the energy for what you are doing remains at high levels. Most times people drain you dry. AND its not often that you feel like yelling YES!!! when you walk into the gym and see your peeps or when one of your teammates comes around the corner onto the gym floor. For me, all that happens quite frequently.  Several days a week in fact, and I'm grateful. 

Now go do something awesome for another person! Even if it's just making someone smile. :-)

Thursday, April 7, 2016


My journey just keeps getting better and better. Last night I spent time with some people that I have not shared space with in quite a while and I was happy. Energy is real people! To be in a room full of people from different backgrounds and experiences (good and bad) and to feel at home, safe, content, and happy is beyond amazing. These are individuals that I share no blood relation which means nothing. Our love for each other was developed through our love for music and passions to leave the world (and the people in it) in a better state than we found it. I just had to give a shout out to my peeps (Eric, Garnet, TreIll, MoBetta, SlowRed, Tiffany, Ace, KingWish, Deka Derse, Gerald Blacknight)!!! I luv you guys!

So, in the midst of all the fun last night, the fact that me and 3reFit lift heavy weight came up repeatedly. One of the guys said to 3reFit "Ya'll be lifting like 300 pounds and ishT! 3reFit was deeply offended, as well he should be! LOL! 3reFit lifts WAAAYYYY more! Then, someone mentioned that I lift like 225lbs....I then felt 3reFit's pain! 300 pounds is more my speed. LOL!!!Mind you, these individuals may be beautiful in every way but they are by no means soft; NOT EVEN CLOSE! So, when the guys repeatedly say "I ain't going to the gym with Kim's a$$" or "I'm scared to go to the gym with Kim" or "I ain't messing around in no gym with them" it's beyond flattering to me. LOL!  I was informed to "stop scaring all the rappers!" LOL! I can't make any promises! There are some that say they are gonna start coming to the with D.F.C. and I really hope they do! I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that!!!

You guys may not have know this but over the last 10 days I have been studying to take NASM personal training certification test. Well I took the test yesterday and passed!!! This is the second time I've been certified. The first time was in 2000 but I allowed my certification to lapse. I'm just happy that this part is over. Now, I do have a ton of work to do to get to where I want to be physically but I'm ready. Me and others are working on some other fitness related projects and I'll share them as soon as I am able.

This post is short and sweet, but still a reminder of a beautiful day with some of the most beautiful people I know.

Embrace, appreciate, enjoy, and LOVE the people that bring meaning to your existence. To all the individuals mentioned above...
Probably not, but now you know.

Sunday, April 3, 2016


I had a GREAT gym session last night! It may have started out difficult but it quickly progressed to something very productive. The difficulty in getting started was related to the time of day in which I started the session (7:45pm) and the fact that I was training alone, which I have been able to avoid for a few weeks now due to training with D.F.C.  I do prefer training with the crew, but there are bound to be times in which that may be possible. At any rate, I got it done!

I feel that my bench press is improving. I think I am gaining more strength to better control the weight. I paid very close attention to not lifting the bar at an angle and keeping it in a straight line throughout the movement. I think it went well. I had to keep the weight the same as last week's Day 1 due to not having a spotter, but it worked out fine. By far the bench press is my weakest area but I am going to continue to work at becoming better at it. My goal is to be able to press 135lbs, ten times. I am up to 3! So, I have a bit more WORK!!! to do.

My squat is just WAY better than it has ever been. I can remember only being able to warm up with just the 45lb bar, followed by a second warm up set with 65lbs. At that time I was not even doing a full squat! I was probably doing a half-squat and that was okay, because I was by myself most times and I DID NOT want to suffer an injury... period. My 1st set warm up is now 135lbs for 15-20 reps (A2G), followed by 185lbs for 10 and then my sets begin. It's crazy because I can recall a very short time ago just wanting to be able to squat 135 one time. I never imagined I would be able to do it more than that, but I was wrong. Only a few months ago, I attempted to squat 225lbs and I had to be rescued from the attempt by 3rèFit and Boo. However, I can now successfully squat 230lbs, five times! So yeah, my squat has greatly improved in a relatively short period of time and I'm super pleased with that. 

My first weightlifting love has always been the deadlift. Not sure why, but it seems to be the lift in which I find the fastest progression. I love deadlifting for reps, although I will take a one repper if it is a beautiful, new, high number! Due to a slight change in the training schedule on our Day 3 (the heaviest day), the test for a new high number has been postponed until this week. I'm positive that I will be successful at whatever that number is. Due to my affinity for the deadlift, I don't even have to know the amount of weight on the bar and I'm gonna attempt to lift it and usually I do.  I have been pleasantly tricked in this way before. I have also had failed attempts, which used to just kill my soul. I mean I would silently cry inside while in the gym and wait until I got to the car to drop real tears. I would only get this emotional when it was related to the deadlift. LOL! Now, I have pretty much gotten over the desire to cry after failing an attempt. I just get angry. Angry enough to plan out how I am going to make the lift happen at the next opportunity. My last attempt at 315lbs was a fail. I can't say it was an epic fail as I was able to get it off the floor but was not able to complete the lift with it. Although I was not happy about it, I didn't plan for this lift and I did get it off the floor. This was a spontaneous, let me see if I can do it lift. An, Eric left 315 on the bar, monkey see monkey do lift. Lol! Yeah and like a monkey, the bar just hung there! Lol! This week will mark my next attempt which is supposed to be 300lbs. I can probably do more but I will start there. My goal at this point is to get that 315lbs with no problem. Then it will be to rep that 315lbs five times. When I get there... man!!! CAN'T WAIT!!! And it just boggles my mind to think of the time in which I was deadlifting 95lbs (1-25lbs plate on each side), raised up on 45lbs plates (so that I could effectively reach it) and maybe doing 10 reps. It's just absolutely crazy!

All of this just goes to show that YOU CAN DO ANYTHING THAT YOU ARE WILLING TO STICK TO AND SEE THROUGH! No, the physical results may not come as quickly as you want them to, but if you keep at it, they will come! No, you may not go from lifting 10lbs to 100lbs overnight, but if you keep lifting and taking baby steps forward you will eventually lift more than that 100lbs! No, others may not understand why you are doing what you are doing at the time, but IN TIME, they will not only see why, but also be inspired in some way by what they see. The key to success in ANYTHING is CONSISTENCY. I don't care how slow you go, AS LONG AS YOU ARE CONSISTENT in your efforts YOU WILL ARRIVE! AS LONG AS YOU ARE CONSISTENT you WILL get STRONGER! AS LONG AS YOU ARE CONSISTENT, you WILL SHED THE WEIGHT! AS LONG AS YOU ARE CONSISTENT, you WILL become more EFFICIENT!  But the absolute best part of this is, AS LONG AS YOU ARE CONSISTENT, this WILL become HABIT and will progressively get EASIER for you to REMAIN CONSISTENT, which equates to SUCCESS! 

So, never quit striving to get where you want to be! Never lose your beautiful vision of a greater you! And most importantly of all, NEVER, EVER GIVE UP!

Friday, April 1, 2016

Awww, You Mad?

So, I got a TON of feedback regarding yesterday's blog; The Elite. It apparently rubbed some people the wrong way and hurt some feelings...poor babies. I was told that I sound arrogant, that my post was offensive, and that it did not inspire or motivate others, but made people feel less motivated. Awww...

Anyone who knows me, knows that my life has revolved around being a motivating factor in the lives of others. The Elite post was stated as a matter of fact. Period. I didn't ascribe the term "average Joe" to anyone! If you were offended then you have ascribed that term to yourself! You must KNOW you are an average Joe! So, you don't want to be the average Joe? Then do some ishT that will set yourself apart from the rest!!! Strive to be the best you, you can be! Now, that still may not launch you into "Team Elite" and you have to be okay with that! If you're not, then get back to WORK!!!

One thing I do know is, being part of a group that lifts hundreds of pounds in a rep or thousands of pounds in a single set set is no place for whining, crying, or hurt feelings. In this group we don't give a PHUCK what others think, feel, say, or do!!! WE are in control of our minds, bodies, and that heavy a$$ weight before us. Does that mean we don't have rough days? No. But we WILL NOT allow this rough day to determine the outcome of the next potentially phenomenal day! 

Now that I have that out of my system, let me share something else. Inside and outside of the gym I have been known to be an "average Joe" so I know what it's like. It works for most, but it didn't work for me; so I made changes. There was a time in my life in which lifting 20lbs was hard. So I changed that. There was a time in which walking up 3 fights of apartment stairs was hard; so I changed that. There was a time in which I was so critical on myself that making changes to change was hard; so I changed that. Lol! Arrogant? Maybe. Confident? Yes. Changed? No Frigging Doubt!!! 

Look, we are not all meant to be the same or do the same things. We are meant to be unique in OUR OWN design. However, when you leave the creation of your uniqueness to continue to be "average."

Until tomorrow, think about how you can differentiate yourself from others. It really can be life altering (in a beautiful way). 