Anyone who knows me, knows that my life has revolved around being a motivating factor in the lives of others. The Elite post was stated as a matter of fact. Period. I didn't ascribe the term "average Joe" to anyone! If you were offended then you have ascribed that term to yourself! You must KNOW you are an average Joe! So, you don't want to be the average Joe? Then do some ishT that will set yourself apart from the rest!!! Strive to be the best you, you can be! Now, that still may not launch you into "Team Elite" and you have to be okay with that! If you're not, then get back to WORK!!!
One thing I do know is, being part of a group that lifts hundreds of pounds in a rep or thousands of pounds in a single set set is no place for whining, crying, or hurt feelings. In this group we don't give a PHUCK what others think, feel, say, or do!!! WE are in control of our minds, bodies, and that heavy a$$ weight before us. Does that mean we don't have rough days? No. But we WILL NOT allow this rough day to determine the outcome of the next potentially phenomenal day!
Now that I have that out of my system, let me share something else. Inside and outside of the gym I have been known to be an "average Joe" so I know what it's like. It works for most, but it didn't work for me; so I made changes. There was a time in my life in which lifting 20lbs was hard. So I changed that. There was a time in which walking up 3 fights of apartment stairs was hard; so I changed that. There was a time in which I was so critical on myself that making changes to change was hard; so I changed that. Lol! Arrogant? Maybe. Confident? Yes. Changed? No Frigging Doubt!!!
Look, we are not all meant to be the same or do the same things. We are meant to be unique in OUR OWN design. However, when you leave the creation of your uniqueness to continue to be "average."
Until tomorrow, think about how you can differentiate yourself from others. It really can be life altering (in a beautiful way).
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