Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The Journey Continues

I am super excited about where my fitness journey is about to take me! I think I am more focused now than I have ever been. I mean, I am beyond determined to reach the goals I have set for myself and it feels good!!! 

One thing that has added some life to my  FitDays is running. Well, I jog/shuffle and on occasion sprint but anyways... I love running! I'm not sure if it's the challenge or what but it is pretty addictive. Over the last 4 days, I've ran 3 of those days. I decided to take today off and it's hard not to get up and get out there. No one in my immediate FitCircle runs which sucks! So, in an effort to increase others' interest in running I started a "walk, jog, run" club. We will meet 3 days a week for 1 hour and rack up those miles at out own pace! So far, 10 out of 110 have joined! Lol! That's about right!!! 

My gym time is about to rev up again due to change in D.F.C.'s lifting program. Yesterday was the reintroduction of the 5 day split routines. I'm going to miss the 3 days of power lifts but I'm sure it will be back at some point. Right now I will implement working out 2x daily. Running in the earlly part of the day and then lifting later in the day. Continuing to focus on my arms, legs, and abs but secondary to shredding fat. So, to help with my plan food wise, I'm going the ketogenic route.

There are mixed opinions out there regarding low carb diets while weight training and body building, but I'm going to make it happen. Carbs ARE NOT my friend. Now don't get me wrong, healthy carbs are great! However, I have a love hate relationship with the evil kind of carbs! So... low carb (like seriously low; like no more than 25g a day low), moderate protein, and high healthy fats is what my diet will consist of. This kicks your body into ketosis which allows for the unlimited amount of fat storage we have to be the primary energy source. It takes about 3 days of macros being on point to trigger ketosis and continued close macro monitoring to stay in ketosis. I'll keep you posted on how it goes, but as usual, I will make it work for me. I think I'm going to create a post explaining macros. Diet is key in fitness!!! I am one that has to stay on top of every aspect of my diet or disaster occurs. 

Well, I have a long day ahead of me and will have to end here. Try something different today! I don't care what it is, just do something that you have never done before! You get bonus points if it uplifts a moment in another's existence. You've got this!!!

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