Thursday, April 14, 2016


Last night's training session marked the end of a GREAT run. 7 weeks of hardcore, hectic, heavy a$$ weight training, with weight increases 3x weekly, bench, squats, and deadlifts each session, breaking the body DOWN and only allowing it to recover enough to kill the next session.....MAN!!! It was the hardest I've EVER trained and I broke more PR's than I ever have! So, I'm personally kind of sad it's over. Kinda. 

Part of my sadness is because D.F.C. now goes back to training 5 days a week and there is no way I'm gonna be able to swing that. So, I will definently miss training with my team regularly. I will have to dig deep to preserve my motivation when training alone. However, I've done it before and I'll do it again. Plus, I really have to focus on shredding fat. The guys really have little fat to shred so my focus over the next few weeks is slightly different than theirs. I will still be on the same training plan as they are but with some added hard hitting cardio. The weight will remain heavy but target areas are varied (splits). I'm pretty excited about the plan and my focus.

As I mentioned earlier, my gains over the last 7 weeks have been many! When we stared this program, I craved improving my bench press and I definently did that. I went from not being able to get 1 rep of 135lbs to getting 5 reps with a 1RM of 155! This may not seem like much to most but it's everything to me. Consistency with my form is improving but still needs adjustments. 
Now, the deadlift has always been my weightlifting love. I went from deadlifting some decent numbers for a chick (285x1, 255x1, 205x2, 185x3, 135x10) to killing some numbers that command respect! I can pretty much get 5-20 reps out of any numbers up to 300lbs (135x20, 285x5). I can pull 300, 3x's and my 1RM is 315lbs. Crazy thing is, I told 3rèFit going in that I wanted to get that 315 and guess what?!? I got it! I did make some form changes in this process as well. My stance used to be the sumo (wide legs) but I changed it to the conventional stance which completely changed my pull game (thanks 3rè). Because the deadlift is my fav, I have read and tried EVERYTHING related to proper form. My form is on point and I take so much pride in that. 
My squat game is on fiya!!! I have no idea what my squat numbers are. By the time we would get to the squats, I would space writing my numbers down. Plus half the time I had no idea what I was squatting. That was usually decided on the spot and I didn't really want to know, I just got in there and squatted it. I do know that going in I wanted to be able to squat 225x1 and I completely blew past that in no time. I think I was squatting 225lbs 5x's. What I really don't know is my true 1RM on the squat. I may test that the next leg day with D.F.C. 

There is truly still a ton of work to be done on my end. My goal now is to shred fat while maintaining my muscle and strength gains. is a tricky task but I'm on it. And although last night's session marked the end of this pattern of training, it also marks the beginning of another! Transforming from something great to something greater is my desire and my focus. Watch my WORK!!!

I will likey blog only 3 days a week (Saturday, Tuesday, and Thursday) or when something phenomenal happens within the gym or with D.F.C. 

Until next time, be good to yourselves and to others! And demand that others be good to you! 

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