I start this post around 5:30am as I soak in a tub full of hot water, Epsom salt, and a variety of essential oils to help facilitate my ability to walk today. It wouldn't be so bad if leg day was not upon me again, but it is and I intend to participate fully.
This will be day 2 with D.F.C. and again, I'm excited. I think part of me is just happy to have broken the stagnant stage of doing nothing to doing something and the other part of me is excited because I love the people I train with. The internal push hasn't changed. When they see you struggling, they help you push through. For me, right about now that is key. There was a time not too long ago in which all I needed was my music banging in my headphones and a goal. It didn't really matter who though what, or who supported...I was my own motivation. Not so much these days. My decreased abilities due to my long separation from any physical activity has me feeling like a true newbie. I hate that term.
How I long for the good ol' days (which was actually about 7 months ago-lol). But still, my drive was ridiculous, there was nothing that I could not or would not attempt, I had a ton of endurance, and I was strong as hell! I truly miss those times and I have a ton of WORK!!! to do to recapture them.
As I see it, I have to re-establish a few things:
1. Balance- I noticed that my overall balance has taken a few steps backwards so, during my down time I will be working on balance and stability.
2. Pace- To rush through a set is not allowing your targeted muscle groups the full benefit of the movement. I found myself trying to rush through the set versus taking additional time to really hit what I'm trying to hit.
3. Focus- I have to find a way to focus on the task at hand. My mind tends to wander which negatively impacts my breathing and overall concentration on what I'm doing. This also has an impact on my pace.
4. Fun- Although I LOVE lifting and fitness, at this stage it is truly hard WORK!!! and therefore not as much fun as I know it can be. So, I have to chill on pressuring myself just have some fun with it.
Overall, reclaiming what is mine is ultimately up to me. I will get there. I can see it, which makes it possible and I believe it and therefore it's done (R. Kelly is in there somewhere-lol)! So, I be patient with myself and fight to make my way back to this good ol' days... In fact, I intend to be better than I was then! Turn my old highs in fitness upside down and create a smarter, leaner, and stronger version of me (wink, wink)! It's never to late to re-invent yourself.