Pain is meant to bring your attention to something. It is a signal that something might be wrong or something may be headed in that direction if not attended to. It also serves as a marker/reminder as to what NOT being in pain feels like. Which is where I am now.
I have had some IT band issues going on over the last week which has caused me some great discomfort/pain on both sides of my legs, my hips, and in turn my lower back. My training scheduled resumed yesterday and I was able to handle some moderately heavy weight and was afraid that I would irritate things more. However, I woke up this morning feeling like a gazillion bucks! No pain! Not even a little!
Pain, AND a lack thereof, can indicate that your body is in the process of getting stronger AND when it has completed achieving that extra notch of strength. I think my notch just showed up, which is good because I have heavy ishT to move on Wednesday and Friday.

My point in talking about pain is to say that just because you may be in or have been experiencing pain, does not mean that you are suppose to quit. This can be applied to fitness or in other areas of life. If you think about it, you have survived ALL the pain that you have encountered on your journey. This pain has likely brought your focus to something that needed to be attended to. You likely had to make some critical decisions regarding what to do about the pain and if you didn't abandoned ship, you are probably a whole lot STRONGER than you were or ever thought you could be.
So the word that was truly on my mind this morning is...STRENGTH = Stay Tough, Relentless, Engaged, Noble, Growing, Tenacious, and Honest
You CAN'T lose! Now, go be GREAT!
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