Thursday, December 24, 2015

Not So Long Ago...

Not so long ago I weighed 294 pounds and besides being morbidly obese, I had no serious medical issues. After receiving bloodwork results that were all good, my doctor said; "I'm so happy that your bloodwork came back okay, but if you don't lose this weight, that will not be the case for long. I'm worried that soon you will cross that threshold into disease which is hard to return from." I also had a good friend, 37 years old at the time, have his 3rd stroke and was struggling. I realized that I had an opportunity before me and if I didn't take that opportunity right then, that window may close. So, on that day I started making changes. Since chocolate and sweets were my biggest issue, that's where I started. I cut out sweets. Each week I added something different to my list and kept going. Did I have days or weeks of failure? Absolutely! However, when you catch yourself, you start from that point forward with no shame or doubts. Just keep it moving! It's not easy and it's not impossible. It is what we make it! If we make it hard, it will be hard! If we stay on the side of positivity, we lessen the struggle. Within the struggle we find our strength. The strength to live without limitations of any kind. Start now.