Monday, March 31, 2014

Motivation, Science, and Habit...

Motivation is the key to doing anything. There is usually an agenda or goal behind everything we do. Let's face it, we usually want results or something in return for out efforts. Well, making the decision to get fit and live a healthy lifestyle will give you an unlimited bang for your buck. You will be overwhelmed by the results if you put some science and consistency be hind that motivation. That consistency will ultimately lead to many health supporting habits, which will improve your quality of life. Yes, losing weight and gaining muscle is a science. Your numbers have to be on point to see results. Do your research and only follow reputable advice. Develop a daily routine that you will not deviate from. That will help to form your habit. The habit of eating right and working out will result in weight loss and misleading gain which will serve as your motivation. Noatter what you do, don't stop!
Today's Challenge: Plan out a weeks worth of meals and fitness routines. This could prove to be a good habit to develop to keep your diet and exercise consistent. 

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Good pain...,

When you start working out or you change up your workout, you Williston likely encounter muscle soreness in varying degrees. For many, this "pain" feels great, but for others, this pain may scare them away from working out. I guess it could be used as just another excuse. Muscle soreness is part of the game. It lets you know you are working out well and alerts you to what muscles you're working out. What I am talking about is not injury pain. That's different. Muscle soreness is your body getting stronger and should be used as motivation to press forward. 
Today's Challenge: Press through the soreness for more gains. Embrace it. 

Friday, March 28, 2014

Just Plain Strong!

Strength come in many forms. Emotional, physical, and mental strength and so on. Physical strength can only be developed with physical activity. For now, physical strength is what I'm looking to gain. Every time I make strides in my physical strength, my mental and emotional states improve as well. Physical activity can reverse or arrest a down mood and lift spirits. Body, mind, and spirit benefit from the effects of working out. That is why I'm in the gym nearly every day. If I don't take care of my body, it won't be able to take care of me. 
Today's Challenge: If you are not able to get in the gym, start performing body weight movements at home to get your fitness journey started. Push ups, sit ups, jumping jacks, air squats, etc. will get you  headed in the right direction. 

Thursday, March 27, 2014

I love to run!

This year I have claimed my role as a runner. I may not be the fastest runner and Iay not be able to run for long distances, but I can run. I am thankful for the ability to walk, jog, or run any distance. There are others who would love to trade places with me and my soul goes out to them. I want to retain my abilities to move. In order to do so you have to practice moving. In order for me to become a better runner, I have to practice running. I will keep running; rain, wind, snow, or whatever to make that happen. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

OMG...Late Post!!!

Been so busy today that I completely forgot to post. Oh well.... All I really have to say is; keep making moves and decisions that will help you reach your life and fitness goals. You are unstoppable and your world is yours to command. Keep going!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Blah, blah, blah....

Weight lifting has been my morning stress reliever. Today I was not able to work out and it totally messes with me. I know it's probably a psychological thing, but it keeps me active. Tomorrow, I will be lifting heavy. I will also be doing spin. I have others joining me in my workout which is encouraging to me. We have to motivate each other when we can, and always support each other's efforts. 
Today's Challenge: Try and find someone to workout with and to hold you accountable. Easy right?

Monday, March 24, 2014

Leg Day?

Having days for specific body parts is so old school. It may work, but we use our entire body on a daily basis and therefore we should train our entire body when we do train. Today I did do more lower body than upper body and I kind of feel uneven. It may be psychological but I usually do a total body workout which leaves me feeling complete. Many people focus more on training their arms and upper body and forget about their legs. Our legs are what transports us and supports nearly every move we make. We have to make sure those muscles are not neglected. The same goes for our backs and core/abs. All these muscles are essential to get through each day of life. Live yours to the fullest. 
Today's Challenge: Try a total body workout. Break free of old school training methods and try something new. It just may help improve your fitness level. 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

I'm A Runner!!!

Omg! Running outside is so much harder than on the treadmill! Today was my first attempt at running outside. I lived it but ran at a much slower pace than I do on the treadmill; but I got 'er done! This is an accomplishment for me and only the beginning. I have so many questions for my running friends and can't wait until my next running day (Tuesday). I'm gonna keep this one short and bask in my elated mood! 
Today's Challenge; Do something new! For me it was running outside. Pick your passion! 

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Lifting Ladies....

Within the last week I have been asked why I lift heavy and if I am trying to bulk up like a man. People are so ill-informed regarding what it would take for a woman to get the stature of Lou Feriggno. Men bulk up because all they have to do is exist to have ridiculous amounts of testosterone pumping through them. Women do not produce enough testosterone to even compair. Women who do desire to have that "manly" type of build have to take testosterone in extreme amounts to do so. The point of this post is to just get people to do their research before deciding not to do something. Women, lifting heavy is a goo thing. It will not only help you to build muscle, it will shred fat and have you feeling like a gazillion bucks! I really want to start a female weight lifting club to get more women involved in the hobby and possibly competition of weight lifting. Hmm....
Today's Challenge: Do your own research regarding your body and what you do with it. Do not allow others to convince you of anything until you have researched it yourself! Think people! :-)

Friday, March 21, 2014


Over the last couple of days I have truly lacked discipline when it comes to food choices. At about 5pm, I start craving sweets and I can usually get past the craving but lately has been a struggle, and I've failed. Today I comment to getting past that craving without negating  my hard work in the gym. I'm thinking I need to engage in physical activity to combat that urge. On the weekends it's easy for me to hit the gym. However during the week when I'm at work is when I'm tempted the most. I will have to come up with some way toget past this hurdle. I'm open to any and all suggestions. I know that those small moments of weakness can cost me great  strides in the gym. Discipline is key. 
Today's Challenge: Find your area of weakness and research healthy ways to conquer it. Don't be stopped by impulse or instant gradification. It will cost you! Stay strong! Stay committed! 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Beast Mode!!!

I love the fact that each day I feel better than I did the day before. I have made improvements in both strength and endurance and I struggled at times waiting for the improvements to show themselves. It is so very true that you just have to keep going and you will win. I have a long way to go regarding weight loss and being in the physical condition I strive for, but I'm closer to that goal now than I was 1 month ago. I CANNOT be stopped! 
Today's Challenge: Find that inner beast and let it loose! Find that fire and never let it die! You've got this! 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Your race, your pace.

On March 29th I will be running my first 5k race. Since I began focusing on serious weight training, I have lost some of my time in running a 5k, however a great person told me, "your race, your pace." Which is what my focus will be. I will not focus so much on time, but just finishing. I plan on running 3 races by the end of the year and I'm already registered for 2. If I have the opportunity to run more, I will. If you are trying to burn a ton of calories in a short period of time try jogging or running. You can do that on a treadmill, track, or outside. If you have bad knees, hips, or ankles don't risk it. Walking at a brisk pace is just as good. Your heart doesn't know whether you're walking fast or jogging, it only knows when it's rate has increased or decreased. How you make that happen is up to you, just make it happen!
Today's Challenge: go out there and KILL some cardio! Get that heart rate up for at least 30 mins. Be sure to warm up and cool down. You've got this!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Attitude Is Everything!!!

The way you think, impacts the way you feel, which impacts how you behave. I believe in the Laws of Attraction. Positivity attracts positivity and negativity... Well you know the rest. When  making changes in fitness and in life, you must drown yourself in positivity. Get rid of the negative thoughts of not being able to do things and adopt an I can do anything mentality! If you are truly trying to make changes in your life, start with adjusting that attitude. 
Today's Challenge: Start each day with a positive affirmation about yourself, others, and the world. Do this every day, and watch how much better your day will go. 

Monday, March 17, 2014

BCAA's- I'm in love!

I am now a firm believer in suplimenting. I started suplimenting about 2 weeks ago and I have noticed a significant change in the way I feel and in my workout. About 3 days ago, I added Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAA) to my plan. I will never be without them again. I can tell they are fueling my workout and I am able to go longer and harder in the gym. Below I have attached a link that will explain to you how they work. All I know is that they do work. The brand I use is Cellucore. It's the only brand I have tried but I like its effects. I suppose the point of this is to say, never knock something until you try it. I was previously against having to take suppliments to reach my goals. Well, my view has changed, and so has the level of my fitness.
Today's Challenge: Analyze your diet and exercise program and try to determine if you might benefit from some suppliments. Talk it over with your doctor and go for it! 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Leave Me Alone!!!

Over the last couple of weeks I have been experiencing major distractions while trying to get my workout on. Semi stalker issues. Then, yesterday I'm with my lifting partner and a guy that does not care for him comes up to me and just starts telling me what I need to be doing for a workout. WTF!!! I was told that I'm too nice and that I need to change my entire aura. How does that work? There is an unwritten gym rule that states, "if you see me working out, LEAVE ME ALONE!" I think I am going to order me a shirt that says just that! I'm gonna get it in every color and wear them everyday to the gym. IJS!
Today's challenge: Don't interrupt the workout of others! It's rude and can cost you your life! :-)

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Supplementing Is Something....

I recently started really thinking about what my body may be missing in regards to nutrition, so I decided to start taking supplements. I can say that I do feel better, I am taking a ton of pills everyday and this stuff isn't cheap! The one thing I was most concerned about was protein. I don't eat meat so getting enough protein is hard for me through foods alone. So I added a protein powder 2x daily. It started out good but makes me nauseous now. Today I will try the product shown in the pic. It's a performance amino acid that I will drink during my workout today. I guess I will review it in a later blog. The point of this is to just get you thinking about what your body could be missing. If it's not getting what it needs, your goals will suffer. 
Today's Challenge: Take an inventory of your current nutritional state and decide if supplements are something your body might benefit from. You have to approach fitness from all aspects. 

Friday, March 14, 2014

RulesOf Fitness!

So, there are a lot of rules when it comes to diet, exercise, and getting fit. However if you keep these simple four rules in mind you can keep yourself on the fitness path. I need to clarify one of the rules though. The rule that says never go 3 days without exercise; it should read never miss 3 consecutive days of exercise. When you do, you're body will begin to turn on you and you will lose some of the strength and endurance you've gained. You've worked to hard for that, so space your rest days properly. I have a difficult time with rest days. Working out is addicting especially when you start seeing the results. It is extremely important to have rest days. I just have difficulty implementing that. The best and most important rule to getting for is to NEVER GIVE UP! It will not be easy but it is POSSIBLE and PROBABLE when you stick to the plan. Just don't stop!!!!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Failure to Failure

I love this pic! It can be interpreted in so many ways depending on what you're going through or where you are in life. Today failure meant working my arms until I couldn't work them any more. Failure also applies to my inability to effectively lift heavy without lifting straps. No matter how the word failure applies to you, as long as you find the courage to press forward and not look back, you've succeeded! Nothing worth having comes easy. I have a weak hand grip, which is why my straps are so important. However it's time that I begin working on strengthening my grip and stop depending so much on the straps. We have to turn our perceived failures into opportunities to improve our current state. 
Today's Challenge: Find your weakest fitness point and start working towards strengthening it. For example, if you can lift 1000lbs but can't run 1 mile, then you should probably start trying to improve that by upping your cardio. Just focus.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


It is truly a sad day for me and my workout. I gave my body a rest from deadlifts for two days and today when I go to put my old faithful cloth wrist straps on, one breaks. It was old and tattered and given to me by my lifting coach, so they hold great sentimental value but now they're gone. I will keep them as a momento and cherished memory of the beginning of my dead lifting career. May they rest in peace. 
I did get in 10 nice ones without them, but it was not the same. Got a decent workout in. Enjoyed my spin class and just looking forward to tomorrow. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Okay, I will admit that I am totally addicted to heavy deadlifts. It sends a surge of adrenaline through me that makes me feel phenomenal! I have changed up my routine and tomorrow is my first deadlift day in two days.  I'm looking forward to getting back. My finger still hurts a bit but it will be fine. Bowling with a friend, gotta run!
Today's Challenge: Have fun!!!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Rest and Recovery

Okay, anyone that knows me knows that it is so hard for me to miss a day at the gym. Today I am forced out. I hurt a finger which should be okay by tomorrow, but this was a sign that I needed to sit down and take a day off. I made great gains this week in my lifting and I need to take all that in and allow my body to recover so it can continue improving. Today I will need to ice and exercise my finger. If it does not get better by gym time tomorrow, I will take a second day off. It's really very simple. When your body talks, you better listen! 
Today's Challenge: Listen to your body! When it provides you clues that something is wrong or that it needs rest, listen up! It's not worth risking injury. 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Oh No, Injury!

Okay so today when doing something new for the first time, I smashed my right, ring finger with the weights. It's a realatively minor injury, but was enough to break me down mentally and negatively impact my workout. Although I had a decent workout, I did not perform at my normal level. So, I can only imagine how major injuries can negatively impact ones process in getting fit. There are so many things that go through your mind when you get hurt, with my biggest worry of how this will impact my heavy lifting? My deadlift! I can't live without my deadlifts! Fortunately my smashes finger will heal in a day or two. Other injuries, such as back and shoulder injuries can take months. 

The moral and challenge for today's post is to be careful! Use proper form and technique at all times. When your form is compromised, take off some weight. Don't risk injury! 

Saturday, March 8, 2014

You've Gotta Lift!

Okay, so many women think that if they lift heavy they will develop the muscles of a man, which is not true. Women tend to visualize themselves looking like the woman in the left picture of my post, which does not happen naturally. What lifting heavy will do is burn fat and build muscles that will flatter any woman's body. We as women do not have the testosterone to bulk up like the guys, so we have to stop being afraid of weight lifting and do what will benefit our bodies. I'm not talking 5 and 10 pound barbells either. If you can do 3 sets of barbell curls 10x, without a real problem then your weight is too light. Instead, try lifting 25 or 30 pounds 5x, for three sets. You will see that in 1-2 weeks that 25 or 30 lbs will be your warmup weight and you will need to increase your workout weight by 5 or 10 lbs. 
Today's Challenge: Try lifting heavier weights! Lower the reps and increase your weight amount. You can do this!

Friday, March 7, 2014

You've Gotta Try!

There are so many thing in life we fear. However, fear is not a bad thing unless it paralyzes your abilities to give something a try. When fear keeps you from attempting to reach your goals, then we have a problem. There are so many fears I am determined to overcome. Plyometrics is one of those things. However, I will start to face that fear come April, 2014. I was fearful of liftin heavy, but that fear no longer exists, you wanna know why? Because I can work up to my goal at my own pace until the fear is no longer. You have to try!!!! There is no other way to get there! 
Today's Challenge: JUST TRY!! No matter how fearful you are, just move closer to facing the things you fear.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Awesomeness Feels Good!

Today I started a new eating and supliment routine. I'm replacing two meals with protein smoothies and eating a healthy lunch, plus two snacks. I'm trying to give my body what it needs to continuously improve. supliment a I've added are calcium, omega 3's, a multivitamin, vitamin A, K, and E, amino acids, and coconut oil. As I get to know the benefits of other suppliments, I will decide if they will benefit me. All these things are being implemented to assist in my overall awesomeness! I want a better mind, body, and soul and must take needed steps to make that happen. 
Today's Challenge: Take time to monitor your dietary needs and what is required to support your workout. Then add suppliments as needed. Hang in there and remember you're awesome!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Have No Regrets!

When it comes to life in general, we tend to play it safe and go with the "for sure thing" instead of taking risks. I have always been a risk taker and never wanted to regret not doing something. I am faced with life decisions I. Which I have to take the risk and have no regrets or play it safe. I will always choose risk when it comes to happiness and health. I dont want to have regrets when it comes to weight loss and health, I've regretted not starting sooner so many times. No more! Risks outweigh regrets! 
Today's Challenge: Take risks that will improve your life! Do not compromise your happiness, love, or health because of fear or comfort. You will succeed! 

I Can Do This!

So, some days I feel as though getting to where I want to be is going to take FOREVER! So many negative things go through my head and I'm constantly talking myself down. I have to recall where I was at the beginning of the year versus where I am now, and realize the strength and the endurance I've gained over that time. I literally have to tell myself "you can do this" every morning when I wake up to go to the gym. I know I will get there. I know it will not happen overnight nor will it be easy, but it will be worth it. 
Today's Challenge: Continuously tell yourself positive things that will help you reach your goals. Don't allow negative thoughts to keep you from your goals! 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Light Days.....

I actually did not work out yesterday. I was in the gym parking lot ready to knock out my 30th day and realized I forgot my earbuds! I don't know about anyone else, but without music I have zero motivation; so I drove home. It was meant for me to rest. This week I will have a deadload week, which means I will lighten my load and allow my body to recover. I will take off two days this week (maybe), and really rest up. Then go back to the gym and increase my warm up weight amounts. I plan in having a lightweight week each month. I found a really helpful article on a site called Sistas Of Strength (SOS). Here's the link.

Remember, no heavy days means no light days! 

Today's Challenge: If you lift heavy often, take a rest day. It is essential to reaching your fitness goals. If you don't lift heavy often or at all, increase your weight amounts and decrease your reps. Any lifting is better than no lifting at all but in order to get stronger, you have to push your perceived limits! You are in control!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

I'm In ❤️!!!

I started out on a 28 daily workout challenge. It is now day 29 and I am in love with working out. Today I worked out in the evening and although it was hard to switch it up, I got through it. I don't know how I'm going to take tomorrow off! Just thinking about it makes me anxious. It may appear that I am a little obsessed but really I'm just determined. Determined not to gain one once of weight back and determined to reach my fitness goals. The process of getting there can be a challenge but that's what makes us better. I was not sure if I would make it the entire 28 days but I surpassed it. Today I feel proud and even more determined to keep it going. I'm in love with the process which helps to produce the results. 
Tonight's Challenge: Get some much needed rest! That is all.