Friday, January 31, 2014

Never Quit!

Most of us have probably attempted to lose weight and get fit a million times over the years but failed. We lost faith in our plan and our abilities to meet our goals. There is nothing worse than repeatedly feeling as if you will never be able to be the best you, you can be. However, with patience, determination, a plan, and consistency you can! Put all the previous attempts behind you and start again. Don't give up on you! All the so called failures of the past have prepared you for greatness. DON'T QUIT!!!

Today's Challenge: Commit to continue fighting the fight! Get a gym membership or plan for a brisk walk. Keep the faith that you can achieve your goals. Never quit!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Some Side Effects of Working Out...

The longer we stay engaged in our healthy living lifestyle the more positive side effects we will encounter. You will notice increased energy, better sleep habits, better mood, and less junk food cravings. There is no better feeling than starting to see results from all your hard work. It is so worth the effort. The only task now is to stick with it. Your progress may slow but that's normal. Don't get discouraged, get determined to make it past those fitness humps. You can and will get there!

Today's Challenge: make a list of all the great side effects you are experiencing or have experienced from eating healthy and working out. Use this list to motivate you to continue or get started. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Choices are critical on your journey to better health and a better life. We are faced with making all types of choices every second of the day. When it comes to making health and fitness choices, we encounter them when we decide to workout or not. Or when we decide what to eat or drink throughout the day, and the decisions to omit unhealthy items from our lives. With every choice comes a chance to change our current state of being. We have to take advantage of every chance, while the chances exist. 

Today's challenge: Make better choices, give your health and life a chance, and stay commuted to changes that improve your existence. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Sleep and Weight Loss

I average about 4-5 hours of sleep a day. I hit the gym early in the morning and work from 8am-11pm. Although I have lost nearly 60lbs, I have hit a weight loss wall/plateau. My doctor suspects it is die to my sleep pattern and quality. He explained that if you don't get proper sleep, your body will NOT continue to function properly and you will NOT lose weight! So, I'm havering a sleep study done. It will be a home sleep study, so I have to take the equipment home and perform the test myself. The results should reveal if my sleep is impacting my weight loss. My doctor also performed a metobolic breathing test. In order for me to lose weight I have to consume no more than 1700 calories daily. So, I guess I will get back to journaling and counting calories! We've gotta do what we've gotta do! 

Today's challenge: If you snore, wake up several times a night, or suspect you are not getting proper rest. Tell your doctor! If you are tired during the day, tell your doctor! Sleep is important! 

Monday, January 27, 2014

I Need Motivation!!!

Im struggling today. Did not work out and have mad cravings for sugar! Yes it's that time of the month (TMI)! But this is a real struggle for not only me, but for many women. How do we manage these craving? I have not resorted to sugar yet and have been eating fruit to satisfy that sweet tooth. This will pass and I will be back on track but it's not easy. 

Today's challenge: pray that Kim doesn't give in to this sugar craze!!! Thanks! :-)

Sunday, January 26, 2014

You Are What You Eat!

I am notorious for being a junk food junkie. I love chocolate, chips, candy, and  anything loaded with cheese. I have gotten better over the years with eliminating other junk foods such as soda and candy. I've even cut out chocolate and eat less chips and cheesy stuff. However, there are times when I crave certain things and once I start I have difficulties stopping. I realize that when I endulge, I'm stalling my goals. Sometimes I'm okay with that, but most times I'm not. For those of us without a cutoff switch, it's better to just stay away from those foods that get us going. For those with full control, it's okay to enjoy a treat every once in a while. You can even work the snack into your daily plan so that it doesn't stick to your gut or thighs. Just keep in mind we are what we eat! Fatty foods will lead to a fat body. Lean and clean foods will work to your body's benefit. For example, have you ever seen fat nuts, fish, or fruit? I didn't think so! Keep it clean. 

Today's challenge: Give up a food item that keeps you from reaching your goals! I'm cutting out all cheese. Pray for me. 

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Make Time!

We have all come up with tons of reasons/excuses as to why we cannot make changes to how we live. The most popular excuse is having no time. I know we all have our busy days and it seems as if there is no time to get to the gym or time for a walk outside, but we have got to make the time. We have to take our health more seriously and stop taking it for granted. Once ailments have set in, it is difficult to try and rebound back to good health by implementing exercise and clean eating. Although it is never to late to start, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." Do what it takes to preserve or improve your health; make time!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Don't Depend On Others!!!

Misery loves company for sure. There are others in this world that don't want to see you succeed at what you are trying to accomplish. They doubt themselves so they doubt you. The thing is, when you are your own motivation there is no one person or any one thing that can get in your way! Take that negative energy and use it to fuel your next workout. Show the doubters you have more strength and determination in one finger than they have in their entire body. Never depend on other to help you reach your fitness goals! You have to do what's best for you no matter what and no matter who! You have to show everyone including yourself that you will not be stopped! So.....Don't give up, don't give up, don't give up! 

Today's challenge: Stay on track no matter what! Rein yourself in a little tighter in order take it to the next level. Stay focused. 

Thursday, January 23, 2014

When Plan A Fails...

We have all tried diets or weight loss plans that don't quite get us where we want to be. When our plan does not work, we throw in the towel. If the plan works initially and fails later we give up or grab some chocolate to sooth our souls. We may not succeed on the first, second, or third attempt and that's okay as long as we keep trying! When you miss the mark with Plan A, implement plan B. If Plan B lets you down, pick up plan C. My point is to keep trying out new things until you find what works for YOU, then stick with it! You are worth the effort! 

Today's challenge: Be honest and analyze if your current plan is working for you. If not, ditch that plan and try the next plan.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Stay Strong, Stay Committed!

It is so easy to come up with excuses as to why we can't accomplish things or to just plain give up. When we do this, feelings of failure tend to outweigh any strength or motivation we previously had. We have to stay strong and press through any perceived failures in order to each our goals. There is no one stopping you but you! You can do it!!!

Today's challenge: Commit to press through any negative thoughts you have regarding your fitness journey. Stay focused on your goal. 

Monday, January 20, 2014

I'm Getting Closer!

It's easy to get frustrated when you are not seeing results on the scale. Those numbers should not be the sole measurement of your fitness success. When making this change, our bodies will benefit in several different ways. Better sleep, more energy, better muscles, healthier skin, etc.  No matter what the scale says, every day that you stay true to your plan you will improve. Each day that passes brings you closer. Keep going and never stop! You deserve to live a happy and healthy existence. 

Today's Challenge: Find time to stretch. It is an important part of improving you workouts and protecting your body from injury. 

Sunday, January 19, 2014

You can do it!!!

The last couple of weeks have been a struggle for me. I have been sick, busy with working two jobs, interning, and attending school. Although it is hard to stay motivated day after day, I tell myself that I can get through it and to just keep going. I have to stay focused on my fitness goals and not let life get in the way. I have to use positive self talk to stay on track. I have to recall where I was and compair it to where I am now to motivated. Most importantly, I have to believe I can do it! 

Today's challenge: Eliminate one thing (food or drink) you know is slowing your progress. Eating clean cannot be avoided on this journey. You CAN do this!!!

Believe In Yourself!

I struggle with doubt all the time. I doubt that I will have what it takes to reach my goal because I have failed so many times at it. I would quit before I really got started due to self-doubt. I recently doubted that I will be prepared to complete this 8k in March and almost convinced myself to just start out with a 5k, something I know I can do. However, not attempting to accomplish the 8k would make me feel even worse, so I will continue to run in preparation for the March race. 

 No challenge for today. Just relax and enjoy your family and friends. Count your blessings.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Small setback? Don't give up!

I have been guilty of using a setbacks I've encountered to abandoned the goals I set for myself. The pity pot can get comfortable at times, but if you sit there too long your butt is gonna get stuck! Right now I am struggling with illness and hate that I don't feel good or have the mojo to crank out a good workout in the gym but I'm not throwing in the towel! At some point today, I will go to the gym and get a workout in. It may not be the 5 miles I planned, but it will be a workout none the less. The thing is not to abandoned your plans and goals just because you have a couple of rough day. Get back to the gym and work it on out!

Today's challenge: Press through fitness difficulties to take it to the next level. Hang in there!!!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Out Sick Today!

Today is going to be a struggle for me, as I am sick. I have a headache, running a slight fever, and my throat is killing me. I rarely get sick but when I do it tends to wipe me out. I figure I will see a doctor this morning, rest a bit, and head back to the gym tomorrow. That was simple right? We have to listen to out bodies and make smart health decisions. Not doing do can lead to a worsened condition. However, without a headache and fever, I would be in the gym. Colds and sore throat will not keep me from working out. In fact, many experts say that a moderate workout is okay and can aid in recovering from a cold. So, today's challenge is to listen to your body and do what it is telling you. If it's in need of a more intense workout; then pump it up! If  you need to nurse an injury or pain; that's okay. JUST DONT GET STUCK! As soon as it is safe, get to the gym! 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Time. Make It!

I am guilty of not doing things I want to do because of how much time it will take to complete. I put off school, fitness, and relationships for so long because of the work and time it takes to be successful at them. Well I came to realize that regardless of how long something may take, the time is going to pass and if I don't do something I will be in the same spot I was in 5, 10, 15 years ago. Not this time around! We have to take advantage of every opportunity that presents itself. We have to make time to do the things we know that will lead us to improved health and life. We have to make time work for us and not against us. Make time now or have regrets later. 

Today's challenge: Revisit a past fitness goal you had and take a step in making it happen. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Go To The Gym!!!

Okay, so this morning my alarm went off at 4:30am and I said to myself, I am not going to the gym today! Then my daughter text me and said she was not going to the gym either, which aided in my decision not to go to the gym. Well, I laid there a couple more minutes and the good voice in the back of my head said "go to the gym!" So, I decided I would not miss my Wednesday spin class and rolled out of bed. I think this is a turning point for me. I have crossed the threshold  from beginner to intermediate workout junkie and I like it! Every workout puts you closer to your fitness goals and to better health. I can't stop now, so I'm on my way to the gym. I will rest one day this week; Sunday. Until then I will have to continue to push and motivate myself to do what I know will improve my health. You should do the same! 

Today's challenge: Get started on whatever health and fitness plans you have thought about. Change your workout up or get that gym membership! Just make a positive change that win have a positive impact on your health.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

It's All Worth It!

Today I pushed myself in the gym. I did just a little cardio  and a total body weight lifting workout; I feel great! When I feel like stopping I tell myself the end results will be with it, keep going. I never regret going harder or longer in the gym. I know tomorrow I will be sore and that's okay. I know today I will be tempted by foods that will stall out my goal. At those times, I will think back to all the hard work I put in the gym this morning and say no. It will be worth it. 

Today's Challenge: Take in more fruits and veggies than you normally would. No butter or salt! :-)

Monday, January 13, 2014

You Have To Start To Finish!

I have invited so many people to work out with me and very rarely does anyone take me up on my offer. If they do, they will come once and I never see them again. Most of them complain constantly about their weight or health but won't take the first steps in changing what they don't like. No matter how small the start there is change and value in that start. You don't have to start out running a marathon, but you do have to start! I have not given up on the people that have difficulties getting started because I've been there. Once you start you can't give up or turn back. Press forward and finish what you started. You are not alone and you can meet your goals! 

Today's challenge: Encourage someone to get started on changing their health or take the first step in changing your own! 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Be Your Own Motivation

So, yesterday I wanted to get outdoors and run. So many people advised me against it, as the roads were covered with ice. This is really no time for me to sustain an injury so I ran on the treadmill. Since I wanted to run outside so badly, I was a bit bummed about having to tread it out and lost a bit of my motivation; which made running difficult. It wasn't long before that negative thought of stopping my run after  1 mile entered my head. It was at that point that I had to check myself. All the motivational pics that I post went through my mind and today's pic stuck. If I don't push myself then change will not happen. No one can want better health, fitness, or quality of life more for me than I want for myself. I have to be my own motivation, period. I ended up running 4.04 miles yesterday in my regularly allotted time of one hour. I am trying to work my way up to running 4.97 miles (8k) in 1hour and 15 minutes. I could have probably done that yesterday, however I am going to practice patience and work to prevent injury. I am determined to make it happen and as long as I am determined, it will happen. 

Today's challenge: Practice positive self talk. Tell yourself you can. Let all negative thoughts go. Be your biggest fan; your own motivation.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Trying Something New

I have never ran outside in the winter before and I almost feel as if I am being called to do so. The weather here in Illinois has been extreme, leaving very little opportunity for a new runner (me) to feel comfortable enough to get out there. However, today and tomorrow are supposed to warmer days and I want to try the outdoor running thing. It would be nice if I had someone to run with me, but again I have to be my own motivation in times like this. :-)  If it happens, I'll write about it. If I don't write about it, it didn't happen. Doesn't mean it won't, just means I wasn't ready..... And that's okay.

Today's challenge: Pump it up a little. Go longer and harder in your workout to give your body the shock it needs to continue on the road to meeting your health and fitness goals.

Friday, January 10, 2014

You've gotta take a break!

I am the type that feels guilty when I miss a day in the gym. I can be a bit OCD about working out, once I'm on a role. Although it's great to be committed to making your fitness goals happen, you have to allow time for recovery. Especially if you are just beginning to work out regularly. Your body has to have some down time to restore itself from the stress  of your workouts. There really is no reason to feel bad or guilty. In fact, a rest day should be written into your fitness plan. Use rest days to focus on family, friends, meal planning, oh  :-) Your body will thank you by making your next workout a bit easier to get through. 

Today's challenge: Plan your workout schedule for the next 7 days and include at least 1 day to rest. 

Thursday, January 9, 2014


It's hard to stay on track with eating right and getting to the gym when you're traveling, sick, or just get busy with life. I have been in a situation for the last two days in which healthy choices of food were limited. At any other point in my life I would have endulged in the foods and snacks that presented themselves to me. However, I am determined to meet my goals. I'm probably more determined than I have ever been which recently resulted in me making good food choices and refusing junk. It is truly a lifestyle change. A change in how we view ourselves. A change in the relationship we have with food. A change in our thinking and our attitudes when it comes to our health, fitness, and life. A change that can save our lives or help to improve the quality of life. Yes, change can be frightening, period. However without it, we stay the same. 

Today's challenge: Change something, anything today! Make choices that will help you win! 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

No More Diets!!!!

Its hard to think about losing weight or getting fit without considering a diet to get started with. I have tried every diet out there and they have all failed me. Yes, they may work in the beginning but end the end you end up putting those pounds back on. It makes so much sense to just according to what your goals are. If you are trying to lose then eat clean foods that are low in fat and sugar. You don't have to deprive yourself, you just have to limit the amout of times you consume the foods that will negatively impact your goals. So, you CAN have that piece of cake! Just not 4 pieces! :-)  It won't be easy if you are a sweet junkie like me, but it will be worth it in the end. 

Today's challenge: Eat foods that will help you to reach your goals and say no to foods that won't! 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

You R what you eat, so eat clean!

We truly are what we eat. Foods and drinks that are high in sugar and fat will increase your weight and body fat. Foods low in fat and sugar will allow you body to shred body fat. Think about it, have you ever seen a fish or veggie that had a bunch of fat attached to it? Probably not, therefore consuming it would probably not translate to weight gain. :-) we really have to be mindful of everything we put in our mouths so that we are not negating all the hard work we put in at the gym.

Today's challenge: eat clean without fail! You can do it!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Do the math!

One of the truths essential to dropping the weight is knowing calories in and calories burned. It's a simple, yet difficult concept and task to contend with. Tracking calories, starting a food journal and using a quality heart rate monitor to track calories burned are ways to assist in keeping you on track. Tracking calories sucks but it's just one of those things that has to be done until you begin to just know the value of the foods you eat. Journaling will help you to track what you eat and magically helps you to eat better (psychological thing). Finally, if you do not have a heart rate monitor you must purchase one now! It is a must when tracking calories burned and helps you to monitor the effectiveness of your workouts. There is a science to losing weight. Using the three tools suggested can give you the edge you need to kick science's butt! 

Today's challenge: start tracking your calories in! 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

I Will....

I think I need to change my stance. I am constantly creating a list of what I won't do when I should probably focus more on building a list of the things that I Will Do. This time around I will step beyond what is comfortable for me, as that is how goals tend to be achieved and maintained. I will be consistent and will make no excuses for not following my plan. I will have faith in the fact that I am capable of acheiving the goals I have set for myself and I WILL NOT BE STOPPED!

Today's challenge: Enjoy the body you have today and envision the body you WILL have in the near future.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Self Sabotage

Have you ever been in the middle of a workout and all of a sudden just want to stop and go home? Well I have. We can talk ourselves into doing anything, including quitting. Not completing exactly the workout we planned, is also detrimental to our success. 
Today I am struggling. I'm not feeling well and the voice in the back of my mind is telling me to skip the gym today. I can't. I planned on running a 5k on the treadmill and I just have to do it! I will have to be my own inspiration and get 'er done. I'll let you know when I'm done! 

Friday, January 3, 2014

Everything great takes time.

Patience is a vital element in reaching any goal. We want things to happen now and that is not how it works. We have to learn to be patient with ourselves and understand that we are not perfect, no one is. We will never be perfect and must love ourselves flaws and all. Like I said in yesterday's post, my first commitment is to just not stop no matter what! We will have highs and lows on the journey to better health and life but we have to just keep going!!! Never stop! 

Today's challenge: drink at least 3 liters of water. Let me know how you did! :-)

Thursday, January 2, 2014

2014 Wellness Goals!

I have struggled with my weight for several years. Yoyoing back and forth from size 10-24. In the last 6 months, I have started to view health and fitness in a more reasonable light. I don't have to lose all the weight in 30 days, there are no miracle pills (trust me, I've tried them all), and the gym is truly my friend. :-)
For 2014, I have a few fitness goals that I would like to accomplish. Like most, I start out strong but then life happens and my motivation slips. This year, my first commitment is to NOT STOP NO MATTER WHAT!!! That means, I may have bad days or even bad moments, but I will not allow them to stand in the way of my overall fitness goals. If I stumble, I won't wait until tomorrow to put myself back on track. I will start fresh from that moment.
We can truly be our own worst enemy. We can talk ourselves out of doing what we know is best for us because it is usually the easier route. When we realize that the easy road usually routes us to a dead end, then we can begin to accept, prepare, and conquer any challenges we may face in life.

Fitness challenges for myself in 2014 are:
Running an 8k and 1/2 marathon
Reaching my goal weight, and
Starting a women's outdoor cycling club

What's your story and how do you plan to stay motivated to reach your fitness goals for 2014? What type of motivation do you need? How are you a motivation to others?