Sunday, September 7, 2014

Killed It Today!!!

I had an excellent workout this morning! It started with lats, then I squated and deadlifted with semi-heavy weight back to back. I stopped counting the reps after 50. I just kept doing sets of 5 back and forth for both. Then I got 3 miles in! I think I have a new focus in the gym. It's no longer trying to max out in weight, but to rep heavy weight. I think this change in focus will assist me in many ways. My hip flexors were sore from running but after squating below parralelle yesterday and today, my flexors are loose. I think I will repeat my workout tomorrow evening (but run 4 miles) and take Tuesday off. This weekend I am going to purchase some boxing wraps and start hitting the bag. I'm exciting!!! Stay tuned.

Monday, September 1, 2014

This Fitness Thing Is NOT Easy....,

Since I got my leg cast off nearly a month ago, I have been trying to get back in the swing of things. Some days I feel as though I am doing better than I was before the leg injury and then there are days like today. I have done a couple of 5k's in the last month and today I nearly died while running only 3 miles. What's up with that? I feel like I am never going to get past being able to run more than a 5k. I want to run a 10k and a half-marathon before April. I guess I need to start tracking all that I do to see if there are things that tend to hinder my progress. Then again, I think to myself, "it's only been a month." Well, either way it's deflating. I did make it through the 3 miles and felt much better after it was done. :-) I have not been recording anything in my Lifting Blog as I have not been able to get my old 1RM back. The first 3 times I lifted I got up to deadlifting 265lbs, but I have not been able to get past that. Shoot, yesterday I was not able to get past 245lbs. I think all the cardio is impacting my weight training, but I will just have to keep plugging away until it improves. Gees, I was hoping things would have gotten easier. Hahahahahahahaha!!!!

Friday, August 22, 2014

I'm A Runner!!!!

I know I have not posted in a few days, but I have been getting my run on!  I am so happy to be able to run and I am trying to do it every chance I get. I really want to be able to run a half-marathon in April and since I'm starting now, there is a great chance that I will be able to make that happen. I have also been lifting in the gym (I'll update my progress in my other blog!). Back to running. Since being told I could run outside or on a treadmill, I've been doing both. The treadmill is much easier for me and I can keep a steady pace. It is much more difficult to run outside. I have a hard time keeping my pace the same and there are hills, rocks in the way, and weirdoes on the road. However, the races that I want to participate in are road races, and therefore I have to suck it up and get better at it. I think I'm going to start researching apps or gadgets that help you to keep pace. Something like a metronome. I am currently running and walking 3+ miles most days of the week. I want to get to the point to where I can run a 5k without having to walk at all. I want to achieve this goal by the end of the year. Anyhoo....I just wanted to update everyone on my running progress. Smooches!

Monday, August 18, 2014

I'm Lifting Again!!!!

Today I decided that it was time to test out my deadlift. Initially, I promised myself that I would not lift over 135lbs. My pre-injury max was 290lbs and I got up to 245lbs this morning. Not bad for my first day after 10 weeks. I think with proper training I will exceed my old max in no time. Tomorrow I will just walk on the treadmill with an incline and maybe swim a bit. Wednesday, I will lift again and do spin class. I'm slowly but surely getting my workout groove back. Thank you God!!!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Getting My Running Game Back!

For the last 2 weeks I have been focusing on getting my leg used to jogging again and getting my endurance up from being out for 9 weeks. It's coming along but it is very hard to get back on track. I think I'm going to complete the Couch to 5k, then the 10k, then the Half-Marathon. I want to be able to do a half early next year so I better get to training now. I also think I am going to do most of my running outside and start getting my winter gear in order. Me and my daughter did complete the Blacklight run last night. It was fun! My time was okay, but I hated that most of the race was on gravel. It was hard and pained my leg a bit, but I finished. I will keep doing 5k's until I can run them straight through. Officially or in my training. 

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Pity Pot.....It stinks!

I'm really struggling with motivation right now. I am continuing to get my workouts done, however for the last couple of workouts I have not had that huge "feel good" rush I normally get. My guess is that it's because I started running again since my leg was hurt on May 31st and I've lost so much as far as endurance is concerned. Pre-injury I was up to running 5 miles in a about an hour, now I'm lucky to hit a 5k in less than 45 mins. I suppose I shouldn't be so bummed about it. It has only been 1 week and 1 day since my boot cast came off. I guess I should actually be grateful that I can do what I am doing. I have a 5k coming up next Friday and I am probably going to walk most of it, but I will finish. I will have to get off my pity pot and continue on with the current plan to get this leg stronger so that I can return to powerlifting (my love). So, now that I'm over it.... Motivation. Motivation is something that we have to search within ourselves and find. We can be motivated by others but that will only keep us going for so long. We ourselves have to find the desire to push through hard times to reach our goals as no one can reach those goals for us. I guess when motivation tends to run low, thinking about all the things you have accomplished thus far can help. Also, just thinking of all the things in life that you are grateful for can also pull you out of the pits. Realizing that you have it better than most and that your current state could alway be worse can really snap you into reality. There are always others doing worse and would give anything to trade places with you. So we all need to do a little reality check when we start to feel as though we are not progressing. Acknowledging all the good things we have in life even if it is only having the ability to run a 5k in 45mins, as there are individuals out there that wish they had legs to walk. They are my motivation. I'm grateful.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Amazing Day at Competitions!!!

Even though I was not competing, I went out to Richton Park, Illinois yesterday to support the women who were competing out of Monster Gym. I have to say they are truly amazing. In fact, everyone who competed did a fantastic job and it doesn't mean they walked away with a trophy. There were people of all ages, ethnic backgrounds, sizes, and abilities. It was inspiring. All 3 women that represented Monster Garage Gym broke records. I won't be able to join them until next year because of my leg, but I'm excited. I will be training from this point forward to allow my leg to heal and to get strong for competitions in 2015. I'm not sure if I will ever come close to Crystal's nearly 470lb dead lift.
If you are interested in powerlifting and want to see a group of some of the most amazing people, supporting each other, even thought they are competing, in the same room; find a competition to observe. It will be a phenomenal experience.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Best Workout Day EVER!!!

Okay, so this morning I get to the gym late (around 9:30am or so). I get my bench pressing, bicep curls, and lat workout on and then I do 4.48miles on the treadmill in 1 hour and 2 mins. I left the gym  around noon and made plans to meet my friend Faya at the Forest Preserve to get in a 5k walk. This is huge for me because I HATE being outside, in the heat, with bugs, and the sun beaming down burning my eyes out and making me hot and sweaty.  Anyhoo... We get there and Faya suggests that we do a bike ride. While she is filling out the form for bikes, I'm complaining like a 12 year old about how I don't want to ride out here in the sun, with these bugs, and all this stupid grass...... UGH!!! Well, I got my butt on the bike and started down the trail and LOVED IT!!!!! We ended up riding 6.81 miles before returning the bikes. Now I have to do that more often. I was not expecting to like biking outside, but I do! 
Now that I'm really thinking about it, when it come to fitness, it is best to be a well rounded athlete. I should be able to lift weights, jog, run, bike, hike, swim, and all that. The more activities one introduces into their fitness repertoire the better off they will be. That leaves little room for boredom or plateaus. I have to remind myself to stay the heck out of my comfort zone.....there's nothing exciting there. :-)

Friday, August 1, 2014

My Fitness Gadgets.....

If you know anything about fitness, then you know that monitoring your heart rate, calories in and out, and a ton of other things are super important to meeting your goals. Well, I've always had a Polar heart rate monitor. I recently purchased the bluetooth one that allows a direct sync to my cell. I also have the watch, which I like better. For anyone serious about improving their fitness, investing in a heart rate monitor is a must. Now, there are tons out there so make sure you do your research. What I love about my Polar is that it keeps track of my heart rate, calories, tells me if I'm in my fitness heart rate range or not, logs all my workouts, and is completely user friendly. I literally have a panic attack if I misplace my chest strap or device.
My newest purchase is the FitBit Flex. Let me say I LOVE IT!!! First off, they come in some really cool colors and you can purchase extra bands in any color you like on Amazon for a very low price. The FitBit syncs to many other apps which makes tracking things like calories in/out easy. For example, when track my food in My Fitness Pal it automatically adds that info to my FitBit.  The FitBit mobile and desktop apps are great as well and really seems to motivate me to push to reach my goals. The wristband itself can go about 4 days without having to be charged and the charge takes 5-10 mins. This device monitors your sleep pattern and informs you how many times you tossed and turned or how many times you actually woke up. The unit comes with a small USB chip that stays in your computer and syncs anytime you come within range with the wrist unit. Although I have the wrist unit, FitBit has several devices that track fitness and clip to your shirt, shoe, or hangs around your neck.
The only NEGATIVE things I have to say about the FitBit Flex is that it does not track heart rate, nor does it have a traditional display. It does have a digital display that when tapped twice will show the user LCD lights that indicate how you are progressing in meeting your goals for the day.
I did a lot of research on fitness trackers and for the money, $97 on Amazon it's worth it. In a couple of months I am planing on trying out the Polar Loop Activity band. I think it's a little more expensive than the FitBit Flex, but I love gadgets!

Thursday, July 31, 2014


I was supposed to take a rest day today but just couldn't. I love working out and I love the gym. I have been limited in movement and now that I'm getting the movement back I will have to keep up the momentum.
Today was my first day on the treadmill and I have to say that I missed it. I do like jogging outside and will continue doing so when possible but I will probably utilize the treadmill most. Before my snapped calf, I was up to running 5 miles, but now I can't even run 1 straight. I'm not worried, in time I will get back to that. Running is truly addicting. People either hate it, or love it. I love it.  And not everyone can do it. So those who do are SPECIAL. LOL! The same goes for the gym. People either love going or they don't. People ask me questions all the time about why I go, why I lift, and why I lift HEAVY?'s because I want to be fit, lifting builds muscle, and Real Women Lift Heavy! Weight lifting is also addicting by the way. I think when you have goals and you know there are things that you have to do to achieve them, then you either do it or you don't. I choose to make it happen and I WILL NOT STOP!!!
Anyone that is looking to get healthy, fit, skinny, strong, or whatever......Dig deep and find the passion to love what you have to do to get there. It won't happen overnight, but it will happen.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

I'm Back!!!!

Okay people, I have been in such a slump due to my leg. However, yesterday my ortho doctor gave me the best gift ever!!!!! He cleared me to walk/jog and bike! He told me my physical therapist was crazy and not to listen to him about Achilles or nerve damage. I felt so great I walked/jogged to the gym this morning and plan on going for an evening walk. I'm too excited! 

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Gotta Keep Going!

I have been in a really stinky place this week, after being told that I may have Achilles or nerve damage in the leg I hurt 9 weeks ago. All week I have eaten poorly, but have continued my same workout. Tomorrow (my birthday), I see the orthopedic surgeon and will hopefully find out how my leg will be treated going forward. Today, I'm going to focus on the August challenge and staying positive. That is all.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Forever booted.....

Well, I started physical therapy today and overall it sucked! Lol! The therapist told me he needs to contact my doctor because he thinks I may have Achilles issues or nerve damage. So, we shall see where this goes. I'm going to continue to workout and complete the strengthening exercises I was provided. Looks like I have a couple of race bibs to give away, but I plan on getting this leg better and run a race before the end of the year. 

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Can You Say 145lbs Bench x2????

Best workout ever! I have a new max! Okay so, I have been wanting to bench 135lbs for the longest and now I've passed that up! You guys really don't know how stoked I am about this! Okay, I'm gonna calm down. I am here to tell you that there is NOTHING out of your reach. I never thought I would get to this point because my push and upper body is so weak. Well it's getting stronger every week. Great day, great workout! 

Monday, July 14, 2014

Loving My New Focus!!!

So, today I went to the gym vowing to myself not to bench press and I didn't. I really had to give my left shoulder a break. It was hard because I am so eager to get my bench numbers up that I want to do it daily, but that wouldn't be smart. So today I did a gazillion reps of the overhead press, tricep pull-downs, and bicep curls... AND WITH HEAVY WEIGHT!!!! I don't believe in lifting light weight guys, it's pointless if you are trying to gain strength. I did go to LA Fitness at 5:30am (yes I was late), then I traveled to Monster Garage Gym  at 9am and did some lat work. I also watched Kristen bench a trillion pounds as well. It was a good day but not much to report. Tomorrow is my "rest day" but who knows. We shall see how it goes.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Better Bench Press

Today was a really good day in the gym. I benched 135lbs a number of times and 140lbs 1x. I have found a way to stretch my left shoulder out between sets and my bench is improving. I did both flat and incline and both feel really different with different stick points. I figure that I will work on both stick points over the next week and continue with the 135lbs until I can do reps. I'm just happy my bench is getting better! I also moved up in weight on the tricep pull down, doing 120lbs x 90 then 130x 10. 100 total. My workout partner Gary and I increase each week and my triceps are still humming! I'm trying to rid myself of these flabby arms. I will continue to worm in it.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Gym Buddies... Motivation or Set up?

So as most of you know, I work out more days of the week than not. I mean, I work out 5-6 days weekly, so I am your average gym rat. I have met some really great people in the gym and have become accustomed to seeing their faces on a daily basis. We know each other's first names and some of us have even exchanged phone numbers. Now, these people are both men and women. Even though I am pretty much the only women in the gym at 5am everyday. Anyhoo..... A couple of weeks ago, I was in the gym every morning and a couple of the guys that I see everyday were not. One of the guys (Taurus), who is truly built like a bull was helping improve my bench press. So, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday we would bench press together. The other dude, Adam, is a really nice guy that just knows what to say to keep you motivated. Well, when I didn't see them for that entire week, I became really upset and it impacted my workout. Now don't get me wrong, I still got it in, but it was hard. Well, Adam did show back up last week and told me that he fell off and thought about me daily. He knew he was going to get chewed out when he returned. Taurus moved to Arizona and didn't even say good-bye.  :-(  He's a really great guy and I wish him nothing but the best and I pray our paths cross again because he really did inspire me. There are other guys in the gym too that make my day. Poncho and Armando!!!  Now, I think these guys come EVERYDAY because if I take a rest day, they are all down my throat about why I wasn't in the gym! They will tell me I'm taking to long to start my next set of reps and will also spot me at the drop of a dime. So, even though I love the gym relationships I have been so blessed to have at LA Fitness, I hate that when one of those guys are not there as it impacts my workout. I will be the first to say, "BE YOUR OWN MOTIVATION!!!" But I can't go heavy if they don't show up!  LOL! Can you say selfish?

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

My Bench Press is Improving!!!

Im really happy about my workout this morning! I have been working in my stick point since last weekend and decided to try 135 lbs again and got it!!!! It is getting easier, so I'm going back to working on my stick point again. I will do 135lbs again on Saturday. My goal is 225lbs. I know this will take some time but I can do it. Most women don't bench press heavy. Shoot most don't bench press at all so when it comes to competitions if you're a woman and can bench a lot of weight, you have a chance of taking home a prize. That's my goal! 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Rest & Recovery

No lifting today. My upper body has been under attack for a few weeks now and it needs a break. The bench press is so important yet can be so brutal on you. Since I started benching, I've had shoulder, wrist, and back aches that I only experience with benching. The back aches are from the arch in the back one is to have when pressing the weight. My arch is getting better and the aches are lessening, but this road to getting for is brutal, yet I'm having difficulties staying home from the gym. Haha!!! I truly love working out and all the pains that come with it! 

Monday, July 7, 2014

Benefits of Working Out Early

I have never been able to work out late in the day. There was a point in my life when I would willingly get up early to workout and then force myself to go back later in the day. I found out that doing so may hurt more than help so I when back to working out in the mornings. I'm at the gym at 5am on the dot. If I get there any later, I mentally crash. Plus, the guys in the gym will razz the heck out of me. Lol! In my mind working out in the evening would have more benefits as you would be burning off those cals that you've taken in all day. However, your motivation would have to be pretty high to really get it in after working a job all day long. So, what are the benifits of working out early? 
Research suggests that morning exercise improves sleep, a benefit that could also promote weight loss. One study of overweight women between the ages of 50 to 75 showed that those who engaged in consistent morning exercise (about four hours a week) slept better than those who exercised less. The evening exercisers had more trouble falling asleep - even if they fit in the four hours a week. It is possible that by exercising in the morning -- instead of evening - the exercise affects the body's circadian rhythm (your internal body clock) so you get better-quality sleep. Good sleep helps control the hormonal balance that helps control appetite (WebMD). 
Another benefit is that if you get up and get it in, other things that are bound to happen in your day won't interfere with you getting to the gym. Working out in the morning also sets the tone for your day. Of you workout in the mornings, you are more likely to eat clean and plus, it decreases your appetite. There are probably other physiological reasons working out in the morning are beneficial, but as long as you are getting it in, time of day doesn't matter. :-) 

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Focusing On Upper Body

So, I got a real stern lecture today while at Monster about trying to rush my training that engages my injured leg. So, I'm back to focusing on my upper body, and will stay there until I'm cleared to do the other stuff. It truly is good advice because I don't want to be out longer than planned due to further injury. So, I will give my leg more time and continue bettering my bench. Ugh!!!

Friday, July 4, 2014

Me, Gary, Gym and DEADLIFTS!

Got up and hit the gym early this morning with my main Lifting Dude, Gary. Got in some deadlifts, bench press, lat work, and we killed our triceps. I love when the guys in the gym comment on how strong I am! I took my boot off today, wrapped my calf tight with Ace, and pulled 265lbs. I'm almost back to my pre-injury pull which makes me happy. I also benched 135 again today. Gonna deload this week and work on stuck points. Finally dragging Gary to Monster Garage Gym tomorrow! So I'm excited! I wanna try and walk and run soon.... But I'll hold off until next week. 

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Deadlift Struggles.....ugh!!!

Everyone knows how much I LOVE to deatlift....The other day on my first day back deadlifting, I pulled 240lbs. Not bad for being off a month. Today, I stopped at 185lbs because of this stupid boot!!!! I wanted so bad to max out but that didn't happen. To try and level myself, I stand with my left foot on a 45lbs plate. Since the boot is so big and awkward, I have to  deadlift summo style which is harder. So, I guess I will just lift light until the boot has been laid to rest. I did bench press 135lbs 2x!!!! So I'm happy!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

July Fitness Challenge is ON!!!

Today begins the squat, push-up and plank challenge for July. Words cannot even begin to express how excited I am about this as there are so many people joining me. I thank them! Okay, so this month is the month in which I plan to drop a considerable amount of weight. Nothing too drastic but at least 12-15 lbs. This months progressive challenge will help. My leg is healing well and I anticipate being able to jog lightly in a couple of weeks. Wish me luck! If you have joined the challenge, pat yourself on the back and give it all you've got! If you haven't joined the challenge....if nothing changes, then nothing changes!

Monday, June 30, 2014

The Joys of Weight Training....

Lifting weights has been key in transforming my physical, mental, and spiritual self. Lifting has helped me to know that I can do ANYTHING I choose and put my mind to. It has also taught me patience. I didn't get out of shape over night so I won't reach my goals overnight either, but I get closer to them everyday. For those of you who are either scared of lifting or thinks it will cause you to bulk up, you have to understand that weight training is the key to physical fitness. Women you won't bulk up! That is a myth. Men you will bulk up, but that's usually what you usually want anyways!
 :-)  Do your research and get it started!!! Don't let any more time pass before you pick up some weights!!! Just Do It!!!!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

I Love Working Out!!!

Today was the best day ever!!! I enjoyed being back at the deadlift rack!!! I didn't max out but got 240 up and it felt good. I worked my back something fierce today and I'm sure I will feel it tomorrow! The only thing I am missing is some cardio in my life, but that will come. Getting ready for my July challenge... Are you???

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Tomorrow is THE Day!

Tomorrow I anticipate getting lifting clearance from the surgeon. Well he better give me clearance if he knows what's good for him! Haha! I am so very tired of not lifting that it's really starting to bother me. So, wish me well tomorrow and I will let you all know what he says. 

Monday, June 23, 2014

I Really Miss Running....

This upcoming Saturday will make 4 weeks since I tore my calf muscle and strained my Achilles' tendon. At the gym today one of the guys that I see every morning asks me how long it will be before I can run again, which made me think. It will probably be anothe 4 long weeks before I can get on a treadmill. I probably will not be able to run right away either. I'm hoping I can lose the boot next week and start gaining some muscle in my legs again. Oh well, I suppose I should just focus on the here and now and continue improving my upper body for now.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

You Have to Dig Deep!!!

Getting into the right frame of mind to get fit can be very difficult. Most times we focus on what we have to give up vs. what we have to gain by making lifestyle changes. I still struggle with this at times due to my tendency to eat junk when experiencing high stress and and at other times (you know what I'm talking about). However, even at those times it's okay to satisfy those craving. What you don't want is for there to be more of those times than not. So skills to cope to keep you on track is needed and that's when you have to dig deep. You have to recall where you are and where you want to be, what you have gained and what you hve to lose, and how far you have come. Even if you fail one moment, you don't have to the next. We all have things that motivate us and we have to use those things to keep us on track. You can do this. Not sure what the challenge for next month will be, but no matter what we will all grow and change from it.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Time to Rest

I have had some really bad shoulder pain lately and I am going to take the weekend off from working out. Since I hurt my leg I have only been able to do upper body workouts which I think is taking its toll on my shoulder. I will continue to post daily if my FB app doesn't cause me issues. :-) 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


This morning when I got to the gym, I noticed that my two lifting buddies were not there. Thought they may just be running behind but after stalling my bench press by doing a couple of the machines, I knew they weren't coming. Both have struggled this week with getting in the gym and staying motivated. At first, I was kind of disappointed. Then I thought to myself, they can't be your motivation, you have to be your own. So I began to think about how far I have come and how far I have to go and I got the job done. It was a great and super intense workout! There is absolutely nothing anyone can do to get MY job done. I have to do that myself and I will not be stopped!!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Determination is Key!

I know most if us struggle with staying motivated and focused on our fitness goals. There usually comes a time in which you say I have to do this, and you do. However, how hard you push yourself is an art form. You don't want to push yourself to injury but you don't want to undertrain either. So, a good rule is to do one more. If you have a specific number of reps that you can get through just as your muscles begin to burn, crank out one more. Challenging your body is the key to building strength and muscle. Also, if you can do 12-15 reps then ADD MORE WEIGHT!!!! Light weight is for beginners, the injured, or those who are deloading but normally lift very heavy. 
I plan on writing more about how you know if you're lifting the correct amount if weight. Hang in there! 

Monday, June 16, 2014

No Way Around It!

I would love it if I could gain muscle and endurance, lose weight, and be fit without doing anything but monitoring my diet. However, that is not how this works. Granted what you eat is essential to all those things but so is exercise. Both cardio and weight training. Without weight training you will lose muscle; which you do not want to happen. The benefits to getting that heart rate up with cardio and weight training are endless. You don't have to be a gymoholic, but you do have to be dedicated and persistent to get results. It doesn't take long before you start to feel and see the results. If you do only all cardio or only all weight lifting, you're missing out and cheating yourself, your body, and overall health. Get fit and improve your overall functioning by incorporating eating clean, performing at least 30 mins of cardio and 30 mins weight training, 4 times weekly. Your body will thank you. 

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Emotional Eating.....Ugh!!!

We have all been there! I was there yesterday! Eating foods that I know will slow my progress and keep me from reaching my goals. One advantage that some individuals have over others is their workout regimen. Eating bad foods and working out is bad. Eating bad foods and not working out is deadly. So, yesterday about 5 fun size milky ways, some hot stuff popcorn, and a piece of key lime pie! Omg, that pie was the bomb!!!! Oh yeah and I had some Pringles. I count calories daily and yesterday I went over my daily allowance by like 10 calories. That would have been 410 calories had I not put in an hour worth of weight training and 200 push-ups. The thing is, developing an exercise routine that become habit/lifestyle, can save you on those poor diet/cheat days. You are entitled to those every now and again, but make them few and far in between. Emotional eating can kill your goals and your spirit, so utilize working out to combat those feeling or boredom that tends to plague us all every once in a while. Hang in there! 

Saturday, June 14, 2014

I Will Not Quit!!!

Today was a challenge for me. I didn't go to the gym and ate a little bit of junk. I did get my 200 push-ups in but not being able to run has got me down a bit. I was going through my pics and came across the one used for this post and realized I have to stop focusing on what I can't do and get what I can do done! So, for at least the next 2 weeks I will have to continue focusing on my upper body. My arms are showing improvement and my bench press is building to a respectable weight. Lol! That is all. 

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Don't Talk About It, Make It Happen!

I am one that usually does what I say I'm going to do. That doesn't mean I am immediately successful at it, but I will keep at it until I get it right. I have cheated myself for years with losing weight then gaining it back, not knowing I was doing more harm than good. Plus, it's not an easy task. However, you owe it to yourself and others to strive constantly to take care of your body. Most of us know what we need to do, now we must get out of our own way and make it happen! You have to get started and now is the time. 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

I Got 99 Problems but a BENCH ain't one!

Today was my first day back in the gym and I killed my upper body workout. The push-ups have greatly improved my push, so I will continue those even after the June challenge is up. Today I maxed at 135lbs. That may not seem like a lot but it was to me before my injury and today it was not as hard as it has been. Plus I only had one leg for leverage. When I'm able to use my right leg, I will be able to ad more weight. So, my goal is to be bench pressing 150 or better by the end of the month. I think I can do it! You guys have no idea how great it feels to be back! 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

My Worst Enemy.......Me.

Since I have not been able to lift weights or run I have had so many negative thoughts go through my mind. I actually have to check myself. The leg injury has set me back greatly. I have been out of the gym for 10 days now and I know I have lost some of the gains I worked so hard for. I have cut my calories dramatically to prevent weight gain and that really isn't the answer either. So, I have to dig deep and find some motivation. I think I will get dropped off at Monster Garage Gym after school today. I need to get some wisdom from my lifting buddies. I'll let you know how it goes.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Dry Skin Brushing Benefits

Dry Skin Brushing: 7 Key Benefits

Your skin is a complex system made up of nerves, glands, and cell layers that, when healthy, serves as a buffer that helps protect your body from extreme temperatures and chemicals.

It also produces antibacterial substances to protect you from infection and enables your body to produce vitamin D when exposed to the sun. Your skin even contains densely packed nerve cells that act as messengers to your brain, making your skin a crucial part of your interactions with the world around you.

Another crucial role your skin plays is supporting optimal detoxification. But if your skin is overrun with toxins or dead skin cells, it will not be able to eliminate wastes from your body efficiently.

This is where dry skin brushing can be invaluable, not only in brushing off dead skin cells but also in activating waste removal via your lymph nodes. Beyond this, dry skin brushing offers multiple benefits including:

1. Stimulate Your Lymphatic System

In your body, your lymphatic system is the system responsible for eliminating cellular waste products. Hundreds of miles of lymphatic tubules allow waste to be collected from your tissues and transported to your blood for elimination, a process referred to as lymphatic drainage.

When your lymphatic system is not working properly, waste and toxins can build up and make you sick. Lymphatic congestion is a major factor leading to inflammation and disease. By stimulating your lymphatic system and helping it release toxins, dry skin brushing is a powerful detoxification aid.

2. Exfoliation

Dry skin brushing removes dead dry skin, improving appearance, clearing your clogged pores, and allowing your skin to "breathe."

3. Increase Circulation

When you dry brush your skin, it increases circulation to your skin, which encourages the elimination of metabolic waste.

4. Reduce Cellulite

Dry skin brushing may help to soften hard fat deposits below the skin while distributing fat deposits more evenly. This may help to diminish the appearance of cellulite.

Dry brushing is also said to help reduce cellulite by removing toxins that may break down connective tissue.

"When we'd heard dry skin brushing was an effective method for reducing cellulite, we knew we had to include it in our anti-cellulite road test. Sure enough, it was indeed one of the more successful ways to smooth away less-than-perfect spots on your legs."

5. Stress Relief

The act of dry brushing has been described as meditative (especially if you do it in a quiet space) and may reduce muscle tension, calm your mind, and relieve stress. Many compare it to a light whole-body massage.

6. Improve Digestion and Kidney Function

Dry skin brushing may go even deeper, helping to support your digestion and organ function. According to one skin care and spa expert:

"…many naturopathic doctors use dry brushing to help with bloating because massaging the lymph nodes helps the body shed excess water and toxins. One of the immediate effects of dry brushing is smoother skin, but it can also help improve digestion, kidney function, and more."

7. It's Invigorating

Many people become "addicted" to dry skin brushing (in a good way) because it simply feels so good. Along with glowing and tighter skin, regular dry skin brushers report feeling invigorated after a quick session.

Saturday, June 7, 2014


Setbacks in fitness are bound to happen, but it doesn't mean you have to stop moving towards your fitness goals. Adjustments to your routine may be needed to stay on track and to maintain your gains. It has been one week since I hurt my leg. I have adjusted my routine by doing 125-200 push-ups a day and cut my caloric intake since overall I am less active. Tomorrow I will be setting up my weights and will start lifting. As long as you don't stop, getting pass your hurdle should not be devistating to you overall fitness gains. My running will suffer for sure but I will just work my way back up when I am able to run again. 

Friday, June 6, 2014

I Must Go!!!

It has been very hard for me not to be in the gym this week because of my leg injury. However, if I have to crutch my way to the gym on Monday I will! I am not able to drive but I will not let that stop me. My doctor said I can do any upper body workouts, so I'm gonna take this down time to improve my bench and build my back and lats. This will improve my deadlift when I am able to lift again. So, my mission this weekend is to find a motivated individual to pick me up and go to the gym with me at 5am during the week. I will not be stopped! 

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Fitness Warrior!!!

There are so many people out there doing the June 3500 push-up challenge that told me they couldn't do 1 push up, and most of them are doing hundreds of push-ups a day! Your body will do whatever your mind tells it to do. Once you get over the fear of the challenge you have no option but to succeed! Anything more than what you could do before is success. If you go from doing 1/2 push up to a full push-up; you're a success story. The key is to push yourself! Push yourself knowing that results are on the way. Push yourself to get past fears and doubt about your abilities! Push yourself because it is the only way to reach your goals! Of it were easy, everyone would be doing it. You're doing it because you are a fitness warrior! You've got this! 

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

I'm Inspired!

So many people have joined my June 3500 push-up challenge that it makes me emotional. My sister and cousins who are out of state, my daughter and friends and people that I don't even know have made the choice to get fit! That's amazing! They are all inspirations to me and keep me going. Thank you! 

Monday, June 2, 2014

Fitness Journey Pitfall....

It's day two of the push-up challenge and I'm trying to stay ahead of the game by doing 120 push-ups a day. With my leg being injured, I'm trying to do whatever I can to continue building muscles. I will keep working out all other body parts as much as I can. I despise being home bound and laid up in the bed (turnt down...) lol! I won't be for long. I'm going to make a speedy recovery and get back to full physical activity. 

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Injured, but Not Out!

Okay so most know that I injured my lower leg area in a couple different places yesterday. However, I did not allow it to keep me from meeting my push-up commitment. In fact, since my lower half is out, I will focus on getting my upper body in better shape. I can't allow this to keep me down too long. I really need a workout partner now. Someone to spot me and push my limits. I guess I will have to do that for myself. I will keep you posted on what the surgeon says about my leg tomorrow. Keep motivated and keep going!

Friday, May 30, 2014

Rest and Cheat Day!

Today is a special day. I am taking a rest day and will also eat whatever I want to eat. I won't go overboard but I think I will have some cheese and some chips! It was a great workout month for me and Sunday starts a new month which means a new challenge. I'm excited that so many people are joining in on my 3500 push up challenge. June is going to be the bomb! 

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Challenges = Change

Who would have ever thought I would be able to run 50 miles in 27 days? I never thought it would be possible, but when you challenge your thinking and your body you are sure to succeed. It is important for everyone to remember that your mind will fail before your body does and you CAN achieve ANYTHING you you get your mind to believe. Now, on to the next challenge. I won't stop running but my focus will change slightly. 3500 push-ups in June. Right now, my mind is wondering how I'm gonna get it done , but come Sunday my body WILL make it happen. That is all. 

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

A Better Me!

Okay so I never thought I could accomplish some of the things that I have accomplished; fitness wise. Tomorrow I will have completed running 50 miles for the month of May! I can deadlift 285lbs! I can squat 225 lbs! I can run for 1 hour straight! Every goal I have set this far I have attained it and I'm so happy about it. I am going to continue on this same path competing against myself until I have reached my fitness goals. After I get there I will use everything I have learned and worked through to maintain. I'm just feeling really good about how much I have improved in less than 6 months.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

I ❤️!!!

I can't really say I love running. I mean I like running but I'm not in love with it. I do feel much better about it once I've accomplished the run and today was one of those times. I ran 5 miles for the first time in my life and it took 60 mins. I feel really good about that. I will try and knock out another 3 or 4 tonight to get my May 50 done. I have some great plans for fitness goals in June that will be real challenges for me. I can't wait!
Ttyl, I'm on my way to school in the city. 

Monday, May 26, 2014

Journey Continues, but More Intense

I had a great workout. The gym was empty at 5am this morning, but I was there. May have to run again before I go to work to try and get these 50 miles done. I'm still trying to figure out what exactly my challenge for June is going to be. I will continue running a few time a week but I need to go back to spin class as well. I'm thinking about starting the Stong Lifts 5x5 program to increase my overall strength. My goal is to shed 15-20 lbs in June. I know I have to focus on eating cleaner in order to do so. A lot to consider. One thing I know is I won't stop or make excuses as to why I can't get it done. I will get fit, I will not stop, and I will reach my goals. 

Sunday, May 25, 2014

2 Days of Rest

I was so busy this weekend I forgot to post yesterday and decided to take 2 days off from working out. Tomorrow I will  make sure I have a challenging workout, plus I am going to attempt running for 1hour or better. I'm trying to complete these 50 miles for May which means I will be running daily through May 31st. Pray for me. Lol!